
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:59:59
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转帖 新东方的词组
air crash, crew members, at one’s convenience, run out of bread, drop by (my office), have a hard time doing sth., dial the number, home assignment, essay, chapter, give presentation, reputation, injury, vehicle, frame(像框),well-balanced meals, break down, first edition, be supposed to, make it, the reverse is also true., be one’s fault, do the weeding, be booked up, (seats,tickets) available, take your time, a pleasant surprise, run into, grocery shopping, go to the lecture, marvelous, It appears to me…/ sth appears that…., become fascinated with, next flight, destination, behind the schedule, as soon as we know sth. definite, in the meantime, get the date fixed for the job interview, a long waiting list, a senior student, reference room, faculty members, postgraduate, undergraduate, without sb’s written permission, what a mess, no wonder, annoy, automobile exhaust, make an appointment, turn up, It’s all very well to say/saying…, make sth out of, 36 credit hours, M.A degree, write a thesis, selected courses, a big sale, good bargains, hold the line, hang up, coins( I don’t have any more coins and the line will be cut out), traffic light, I’m thinking of , a sore foot, upset, psychology, on the top shelf, occupation, commit the crime, get over(I still can’t get over the show last Saturday evening), turn down my application, I can’t figure out, be in season, teaching assistant, mark the papers, get nowhere with (physics problems), in the long run, maintenance, sense of humor, sales of the company, export orders, hold up, porters, the unions, the sportswear department, be hostile toward, come right out, the last thing in the world I ever want to do, live in harmony with, give me a ring, the sales dropped, correspond to, pay the rent, ask for a loan/ raise, take biology course, semester, history class, be put on reserve, make a total of (120 dollars), offer a 10% discount, qualify sb. for sth., disqualify sb. for sth., scholarship, He deserved it. pose for the camera, without being aware of, well-furnished, drop in, crash into, make a sudden turn, ridiculous, short-handed, refrigerator, oven, get burnt, conference, double/single room, occupied, check with sb., check out, check in, as far as I know, a great guy, be drowned, rescue, counting the days, blame sb. awful, hotel accommodation, a pay rise, set one’s mind on sth. Recreation, boating, skating, be out of coins for the slot machine, café, a statement from the bank, draw some money, account, appeal to sb. sales manager, be laid off, be tired of, so what? A mess,be six and seven/ tidy the room, can’t do without, a back number,issue/ presentation, telephone bill, the computer is down, attend the seminar, open to the public,/traffic/ cancel (call off), a passing score, than I had expected, leaks, ceiling, broken tiles, fax number, contact, pick up(拣,拿,挑选,学会,接人),have the final say, application, press the button, break down, congratulations, relax, resign one’s post, see the headlines, in a hurry, take the subway, go sightseeing, I can’t feel better about it,/you can that again/ I’m very impressed by the …, a jar of jam, as clumsy as ever, negative reviews, a fractured ankle, at a sensible volume, earphones, you should know better than to do, take sth seriously, automatic, focus on the scene(对准景物), move on to the next item, invest in stocks, a wise move, That’s the last thing I’d do, philosophy, a distinguished scholar, reading list, That’s odd, oversleep(overslept), wake-up call, hotel reception, install, the shower pipe, /plumber/for ages, totally different, meet each other halfway, frustrated, do the assignment, get access to, look forward to, don’t think much of sb. remark, we couldn’t have played worse,(can not +比较级), quit, credit card, emergency, brakes, tires, a charity concert, consultant, what difference does it make? Editorials, skip sth, plane crash, be (not) at ease, serious casualties, waiter, waitress, show up, get served, order, at a reasonable price, the latest style, Actually, identity, heater, the weatherman says, did a good/great job, beat, have a temperature, term paper, dish washer, the manual, heart attack, do the dishes, move into, air-conditioner, be dressed up, photo studio, the rescue crew, survivors, the night falls, space shuttle, submit, due, go on a diet, take off weight, lose weight. nothing specific, but I like it overall. The deadline for…, a monthly rent, get one’s passport renewed, you’d better do something about,
You’re looking a little overwhelmed. Exactly. / kidding, your turn comes next Wednesday, searching on the net, press the shutter, journal, out of the way, I wonder how I’m going to pull through, we’re already running in the red, schedule an appointment with a client, budget your money better, dine out, sign up for (the competition), a farewell dinner, is not everything, It’s up to you, couldn’t have done without…, stopped by, sign up for, schedule one’s time; That depends on….;talk sb into doing ;talk sb out of; makes (a lot of) sense; social welfare; thesis; first draft; supervisor; you might as well ….. skip the class; business administration; put on weight; lose weight; calories; not likely.; major in; once in a while; beyond the reach of



求英语六级高频词汇~已经考了两次都没通过. 求大学英语六级最新高频词汇 求星火英语六级高频词汇word版 英语六级高频词汇 大学英语四级好考吗?话说我已经考了两次没过,没信心了都 英语六级考了两次都没过,第一次377,第二次408其中听力124,阅读142翻译57,作文85,求过的同学指点 求2010英语六级高频词汇,不要那种几千个词的大纲词汇.还有几天就考试了,我想找找高频词汇再重点记忆一下. 求英语六级高频词汇【带音标】ysai.l@163.com 急求英语六级高频词汇word及MP3版本 求英语六级高频词汇,新东方的或者王进喜的都可以,其他的也行.ouyue101011@126.com 非常感谢! 英语六级是怎么评分的啊我考了两次了还没过 怎么样才能通过英语四级啊我都大三了,已经考过两次了,都没过,今年12月要接着考,前两次一次不如一次,第一次备考我基本上没复习,第二次我很认真的复习,花了我5个月的时间,结果成绩还不 求英语六级高频词汇表 怎样复习英语六级啊,考了两次都没过四级很容易就过了,六级考了两次都没有过,单词老是记不住,各位大哥大姐是怎么复习的啊 求英语六级高频词汇我想用20天来博的,想背背单词,但太多了.现在想要些常考的词汇,最好不要A-Z这样排列的.求精不求多! 有没最新英语六级高频词汇以及词组,能不能发一份,谢谢!(liuchao052796@126.com) 有没最新英语六级高频词汇以及词组,能不能发一份,谢谢!(zcx_1437@126.com) 六级又没过,怎么办?都考两次了