能这样写这句话吗?改写被动句,第一句是做参照的1.When did the boy break the window? When was the window broken by the boy? 西班牙说何种语言?我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?*我想问的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 23:35:41
能这样写这句话吗?改写被动句,第一句是做参照的1.When did the boy break the window?  When was the window  broken by the boy? 西班牙说何种语言?我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?*我想问的
xnP_* G]dm V*c*+;OdPHAICPp)&q0 {o%*3g|q37߁;%$m隼B5nnOG)u+/ٌzNFۖonsV!ci*6Sdq9#Vp ZlPވIjw +肝mY^km+<ʛrnWB˷1tS;ϗ_e !ק,>DY\1F*0<C%f&Qىެt@Ikq<-p~$?S: X6E6}:j#MHdSSh{Į{icFBo1@ 8HLsElv#=E=Q=ZSɿ`zG!O쟉8./1V%8uB82?U88{iA1

能这样写这句话吗?改写被动句,第一句是做参照的1.When did the boy break the window? When was the window broken by the boy? 西班牙说何种语言?我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?*我想问的
1.When did the boy break the window?
When was the window broken by the boy?
我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?
*我想问的是能这样写吗?What is language spoken in Spain?

能这样写这句话吗?改写被动句,第一句是做参照的1.When did the boy break the window? When was the window broken by the boy? 西班牙说何种语言?我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?*我想问的
What language is spoken in Spain?对.
你那样写不对,what language是一个整体,what来提问language,"什么语言".

spanish is spoken in Spain。
对spanish提问,用What language 整体表示。不能断章取义呀。

你的那种应该写成What is the language that spoken in Spain?才比较好吧。

what language 是一起的,作主语

能这样写这句话吗?改写被动句,第一句是做参照的1.When did the boy break the window? When was the window broken by the boy? 西班牙说何种语言?我看到的正确写法是这样的What language is spoken in Spain?*我想问的 求会英语的同学帮帮忙,就是按第一句的意思改写第二句话,有例子,题目要求是:改写句子,根据第一句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句例子是这样的:第一句:It's three days since it began to 求会英语的同学帮帮忙,就是按第一句的意思改写第二句话,有例子,题目要求是:改写句子,根据第一句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句例子是这样的:第一句:It's three days since it began to 没有被动语态的英文单词How often does it come out?这句话中老师说come out没有被动语态,所以只需这样写.还有那些没有被动语态的词?都是这样写吗?还有有关被动语态的用法. 如何写被动句 把这句someone stole my watch 的英语改写为被动语态 他们把园内凡是能拿走的东西,统统掠走了.把这句话改成被动句. 第五题的第一小题的改写以人句的两个句子怎么写 I wanted to read a book.如何转成被动句?the book was wanted to read by me这样修改对吗?貌似这句子用做被动语态,中文上说不过去,是书想被我读,这句话有被动语态吗,want 是及物动词吗, 这句话是被动语态吗 Water is changed into steam by heat.这句话是被动句吗?Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.像这样子,明明可以是change作谓语.为什么,这里是is作谓语? 英语被动语态改写He gave me a present. 这句改成被动的话,是不是present和I 都可以作主语,也就是有两种改法都对? 这句简单的英语用的是什么时态?请帮忙看一下hasn't anyone repaired this car yet?这句话能算是被动语态下的现在完成时吗?最近各种时态一下学的比较多,有点头晕. We ate great meals cooked by experts .为什么cooked前面没加were,这句话不是被动句吗 《苏武传》中“律知武终不可胁”这句话为什么是被动句?以被动的形式翻译一下~ I found the door of the shop closed.为什么能这样啊,这是什么格式,被动时态不用BE吗 新概念英语2册34课,第一句话.Dan Robinson has been worried all week.这句话是现在完成时的被动语态,是不是错了啊,不应该用被动啊.新概念英语2册34课,第一句话 连词成句第一题和按要求改写句子,