What you said was quite

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:07:44
What you said was quite
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What you said was quite
What you said was quite

What you said was quite
quite 不是完全,是相当.
不指望获选最佳答案了,都排得那么后了,可是还是提点一下 - -

quite =完全






What you said was quite what you said was _______(true) right. I was hurt by what you said What you said was against you是什么意思.速度. what you said today was not (一致 )with what you said at yesterday's meeting She was ____ ____ (生气) what you said. She said nothing against you.与She said nothing was against you.这两个句子哪个是对的?还有,翻译句子:What you said was against you. It was quite different that you did from what you said 这样表达是否好? It was what you did not what you said that _____me mostA upset B upsetting C upsetted D upset What was said by you at the meeting?(改为主动语态) he said he was sorry for what he didso you need not get angry with him I understand what you said was it ___he said ___disappointed you?A whatwas it ___he said ___disappointed you?A what whichB what thatC that whatD that that Father was angry ( ) what I said yesterday 英语翻译紧急麻烦各位帮个忙...what I said just now was just what you wanted to say. my mama said:life was like a box full of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get.帮忙翻译my mama said:life was like a box full of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get. my mama said:life was like a box full of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get.帮忙翻译my mama said:life was like a box full of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get. 英语翻译what Jusus said:I was hungry ,I was naked ,I was homeless,I was unwanted ,unloved and uncared for and you did it to me