用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many peopleThe girl's father is a doctor .The gir

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:18:02
用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many peopleThe girl's father is a doctor .The gir
xRJAm~Hcւ2[now `]F/3,QXvf{3o2;yhJ}:{ho۫ex~_]./%RdEXJB sHy6P]Q'!|xhJI$J1$A:rf.2mج3 %ԨJV@<0<#v[chmDzKғmc3+XH= LI5c6i (wHka_gzՄK{MY2ylG۟

用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many peopleThe girl's father is a doctor .The gir
用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.
I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.
We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many people
The girl's father is a doctor .The girl is my friend
The car is my uncle's.The window of the car is broken.

用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many peopleThe girl's father is a doctor .The gir
I saw a monkey in the park whose tail is white.
We all know Jackie Chan whose movies are very popular with many people.
The girl is my friend whose father is a doctor .
The car whose window is broken is my uncle's

用whose将下列句子连接起来 We all like the teacher.His class is very interesting.I saw a monkey in the park.The monkey's tail is white.We all know Jackie Chan.His movies are very popular with many peopleThe girl's father is a doctor .The gir 用逗号和(who,which,whose)的其中之一把以下句子连接起来,即非限制性定语从句We spoke to the chairman of the meeting.About 500 people had attended the meeting. 将句子用关联词连起来用关联词将”健儿奋起步伐“和”中华雄姿英发“连接起来 将下列历史事件与其相应的意义用线连接起来,并将事件……将下列历史事件与其相应的意义用线连接起来,并将事件按发生的先后顺序排列起来.1.虎门销烟 A.辛亥革命的序幕,反帝反封建斗争 用连词将两个句子连接起来 The film started.I got to the cinema.(When) 将下列各数按从小到大的顺序排列,用“∠”号连接起来 :2√2,√5.-2/π,0,-1.6 用句子将下列三个地名连起来.枫桥 姑苏 寒山寺没财富了!呜呜! 关于关系代词的一些题目求答~把两个句子用关系代词(who/whom/whose/which/where)连接起来.1.Mr Smith had a heart attack.He was warded.2.The lift broke down yesterday.It has not been repaired yet.3.John bought an expensive wat 用关系代词连接下列句子.1.We are not allowed to do so.Tell me the reason.2.We paid a visit to the house.Shakespeare once lived there. 用导线将这些电路元件连接起来组成电路, 用导线将两个灯泡连接起来,分几种情况 将下列气候类型与相应的分布地区用直线连接起来A温带海洋性气候 1.大陆东岸B温带季风气候 2.大陆西岸C温带大陆性气候 3.大陆内部 科学 问题(连线)将下列地形与其主要形成原因用直线连接起来.A.河口三角洲 ①流水侵蚀B.石笋、石柱 ②河流搬运、堆积C.石灰岩溶洞 ③海浪侵蚀D.海岸边嶙峋怪石 将下列历史大事件按时间先后顺序用一段话连接起来A.抗日战争 B.解放战争 C.长征 D.中共一大 E.重庆谈判 F.北伐战争 G.南昌起义 将下列历史大事件按时间先后顺序用一段话连接起来A.抗日战争 B.解放战争 C.长征 D.中共一大 E.重庆谈判 F.北伐战争 G.南昌起义 感激不尽啊 将下列河流与其注入的海洋连接起来A尼罗河 1大西洋B刚果河 2印度洋C尼日尔河 3地中海D赞比西河 将下列各数按从小到大的顺序排列,并用“<”号连接起来 请高人指点将下列句子按逻辑顺序排起来 ( )When there is a typhoon,what should we do?( )What may happen when there is a typhoon?( )Really,what else?( )A heavy object may fall and hurt people.( )We would like better