各种“钱” 怎么用英语表达吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 00:26:18
各种“钱” 怎么用英语表达吗?
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各种“钱” 怎么用英语表达吗?
各种“钱” 怎么用英语表达吗?

各种“钱” 怎么用英语表达吗?
1.cash 现金,现款
  Of the two events,the cash loss-at this moment-weighed more heavily on him.(在这两起事件中,此时使他心情更沉重的莫过于丢现金这一起了.)
  2.fund 资金,现款
  The President also agreed to support congressional move to grant funds to help middle-and- lower income people pay their higher energy bills.(总统也同意国会的动议,资助收入一般和较低者,帮助他们支付日益增长的能源费.)
  3.bill 钞票,纸币
  The newest breed of inhabitants used the Cape Cod heritage not as a symbol of a proud and traditional past but as the symbol of a dollar bill.(新进来的这批居民并不把科得角的遗产看作过去骄傲和传统的象征,而是看作钱的象征.)
  4.note 纸币
  He motioned to the notes stacked on the table.(他用手指指堆在桌上的钞票.)
  5.banknote 钞票
6.change 零钱
  Just keep the change.(不用找钱了.)
  7.coin 硬币
  His ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage and ringing on the floor.(一枚金币忽然飞了进来,当啷一声落在车厢的地上,把他的安闲给搅扰了.)
  8.dough 钱,现钞
  The items in the report on her visits to the shop had cost him some dough.(报告中有关她曾多次去商店这一项就花掉他不少钱.)