雅思作文,求好心人改改语法,给个分.Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?AQantas recently has established a new

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:49:09
雅思作文,求好心人改改语法,给个分.Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?AQantas recently has established a new
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雅思作文,求好心人改改语法,给个分.Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?AQantas recently has established a new
Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Qantas recently has established a new airline between Sydney and Shanghai.In this age,more people can enjoy long distance travel conveniently as a result of the development of air travelling service.Despite this,some regards air travel is only beneficial for those financially advantaged but not the disadvantaged.Personally,I think air travel have brought enormous benefits to both the rich and the poor.
It is undeniable that the cost of air travel is still considerable,and sometime the price of an air ticket for the poor can probably mean all their wages for couple of months.Therefore,compared to the rich,it is reasonably not that simple for the people who just maintain an average level of income to afford the expense of air travel.The reason why people argue that air travel only benefits the financially advantaged is understandable.
In spite of the fact that air travel is relatively expensive,let not forget other benefits it has brought to public,both the rich and the poor.As the advancement of air travel,people have more chances to visit and work in global scope.For those who are not very wealthy but with intellectual skills,foreign labour market can be another career choice.For example,there are more foreign English language tutors in non-English speaking countries and those ESL tutors get better remunerations and that exactly expand their employment opportunities.In addition,because of the progress that air travel has made,the industry of tourism has developed very well in recent years.In other words,there are more job positions have been created to support the development in the industry and people have more career stages to show their talents.Moreover,the air travel industry itself has higher demand of labour force than before as well.More professional flight attendants have been recruited from Air China Airline Company is an optimistic example of that.Subsequently,the growth of global economy has been enhanced.
In conclusion,the development of air travel is a bless.I agree to the view that the cost of air travel is significant,however,the other valuable advantages it has brought to people should not be denied or understated.I believe,with enough caution and awareness,we can all better enjoy air travel and the related further boost of economic growth.

雅思作文,求好心人改改语法,给个分.Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?AQantas recently has established a new
some (people,你暗喻了,所以后面请不要用plural)regards (regard,要singular) air travel is only beneficial for those financially advantaged but not the disadvantaged.
still considerable,==>
is still considerably expensive
still considerable to some (对部分人来说)
(implication 有些含糊) 所以我会建议把imply的意义写出来.
用了considerable to some,后面就不要用 sometime (sometime 请用 sometimes 因为你指的不是特定时段,是很多不同的时段,请用plural)
两个some字有点怪,找个同义的用吧(ie.at times)
all their wages for couple of months
I would say all their income (用收入来表示好过写成工资吧,毕竟工资并不代表收入)
for a couple of months (要加上"a" couple of months,就用couple of months是比较口语的,用来写作是不太好)我说话会用couple of (whatever) 但写作要用 a couple of xxx
Therefore,compared to the rich,it is reasonably not that simple for the people who just maintain an average level of income to afford the expense of air travel.这句子错grammar.
reasonably (adverb,是用来形容verb的) 去附加上 not that simple (noun)
你前面用reasonably 后面加上单字的verb .不然文法会错.
例如:reasonably difficult,reasonably hard (for people)
for people who (okay,别加the)
for those who (okay)
let not forget other benefits it has brought to public
it brought to public (别加has)
public 可用 the public / public 都可,用(the public指更大,指人类,而public 指的但是公众,比较"小“)
As the advancement of air transportation
visit and work in global scope (这字指的是很大,指的是范围,这里用些简单的就好,别搞到听起来怪怪的)visit and work in other areas (other parts of the world)
For those who are not very wealthy but with intellectual skills (智力技能?不通)
用with valuable skills,or with valuable technical skills (珍贵的技术技能/学识)
or technically knowledgeable or well-trained in certain specialized field
foreign labour market can be another career choice.(职业选择?不通)
foreign labour markets (要s,不然你要用the foreign labour market,单一的) could,very likely,offer many other job opportunities.(提供很多其他的工作机会)
For example,there are more foreign English language tutors in non-English speaking countries and those ESL tutors get better remunerations and that exactly expand their employment opportunities.
For example,there are more English language tutors in non-English speaking countries; those ESL tutors get better remunerations and that expand their employment opportunities.
foreign 和 english language tutors 不是文法问题,只是听起来很clumsy,好像有重覆的意思.
exactly 不知道你在emphasize 什麽,没意义的字,如果你真的要emphasize,倒不如说 and that as well expand their xxxx
In addition,because of the improvements (progress指进度,这里不适用,用字问题,倒不如写进步) that air travel industries (请用航空事业,并不是单一的航空)made,the tourism industry has developed very well in recent years
因航空事业的进步,XXXXX (这样比较通顺)
In other words,there are more job positions have been created to support the development in the industry and people have more career stages to show their talents.
more jobs are created to support the development of the industry,and this as well set stage for many to apply their talents and further develop their skills.(很难改,重写了)
还有别搞太多past / past participle 出来 (have been/ has been / have had blah blah blah etc.)
用平平整整的写,这样对考试来说比较保险.反正在说一些facts 出来,并没有过去现在之分.
optimistic example (乐观的例子?)文法没错,但不通顺
用positive example 吧…… (正面的例子)
we can all better enjoy air travel and together further boost economic growth.
整编文法错误也不算厉害.但简单的例如single plural 跟 tense 就别搞错太多.加上内容到后来并不是十分对题,感觉有点像在拼字数交功课……,并没有真正说明制作飞机技术的进步,对空中交通只能对有钱人有好处多做作辩解.感觉在旁边打游击,写不到重点.

雅思本身是为了检验你的在国外的生存能力,表现出你能象一个成熟的英国同龄人思考是十分重要的。 像developed very well 之类的就不应该出现了。总的来说,还是不错的。给7.5分。


雅思作文,求好心人改改语法,给个分.Q Some people says air travel only benefits rich people.Most average people take no advantages from development of airplane.To what extent do you agree or disagree?AQantas recently has established a new 雅思task1作文求评价,剑9Test2求给个分数,分析下有没有语法和结构问题.指出一个问题追加2分 求求一个懂雅思老师帮我改一改雅思作文 改改语法等等 最好给我提点建议和给个分数哈In this essay, i will attempt to find out the main causes of these problems and provide some useful measures which may control them. 帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.今年4月12号就要考雅思了,第二次考,自己要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Some people thi 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 求个懂雅思的老师帮我看看我的大作文 改改我的语法等等 最好给个分数哈 谢谢A much debate issue these days is which one take charge to teach children as a good member of society, parents or school? In this essay,i will ar 雅思大作文语法评分我想问下如果一篇雅思大作文,语法没有错误,但是语法结构不复杂,并列句,和少许从句构成.那么语法这一项能给多少分呢 求好心人给写一个英语作文 各位再帮忙改改雅思大作文,给个分,Air transport is being increasingly used in exporting fruits and vegetables to countries wherein these types of produce are unavailable or not in season.Some say that this is a good thing while others fe 雅思作文准备考6.用十天突破雅思作文好还是雅思8分万能作文好,给个意见吧 雅思7分,求雅思7分作文?谁知道啊? 雅思7分,求雅思7分作文? 好心人给个PS 求雅思8分万能作文PDF 求雅思8分万能作文PDF 雅思task2作文求评价求指出有什么问题,给个评分 求雅思英语作文机改系统!给个链接,牛人们! 雅思task2作文求评价有什么不足?给个分数?