
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 16:46:14
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Betty:When does Sally arrive Beijing?
LingLing:Next week.
Betty:And how long have you known her?
LingLing:For two years.
Betty:But have you ever met her?
LingLing:No,I haven't.But I get on well with her.We like the same things.
Betty:Does she speak Chinese?
LingLing:Yes,a little.She's studied it for a year .She says it's very difficult.
Betty:Yes,it is!It's easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.
LingLing:How long have you lived here?
Betty:Since 2004.
LingLing:And how long have you studied Chinese?
Betty:For a year.What does Sally want to do here?
LingLing:Well,her school orchestra has some concerts,but she has heard about the HOPE Schools and she wants to visit a school in Gansu or Qingdao.
Betty:What's a Hope School?
LingLing:It's a school for poor children.In fact,since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China.
Betty:Really?That sounds interesting.Tell me more

