不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 16:09:09
不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He
xMO0ǿJ,l(MJVI@IP9@|14|-\ˈ~\HRɺNw5dCs*vF#wlN*~鹿4ʱcpsl2拾˽souz{a^vCR3BG uHqi ۚj^|&Q'dk4n EZƖL\UF@fؚnHVoHȢ<."6($Gn|@=>Pc8 'M[B30hQ85:H9oK?NSeuDHRrX@f)

不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He
不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?
( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.
A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.
C.He’s tall and thin.D.He’s a famous doctor.

不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He

不是说What...like?是问的性格、品质,而what...look like问的是长相、外貌吗?那这道题选什么?为什么?( ) 9.What’s your brother like?________.A.He’s fine,thank you.B.He’s doing his homework now.C.He’s tall and thin.D.He 问性格是what is she like还是 what does she like what is your mother like?问的是性格还是长相那么另一个怎么表示,要完整的句子 what is he like?是问他长什么样,还是问性格, what do/does sth look like= what is sth like 可以等于how提问的什么句式是问什么的,外观?性格? what's your father like?是问性格还是外貌特征如上 英语提问长相和性格 同时提问提问长相是what do you look like提问性格是what are you like同时提问长相和性格怎么问?(就是回答既有外貌又有性格) what is he like 和what dose he look like 的区别我记得是一个问某人长相,一个问性格.记混淆了.请大家帮忙分析一下 what is he like到底是她象什么?还是问性格?还是他长得怎么样?再问what was it like WHAT DID THE GIRL ASK THE TEACHER?SHE ASKED HIM _____( )A.WHAT DOES THE MUSEUM LOOK LIKEB.WHAT DID THE MUSEUM LOOK LIKEC.WHAT THE MUSEUM LOOKS LIKED.WHAT THE MUSEUM LOOKED LIKE不是说 WHAT DOES ...LOOK LIKE是问什么什么怎么样的吗? what's he like 和how is he like这两个句子可以换着用么?有什么不同,为什么老是说问性格要用第一个? do what you would like 还是 do what you would like to如题 填空题 don't bother me do what you __ 答案是will 不是would like 想问 do what you want 或者 do what you need do what you would like 是不是后面都要加to 说成 do what you 麻烦再问一下..“What is he like?什么时候问性格?什么时候问长相? how/what.look like/like/is like?的区别!有问内在品质的,有问外在长相的,有问喜欢的,有问性格的,有问怎么样的. 一个人的外貌和性格,怎么问用英语如题,还有be like 不是像的意思吗?怎么又有性格方面的意思? 问人的性格和长相的句子,用于补全对话~look like和be like还有what和how怎样搭配? what's your mother like?的回答内容what's your mother like?的回答可以是哪些?(体貌特征.性格...更多?) what is she like?这是询问一个人的性格,可时怎样翻译是对的?