If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do A.will not riseB.doesn't riseC.didn't riseD.wouldn't rise为什么?请详细说明每个选项.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:37:37
If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do A.will not riseB.doesn't riseC.didn't riseD.wouldn't rise为什么?请详细说明每个选项.
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If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do A.will not riseB.doesn't riseC.didn't riseD.wouldn't rise为什么?请详细说明每个选项.
If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do
A.will not rise
B.doesn't rise
C.didn't rise
D.wouldn't rise

If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do A.will not riseB.doesn't riseC.didn't riseD.wouldn't rise为什么?请详细说明每个选项.
1,过去:(从句)If+过去完成时,(主句)would(或一些情态动词)+have done
3.将来(从句有三种结构):(从句)If+一般过去时/should do/were to do,

因为后面是 what would we do
would 是过去式,所以要用didn't

这是虚拟语气 啊 表示与将来时间相反 所以用它的过去式 还可以用 were not to 或者 should 呵呵


The sun__(heat)the earth If the sun__ tomorrow ,what would we do A.will not riseB.doesn't riseC.didn't riseD.wouldn't rise为什么?请详细说明每个选项. today tomorrow ,the day after tomorro The sun__(shine)and__(shine),and it's very hot. you will have got home by the time the sun__(set) 并列句和复合句1.Excuse me.Could you tell me____later on?Aif the next train arrives B.if the next train will arrive C.when the next train arrive D.when will the next train arrive2.James with the Greens____the White Tower Park if it ____ tomorro 用括号里适当形式填空 The sun__(rise) in the morning.Look,it___(rise) behind the mountain.2.____(there be) any milk bottles on the table. 英语翻译No life is destined to be dark If you fire it with spark of devotionSuccess will not be the star hanging on the sky Beautiful dream is not so difficult to trueEven though the road is long and mountain is high We must forge aheadAs tomorro it was exciting to see the sun__(rise) slowly at the top of the mountain填rise不对,请说出原因. 新概念英语第二册5道词成句的题目,1、nce I at shomething that wrong knew was2、fine it shopping will is tomorro go if we3、there furing the is top mountains of snow winter the at4、please speak pay when to grammar attention you5、ca Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorro这句话啥意思 tomorro morning的中文是什么 救我,英语学渣伤不起,she will (sweeps) the fioor again in tomorrowhe(finish) work late yesterdayhe will (made ) an appointment again tomorro 就三道而已十万火急Color the sun__?___.请你给这只小狗起个名字.要翻译Please___ ___ ___dog.We have sweaters in all color?同义句转换We have sweaters in ____ colors. do not go to work tomorro 英语翻译一小碗羊肉_______________两大碗饺子_______________一中杯橘子汁_______________Tom想要去购物Tom______ ________ _______ ________shopping.他们明天想要去看电影The'd ______ _____ _______ _______ the movies tomorro 会那个说那个!同义句转换.1.l need not wear my jacket today .l ___ ____my jacket today .2.the sun rises earlier this morning.the sun__ _ earlier this morning.3.we won't see any flowers until may.we won't see any flowers ___may介词填 If YOU Are The