
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:03:16
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1,goofy: They were worrying about their goofy kids. 傻,不懂事,顽皮 2,grand: Give me two grands and the car will be yours. 一千大洋 3,groovy: His Mom made some groovy art. 有品位的 4,gross: 恶心 5,guts: 胆量 6,vibes: I have bad vibes about that person. 对别人感觉如何的“感觉”. 7,up: He has been up since married. 高兴.“七喜”的英文是啥来着? 8,veg: He veg out in front of TV all the time. “菜”在那不动 9,好吃叫“yummy".鬼子喜欢听好话,他们要做点啥请你吃你可一定要装一装说”yummy".10, fishy 可疑的. That sounds fishy. 11, drag 没劲的事 It's such a drag to deal with them again and again. 12, roll 走,离开.(今天还听一人说Ready to roll?来着) Are you ready to roll? Let's roll. 13, nuts 疯 Are you nuts? The trafic drives me nuts. 14, freak out 紧张害怕 Don't freak out if cops pull you over. 15, rip off 骗了(钱了) I realized I was ripped off after payed $200 for these shoes. 16, bug 讨厌 Stop bugging me with your plan. I won't do it with you17 shrink =A psychotherapist 心理医生 18 airhead =A silly, rather unintelligent person. His girlfriend is an airhead. 19 a-yo 比较随便的打招呼,近似于"What' up?" "Hey!" 20 buzz 打电话 Give me a buzz when you reach home. 31 bread =money. breadwinner 养家的人 32 booty 屁股 Check out her booty! 33 boob 乳房 34 cheesey 很没品味,很土=cornyThe gift I receieved from Ryan is cheesey. 35 cig cigarette的缩写 You got a cig? 36 crap =nonsenseWhat he said is crap. Don't believe a word of it. 37 f-u-c-ked up 可以表达很多意思,比如“糟透了,笨死了” You are pretty f-u-c-ked up. 38 freaky =weird He's a freaky guy.=He is a freak. 39 flick =movieThat was a good flick. 40 get on (one's) nerves =to annoy You really get on my nerves. 41 goof 笨蛋 goofy=silly 42 hang out (和朋友)出去消遣 43 hooker *女 44 hot 迷人Man, that girl was hot!She is such a hottie! 45 juicy 桃色八卦的 a juicy scandal 46 jerk 粗蠢之人 47 jerk off =to masturbate 48 jackass “公驴”,说人就是“蠢驴”的意思, MTV台就有一档叫JACKASS的节目,专门表演一些无聊又愚蠢的玩意儿逗乐 49 pimp 拉皮条的 50 puke =vomitThere's puke on the floor. 51 pussy =vagina 52 redneck (美国的)乡巴佬 53 sassy =styling. 时髦的Those clothes are sassy! 54 nifty 棒,一流的 Here's a list of all-around nifty things that we've found over the years. 55 screw up =err;mess upThey screwed up that paint job. 56 suck 讨厌,烦人Final exams suck. 57 twisted = displeasing; MESSED UPThat's twisted! twisted mind 奇思异想;怪脑筋 58 meth Methamphetamine的缩写,即“冰毒” 59 tweaker =a person who uses meth 60 MDMA 摇头丸,也叫“Ecstasy”/“XTC” 61 pot =Marijuana;joint 大麻烟 62 crack 强效可卡因63 whiz 小便I just took a whiz. 64 gig =jobI just do these gigs as a cover. 65 dump 甩了某人(比如女朋友) 66 get high 爽一下Do you get high? 67 p-i-s-s off 68 get a crush on somebody 迷上某人 69 thirtyish = thirty something 三十多岁的 70 bent =angryIt's OK. Don't get so bent. 71 booze = alcoholHe promised to bring two bottles of booze to the party. 72 call =predictionThe weatherman made a good call about when the storm would come. 73 chintzy =cheapThat really was a chintzy present you got him. 74 cut out =leaveIt is late. I have to cut out. 75 dope -drugThere are a lot of dope dealers around here. 76 freebie 免费品The pillow was a freebie 77 get it =understandI listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it. 78 grubby = unclean and untidyThose clothes are too grubby to wear to the party. 79 hairy =dangerousThat was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.80 fag 是"faggot"的简写, 对同性恋男子的贬称 81 street smart 知道在城市生活该怎么处置一些事情,应该如何应付各种不同的情况,比如如何保护自己. 82 chill/chill out =relax 放松,休息Glad class is over! I'm ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven't had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all. 83 ditch 做名词用是指地上的沟; 做动词to ditch表示要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一个不想再呆的地方.It's too noisy. Let's ditch this place. 84 hit the spot 感到过瘾,觉得很痛快.比如你肚子饿了,吃得心满意足,就可以说That food really hit the spot. 85 big gun 大人物,对决策有重大影响的人The company's big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report. 86 quarterback 本意是美式足球的四分卫,做动词在可以表示"主持会议,或总管项目"The project leader quarterbacked the meeting. 87 lame 无聊,没意思,或者不合适的Don't give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something! 88 shot 是指什么东西坏了,或者人体的某个部位受伤了I think my engine is shot. This is not good. 89 damage 是指为某样东西或某个交易付的钱, 通常用"bad/not bad"来表示价钱高低The damage for renting the car is pretty bad. 90 choke 糟糕,失败的意思I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, their going to choke. 91 money 保持高水平,非常棒的意思Yao Ming is money. 92 hard headed =stubborn 顽固,固执 93 drained =exhausted 非常累 You are full of energy. But I'm drained, I'm going to sleep. 94 wired 一 精力充沛.After the next cup of coffee, I think I'm going to be pretty wired.

正式英语(Formal English)是受过良好教育的人在正式场合使用的那种英语,它的对立面是俚语(slang)。正式英语使用范围上至政府签发的官方文件、法令、下至一所学校发布的启事和文告等。非正式英语(Informal English)指私人交谈,个人书信来往,日常口语等。目前它主要运用于公共交际如报纸、杂志、广告、电视、通俗书籍等方面。我们也应该指出正式英语和非正式英语是没有明显界限的,它们...


正式英语(Formal English)是受过良好教育的人在正式场合使用的那种英语,它的对立面是俚语(slang)。正式英语使用范围上至政府签发的官方文件、法令、下至一所学校发布的启事和文告等。非正式英语(Informal English)指私人交谈,个人书信来往,日常口语等。目前它主要运用于公共交际如报纸、杂志、广告、电视、通俗书籍等方面。我们也应该指出正式英语和非正式英语是没有明显界限的,它们之间没有绝对的差异性。但这并不否认它们之间的一般性差异。正式英语和非正式英语的差异性主要表现在四个方面:语音、词汇、语法和篇章结构,在这篇文章里主要谈谈词汇、语法上的特点。


dude兄弟 bingo对了! woops wow 表示惊叹

chengguan 城管也是非正式英语单词 zhuangbility 装逼