
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:07:42
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山东省,简称“鲁”,省会济南,古为齐鲁之地,中国儒家文化发源地.位于华东沿海,黄河下游,京杭大运河中北段.从北至南分别与河北、河南、安徽、江苏四省接壤.地势中部高突,泰山是全境最高点,东部山东半岛伸入黄海,北隔渤海海峡与辽东半岛相对,紧邻韩国和日本,东隔黄海与朝鲜半岛相望,东南临较宽阔的黄海、遥望东海及日本南部列岛.山东省有悠久历史与丰厚文化底蕴,名人辈出.历史名人孔子、孟子、墨子、孙子、孙膑、戚继光、扁鹊、诸葛亮、李清照、辛弃疾、王羲之、颜真卿、刘墉、蒲松龄、张择端等,当代名人季羡林、梁晓声、丁肇中、臧克家、李敖、乔羽、莫言、彭丽媛等均诞生于此.山东是中国的“菜篮子”,“中国温带水果之乡”,中国第二人口大省.山东既有内陆地区的保守和豪情,又兼具半岛海岸地区的开放和豁达.工农业发达,2012年全省全年GDP超5万亿,占中国GDP总量的1/9强,仅次于广东和江苏,是中国第三大经济强省.目前山东省形成了“一群一圈一带”的空间结构城市群体,分别为:山东半岛城市群、济南都市圈和鲁南城市带.全省旅游业发达,全年游客接待量超3.5亿人次,居全国首位.2013年,广东、江苏、山东被评为中国最具综合竞争力省区.此外山东还是第十届中国艺术节、第三届亚洲沙滩运动会,2014年世界杯帆船赛、世界园艺博览会、APEC贸易部长会议,2015年世界休闲体育大会、国际历史科学大会的举办地.Shandong Province,referred to as the "Lu",the provincial capital of Ji'nan,the ancient Qilu land,the birthplace of Chinese Confucian culture.Located in the east coast,the lower reaches of the Yellow River River,Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale North section.From north to South and Hebei,Henan,Anhui,Jiangsu four provinces bordering.Terrain of central high suddenly,Taishan is the highest point of the Shandong Peninsula throughout the East,into the Yellow Sea,north across the Bohai Strait and the Liaodong Peninsula relative,close to South Korea and Japan,east across the Yellow Sea and the Korean Peninsula across the sea,Southeast the Yellow Sea,broad south overlooking the East China Sea and the Japanese archipelago.Shandong province has a long history and rich culture,celebrities come forth in large numbers.Historical celebrities,Confucius Mencius,Mo-tse,grandson,Sun Bin,Qi Jiguang,Bian Que,Zhu Geliang,Li Qingzhao,Xin Qiji,Wang Xizhi,Yan Zhenqing,Liu Yong,Pu Songling,Zhang Zeduan,Ji Xianlin,Liang Xiaosheng,contemporary celebrities Ding Zhaozhong,Zang Kejia,Li Ao,Qiao Yu,Mo Yan,Peng Liyuan were born here.Shandong is Chinese "food basket","China temperate fruit town",the big second population China province.Shandong has both the inland areas of the conservative and pride,but also open and Peninsula coast open-minded.The industry and agriculture is developed,in 2012 the province more than 5 annual GDP trillion,accounting for the total Chinese GDP 1/9,next to Guangdong and Jiangsu,is Chinese third big economic province.At present,Shandong Province,"a group formed a circle around" space structure of the city group,respectively:the city group in Shandong Peninsula,Ji'nan metropolitan area and the city zone.The province's tourism industry developed,the number of visitors over 350000000 people,ranking first in the country.In 2013,Guangdong,Jiangsu,Shandong was named the most comprehensive competitiveness Chinese provinces.Shandong is also the tenth Chinese Arts Festival,the third Asian Beach Games,the 2014 World Cup,the world horticultural exposition,APEC trade ministers meeting,held at the International Congress of the history of science,the 2015 World Leisure Sports meeting.【希望能帮助你】