wake的过去式过去分词我知道有wake-waked-wakedwake-woke-woken 两者有意义的区别吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:49:59
wake的过去式过去分词我知道有wake-waked-wakedwake-woke-woken 两者有意义的区别吗?
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wake的过去式过去分词我知道有wake-waked-wakedwake-woke-woken 两者有意义的区别吗?
wake-woke-woken 两者有意义的区别吗?

wake的过去式过去分词我知道有wake-waked-wakedwake-woke-woken 两者有意义的区别吗?
过去式 woke 或 waked 过去分词 waked或 woken
wake waken awake awaken 的用法与区别
这四个词的含义和用法区别不大,常有交义,但有些语法家认为,如果后接直接宾语,应当用"awaken",而不用"wake" (书面语),而"awaken"则多用於引申意义.
>> (1) = "醒"
e.g.I wake up at six every morning.
e.g.He woke to find himself in the hospital.
e.g.Peter was too tired to wake at the usual time.
e.g.Has the baby waked (woken) yet?
>> (2) = "叫醒"; "吵醒"; "引起"
e.g.Please wake me at six.
e.g.I'm afraid of waking her.
e.g.The voice waked me out of a sound sleep.
e.g.The incident woke memories of the war years.
>> = "弄醒"; "使意识到"
e.g.A knock on the door awakened me.
e.g.She was awakened by the barking of a dog.
>> ["awaken"常用於"引申意义"]
e.g.It awakened millions to the danger of fascism.
e.g.His stealth awakened my suspicion.
e.g.Their national spirit was awakened.
1.从词形变换来看:wake 和 awake 的过去式和过去分词可以是规则的(waked,waked 和 awaked,awaked),也可以是不规则的(woke,woken 和 awoke,awoken),但在现代英语中通常只用其不规则变换形式.
2.从是否及物来看:从理论上说,这四个动词都可用作及物或不及物动词;但从实际使用上看,wake 和 awake 多用作不及物动词,而 waken,awaken 多用作及物动词.
3.从是否连用副词 up 来看:wake 通常可与 up 连用,waken 可以与 up 连用,而 awake 和 awaken 则一般不与 up 连用.
4.从是否用于比喻义来看:awake 和 awaken 尽管可以用于本义表示“醒来”或“弄醒”,但更多是用于比喻义表示“认识到”、“意识到”等;wake (up) 通常用于本义,也可用于比喻义;但 waken 则主要用于本义,一般不用于比喻义.
5.从词性上看:awake 除用作动词外,还可用作形容词(只用作表语,意为“醒着的”、“意识到”),而其余三个词通常用作动词,不能用作形容词.如:
He is wide awake.他还没有一点睡意.
They aren’t awake to the difficuties.他们没有意识到这些困难.
注:形容词 awake 通常用 wide,fully 等修饰,一般不用 very 修饰.
6.从用词的通俗性来看:在这四个动词中,wake (up) 是最普通也是最不正式的一个词.如果只考虑其正确性而不考虑其普通性,有时一个意思可能有多种表达:
He woke up [awoke,wakened,wakened up,awakened] when I entered.当我进来时他醒了.
The sound woke [wakened] him up./ The sound awoke [awakened] him.这声音把他吵醒了.
They haven’t yet woken up [awoken,awakened] to the seriousness of the situation.他们还没意识到形势的严重性.