
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:37:14
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the fast development of China's real estate prompts the scale of the estate mortgage larger and larger,personal estate mortgage has become the main part of commercial bank loan provision,so it makes a much higer demand for risk management on loan.
recent years,China's economy grows fast,the urbanization grows fast as well,people earn more and have more demand on housing conditions,all of which makes China's real estate grows fast.Meanwhile,personal business on estate mortgage loan of commercial bank gros fast too,which is becoming a main area of bank's loan provision.the American subprime crisis breaks the fable that estate mortgage is high quality.it also warns China's real estate market and commercial bank ,which we should learn.So an important problem is to be solved by Chinese commercial bank that the risk estimation on personal mortgage should be strengthened,the alert stratagy of personal estate mortgage risk should be strictly researched.

Rapid development of real estate industry in our country to housing mortgage loan scale unceasingly expands, the individual housing mortgage has become a commercial bank loans, as an important part of...


Rapid development of real estate industry in our country to housing mortgage loan scale unceasingly expands, the individual housing mortgage has become a commercial bank loans, as an important part of the blow to the loan risk management raised very tall requirement.
In recent years, the rapid development of our economy, the acceleration of urbanization, the income level of resident improving and residents to improve living conditions of the desire to promote rapid development of real estate industry in our country. Meanwhile, our country commercial bank individual housing mortgage loan business growth accelerated, corresponding scale of individual housing mortgages loan granted by icbc has become one of the main fields. The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis broke the mortgage is high-quality property of myths, has also given China's real estate market and commercial Banks a good warning that we should be proud of them. Therefore, strengthens to the individual housing mortgage loan risk assessment, seriously study personal housing mortgage loan risk of preventive measures, and personin front of commercial Banks in China as an important issue


第一段:To promote the rapid development of real estate mortgage loans have been expanding, personal housing mortgage loans commercial bank loans have become an integral part of risk management which made...


第一段:To promote the rapid development of real estate mortgage loans have been expanding, personal housing mortgage loans commercial bank loans have become an integral part of risk management which made the loan a very high demand.
第二段:In recent years, China's rapid economic development, accelerating the urbanization process, the improvement of income levels and improve the living conditions of residents eager to promote the rapid development of China's real estate industry. At the same time, China's commercial banks personal housing mortgage loan business to accelerate the growth of the corresponding scale, personal housing mortgage loans bank lending has become one of the main areas. U.S. subprime mortgage crisis is breaking the myth of quality assets, but also to China's real estate market and commercial banks a good warning, and we should learn a lesson. Therefore, the strengthening of personal housing mortgage loan risk assessment, carefully study the risk of personal housing mortgage loans to preventive measures, is placed in front of China's commercial banks an important issue


英语翻译我国房地产业快速发展促使住房抵押贷款规模不断扩大,个人住房抵押贷款已经成为商业银行贷款发放的重要组成部分,由此对贷款的风险管理提出了很高的要求.近年来,我国经济的快 英语翻译房地产业是我国新的发展阶段的一个重要支柱产业.引导和促进房地产业持续稳定的健康发展有利于保持国民经济的平稳较快增长,有利于满足广大群众的基本住房消费需求,有利于实 英语翻译近年来,随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,我国的房地产业得到了飞速的发展。房地产业已经成为国民经济的支柱产业之一,而商品房价格的高低,房屋的居住结构和居住水平 英语翻译这是论文的摘要 感激不尽近年来,随着国民经济快速增长的同时,房地产业也得到了快速的发展.房地产投资就是将资金投入到房地产综合开发、经营、管理和服务等房地产业,以期将 英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻的,那不是人说的话啊 ,这是论文要用的,马上要交的,谁能帮我啊.住房抵押贷款证券化是近几十年来房地产金融领域中最重要的金融创新之一,对我国国民经济的发展 英语翻译浅析我国房地产政策措施对房地产价格的影响宏观调控对房地产价格的影响近几年来中国的房地产业发展突飞猛进,并且带动了其他行业的发展,在解决我国居民住房问题,推动经济发 为什么在2008次贷危机,全球经济不景气的情况下,我国房地产业依然繁荣发展? 住房抵押贷款用英语怎么说? 次级住房抵押贷款的英文翻译是什么? 英语翻译随着我国房地产业的发展,房地产中介服务机构迅速发展起来,重庆市房地产中介机构的数量在近几年也呈现“井喷式”的增长.房地产经纪行业是房地产市场经济链中不可或缺的一环, 英语翻译摘 要:我国房地产业作为一个新兴行业,起步较晚,却迅速成为我国目前发展最快的行业之一,为国民经济的快速增长作出了很大的贡献.而伴随着美国次贷危机引发的全球金融危机对 英语翻译从上世纪90年代以来,我国房地产业发展迅速,已经成为国民经济新的增长点.而可行性研究作为房地产开发建设前期工作中一个重要的技术经济论证阶段,为房地产企业安全顺利实现项 英语翻译摘要:随着人类的文明、社会的进步、科技的发展以及对住房的需求,房屋建设正在如火如荼的建设当中,而以牺牲环境、生态和可持续发展为代价的传统建筑和房地产业已经走到了 为什么说房地产业是我国的支柱产业 我国快速发展变化的原因 英语翻译大力发展房地产业,对于解决旧城改造,改善人民的居住水平,乃至城市的发展,具有十分重要的意义. 促使春秋战国时期生产力快速发展的具体因素有哪些 要促使经济有好又快发展,我国必须坚持什么发展观和哪些基本国策?