英语首字母(一个空)I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:23:08
英语首字母(一个空)I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high .

英语首字母(一个空)I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high .
I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high .

英语首字母(一个空)I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high .



英语首字母(一个空)I sat at the desk near the window ,but I couldn't see a____,because the window were too high . 根据首字母提示完成英语句子.I t( ) name is Kitty.I t( ) they are at home. 一道八年级英语填空题I like pork very much,but I don't like beef at a——(首字母填空) 首字母第一个空? If I don't (s ) drinking coffee at night ,I can't go to sleep .(根据首字母填空) what () do you have at Spring Festival?空里填什么?空里首字母是t I am going to play table tennis t() 首字母t,填一个单词 英语填空(所填词的首字母已给出) i am good at (f ) 英语首字母填空,十空 英语首字母填空,十空 根据英语首字母补全对话,每空一词A:Hey,Sally!I did see you.L___ weekend .What did you do ?B:I shouldn't at home. 英语首字母填空(3小空不会) The TV play is d______.I don't like it at all.(按首字母补全单词) 【英语】()a cold morning,I was born.这个空可以填at吗?为什么? 两道英语填空题根据首字母填空:1.( ) Day is on the ( ) of September .【第一空的首字母是:T(教师),第二空的首字母是:t(十)】2.We have winter ( ) in February .【首字母是:h】 Don't laugh at( (me I)选一个 请用英语表达每空一词需要一个晚上至少八小时的睡眠:need ( )( ) at ( ) 8 ( )( )( ).8后面有3个空,最后的那个空的单词的首字母是a 初一英语句子填空三道(快速简单)首字母填空(单词字母个数与空的长度无关)1 My friend is in Row Tow.His n_____ is five.2 David has b_____ at half past six.3 I don’t like dark yellow skirt,I like a l_____ one.