
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:01:38
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English Summary/英文概要: WHEN RAIN CLOUDS GATHER: In the heart of rural Botswana, the poverty-stricken village of Golema Mmidi is a haven to exiles. A South African political refugee and an Englishman join forces to revolutionise the villager’s traditional farming methods, but their task is fraught with hazards as the pressures of tradition, opposition from the local chief, and the unrelenting climate threaten to divide and devastate the fragile community.
  MARU: The moving tale of an orphaned Masarwa girl who goes to teach in a remote village in Botswana where her own people are kept as slaves. Her presence polarises a community which does not see Masarwa people as human, and condemns her to the lonely life of an outcast. In the love story and intrigue that follows, Bessie Head brilliantly combines a portrait of loneliness with a rich affirmation of the mystery and spirituality of life.
  Published together for the first time, these two novels are true classics of African literature. Bessie Head has previously been translated into many languages, including French, German, Spanish and Japanese.
  Chinese Summary/中文概要: When Rain Clouds Gather
  偏远的波扎那贫困小村Golemi Mmidi,却是南非难民栖身的天堂.
  一位南非难民和英国人齐心协力想要改造村民的传统务农方法,但他们的任务却备受重重阻碍, 包括部落领袖的反对和恶劣的气候, 这都将威胁小村村民的存活.
  一位 Masarwa 族的年轻女老师受聘到波扎那一个偏远小村教书. 但在那个小村, 她的族人却被当作奴隶看待. 她的到来让小村开始陷入分化,到最后小村村民还是决定孤立她, 让她过著封闭寂寞的生活. 但此时爱情却悄悄地来敲门……(Jennifer)
  Awards//获奖情况: ★ 非洲经典文学作家Bessie Head
  ★ 已翻译成法文、德文、西班牙文和日文多国语言
  Bessie Head 文化遗产网站:
  About the Author/作者介绍: Born in South Africa, Bessie Head spent most of her life in exile in Botswana. The child of an illegal union between a Scottish woman and a black man, she was taken from her mother at birth and raised in a foster home until the age of thirteen. Her writing has a powerful autobiographical streak, and draws inspiration from her turbulent beginnings. The issues she deals with – race, discrimination, refugee status, African history, poverty, and the struggles and hardships of life in postcolonial Africa – are still painfully apposite today. She died in 1986 at the age of just forty-nine.
  Bessie Head出生於南非, 母亲是来自富裕家庭的白人, 父亲则是黑人. 当时在南非种族隔离政策下,法律禁止白人和黑人相恋并生育小孩.因此,Bessie Head一出世便马上被人从母亲的怀里夺走,寄养在孤儿院.
  Bessie Head大半人生都在南非邻国波扎那流亡,而后殖民地政权不稳定下的非洲生活极为贫困. Bessie Head的作品皆取材自她的亲身经历.
  Bessie Head於1986 年过世, 得年 49 岁.
  如今, Bessie Head 的作品已被世人视为非洲经典文学. 波扎那人更视她为国宝级作家.波扎那文化局立案 Bessie Head 文化遗产基金, 每年颁发 Bessie Head 奖给杰出的年轻作家.