急求西风颂英文赏析是英文赏析 谢谢大大们了

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急求西风颂英文赏析是英文赏析 谢谢大大们了
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急求西风颂英文赏析是英文赏析 谢谢大大们了
是英文赏析 谢谢大大们了

急求西风颂英文赏析是英文赏析 谢谢大大们了
Analysis of Percy Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”
In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence,by explaining that his thoughts and ideas,like the 'winged seeds' are trapped.The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world.
Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life.Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment.Shelley is trying to show that a man’s ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which through destruction,will lead to a rebirth in the imagination,and in the natural world.Shelley begins his poem by addressing the 'Wild West Wind'.He then introduces the theme of death and compares the dead leaves to 'ghosts'.The imagery of 'Pestilence-stricken multitudes' makes the reader aware that Shelley is addressing more than a pile of leaves.His claustrophobic mood is shown when he talks about the 'wintry bed' and 'The winged seeds,where they lie cold and low/ Each like a corpse within its grave,until/ Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow'.In the first line,Shelley used the phrase 'winged seeds' which presents i
The 'closing night' is used also to mean the final night.The 'pumice' shows destruction and creation because when the volcano erupts it destroys.This acts as an introduction and a foreshadow of what is to come later.' also helps the reader prepare for the climax which Shelley intended.It seems that it is only in his death that the 'Wild Spirit' could be lifted 'as a wave,a leaf,a cloud' to blow free in the 'Wild West Wind'.The 'pumice' is probably Shelley's best example of rebirth.As the rising action continues,Shelley talks about the 'Mediterranean' and its 'summer dreams'.Again,he uses soft sounding words to calm the reader into the same dream-like state of the Mediterranean.He then writes like a mourning song 'Of the dying year,to which this closing night/ Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre/ Vaulted with all they congregated might'.Percy sees his ‘dome’ as a volcano and when the 'dome' does 'burst,' it will act as a 'Destroyer and Preserver' and creator.In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas.


Of the many revolutionary poems of Shelley, "Ode to the West Wind" is one of his best. It is not only a political poem but also a very lyrical one, in form or content. According ...


Of the many revolutionary poems of Shelley, "Ode to the West Wind" is one of his best. It is not only a political poem but also a very lyrical one, in form or content. According to the poet, when he met the storm near the River Arno in Florence, Italy, he was deeply moved by this vehement(猛烈的) natural force, which he associated with the revolutionary storms of the human world.
In the first part of this poem, Shelley describes the wind's power and its role as both "destroyer and preserver." As a destroyer, the west wind sweeps away the dead leaves; as the preserver, it plows the seeds deep into the earth to bloom when spring comes.
In the second part, with images of clouds, rain, lightening, etc., the poet delineates(描绘) the power of the west wind to its extreme when it drives the clouds in the sky.
The third part of the poem finds the poet showing the power of the wind in controlling the waves of the sea, from the tranquil Mediterranean to the turbulent Atlantic.
In the fourth part, the poet expresses his keenly felt feelings and awakened thoughts toward the wind.
The final part of the poem tells how the poet asks of the wind to drive away his dead thoughts, spread his lines to all corners of the world and awaken people who are still in a slumber.
In a word, this poem is a passionate calling to the spirit of the personified west wind. The symbolism in this poem is rich and diverse. The wind is the natural force of regeneration; it is regarded as the force that leads to self-sacrifice, even self destruction, in man's personal life; it represents the invincible(不能征服的) political hopes that drive continually over the unawakened earth; and it is also the very passion of idealism, the aspiration and creativity itself. Shelley's craft in minute images like wind, water, sky, wood, etc., is both mythic(神话,虚构的) and biblical (in that it reveals to us the last scenes of the world like that recorded in the Revelation of the Bible). The total effect is "one of transcendental hope and energy, achieved through suffering and despair." As we see, while the first generation of Romantic poets like Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey regarded nature as the embodiment of truth, the younger generation of Shelley, Byron and Keats largely viewed nature as a source of beauty and aesthetic experience. In this poem, Shelley relates nature to art by working out powerful metaphors based on natural images, and expresses his views on the aesthetic quality in poetry.
