介词搭配问题1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.A.on B.by C.with D.for2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.A.on B.at C.against D.off3.零

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:49:35
介词搭配问题1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.A.on     B.by      C.with      D.for2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.A.on    B.at       C.against    D.off3.零
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介词搭配问题1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.A.on B.by C.with D.for2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.A.on B.at C.against D.off3.零
1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.
A.on B.by C.with D.for
2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.
A.on B.at C.against D.off

介词搭配问题1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.A.on B.by C.with D.for2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.A.on B.at C.against D.off3.零
1.B reduce by 是减少多少成
2.C 这里指用桌子抵住门.



介词搭配问题1.In China,the price of TV sets has been reduced ______30% in the last three years.A.on B.by C.with D.for2.He entered the room,closed the door and put a table _______the door.A.on B.at C.against D.off3.零 market 和介词on in at的搭配问题on the marketin the marketat the market三者的区别 day 介词 搭配请问和day搭配的介词都是什么?on the day/in the day/on a day/in a day这些搭配正确吗?谢谢! 时间介词搭配问题The band broke up about 1970.这句在1970年解散 不是应该用in么 一个英语选择关于介词搭配We will see an even stronger China in_____future不填还是填the? in the restaurant at the factory 等地点与介词搭配 用适当的介词填空.The school in the U.S.A is diffferent___that in China. 介词搭配的问题send搭配?buy搭配?cook搭配?write搭配?give搭配?是初一上学期的 The weather in Australia is( )to that in China填写介词 The land in the southwest of China is in a great need of water有固定搭配吗 I read about it in the china daily这句话:其中the china daily是做为介词的宾语 那介词是什么啊是I么 China is going to the Olympic Games in Beijing____the year of 2008.(填介词) hit与介词搭配用法为什么是hit sb on the headhit sb in the eye?如何区分 关于lie的英语问题1.lie on就是表示接壤、相邻的.那The south of France lies on the coast.难道翻译成法国南部与海滨接壤?2.此外,语法上来说,lie on / to / in 应该看作 固定搭配 还是 lie加方位介词构成的 China is-------- the map填介词 American is --------the north of China?介词 1.Yinchuan is in the ( ) of China. 2.Haikou is in the ( ) of China .3.Hetian is in the ( ) of China.4.Shanghai is in the ( ) of China. The customs in China