所有跟away组成词的并翻译(例:put away 收好)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:51:40
所有跟away组成词的并翻译(例:put away 收好)
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所有跟away组成词的并翻译(例:put away 收好)
所有跟away组成词的并翻译(例:put away 收好)

所有跟away组成词的并翻译(例:put away 收好)
用作副词 (adv.)He lives 3 milesawayfrom here.
他住在距离这里三英里的地方.I hope to getawayearly in the morning.
我希望一早就动身离开.He lives in retirement,awayfrom everyone.
他远离大家隐居着.I tried to keep the childawayfrom the pool.
我设法使孩子远离水池.Farawayin the distance, a train whistled.
远处有一列火车鸣笛.We stand on the top of the dam, casting our eyes faraway.
我们站在大坝的顶上往远处看.The baby is sleepingawayquietly.
那婴儿一直安静地睡着.I found him workingawayin his office.
我发现他一直不停地在办公室里工作.She lookedawayas peach flooded her cheeks.
她双颊泛出红晕,视线转向别处.The radiance of the sunset diedaway.
夕阳的余辉渐渐地消失了.The sound faintedawayin the distance.
声音在远处渐渐消失了.查看更多用作形容词 (adj.)The neighbors areaway.
邻居不在家.The city is milesaway.
这个城市在几英里之外.The count is three and two with twoawayin the
现在是第七局,两好球三坏球,两人出局.They lost all theirawaymatches.


用作副词 (adv.)用作定语We lost two games in theawaygame.
走开!Some birds flewaway.
鸟儿飞走了.Brooks got angry andawayhe went.
布鲁克斯生了气,转身就走了.People began to moveaway.
人们开始离去了.He jumped off the police van and ranaway.
他跳下警车跑掉了.He rodeawayat full speed.
他骑马飞驰而去.They filedawayfor the north.
他们排成一列纵队往北走.He swamawayfrom the ship.
他从船边游了开去.If the chicken is properly cooked, the meat will comeawayfrom the bones very easily.
如果鸡煮得好,肉便很容易从骨头上撕下来.He hurriedawayin the opposite direction.
他朝相反方向匆匆走去.He sneakedawayinto the crowd coming out of the stadium.
他悄悄地混入从体育场里出来的人群中溜走了.I pulled the rotten wood and it cameawaywithout
我拉那朽木,没费什么劲就把它拉下来了.Cage has runawaywith her music teacher.
凯奇和她的音乐教师私奔了.He stayed a long time but wentawayat last.
他呆了很长时间,但最后还是走了.They wentawayshopping.
他们外出购物了.She rushedawayto see the procession.
她冲出去看游行队伍.I just live a few doorsaway.
我就住在附近.Keepawayfrom the transformer.
不要靠近那个变压器.He always keeps some distanceawayfrom her.
他总是跟她保持一定距离.She was ill and stayedawayfrom school for a few days.
她病了,有几天没上学.The teacher told John to stayawayfrom the members of
the youth gangs.
老师告诉约翰不要和那些少年团伙的人接近.The football team is playingawaythis weekend.
本周末足球队将外出比赛.The sounds of their footsteps diedaway.
他们的脚步声慢慢地消失了.The noise gradually fadedaway.
嘈杂的声音逐渐消失.The water has boiledaway.
水烧干了.When the spring came, the snow began to meltaway.
春天到来时,积雪开始融化.He passedawayat eighty.
他80岁时去世了.The morning slippedawayquickly.
上午很快就过去了.His illness will soon passaway.
他的病很快就会好的.The rubber soles have almost wornaway.
橡胶鞋底已经快磨光了.I tried to remove the grease spots from the wall but they wouldn't washaway.
我设法洗去墙上的油渍,但洗不掉.He madeawaywith himself.
他自杀了.She workedawayat her job.
她继续不断地干她的工作.He sawedawayat the thick branch till at last it was cut
他不停地锯那根粗壮的树枝,终于把它锯断了.Mr. Smith workedawayin his garden.
史密斯先生一直在他的花园里干活.They workedawayuntil dark.
他们一直干到天黑.She was laughingawayall morning.
整个上午她笑个不停.He was grumblingawayall afternoon.
他整个下午都在无休止地抱怨着.The old man dugawayin his garden.
老人一个劲地在花园里挖土.He is still hammeringaway.It is driving me mad.
他还在不断地敲打,都快把我气坏了.They talkedawayin the park until it was quite dark.
他们在公园里谈个没完,直到天黑.He has been workingawaywithout a rest ever since
他从早饭之后就一直干个不停.The soldiers firedawayuntil they had no ammunition
士兵们继续射击,直到弹药耗尽.She took no notice of the soup in the pot and let it boilaway.
她没理睬锅里的汤,让它一个劲地煮.The river was eatingawayat the banks.
河水在不断地侵蚀两岸.查看更多用作表语He is stillaway.
他仍不在.My brother wasaway.He wouldn't be home from his new job
for an hour.
我弟弟不在家,他刚找到新工作,还得过一小时才下班.The boy hasn't beenawayfrom home before.
这男孩子以前还没离开过家.The editor-in-chief isawayfrom the town.
主编不在本市.She isawayin the countryside.
她下乡去了.My wife isawayon business.
我妻子出差在外.She had beenawayon a long trip.
她曾到过很远的地方旅行.How long will he beaway?
他要离开多久?The manager isawayfor a few weeks.
经理将有几个星期不在.We must try to beawayby 7 o'clock.
我们必须争取在7点前动身.I told her that I was going to beawaya long time.
我告诉她我要离开很长一段时间.Soon, he wasawayin his new 16-meter boat,Gipsy Moth.
不久,他就驾着那艘16米长的新船——吉卜赛·莫思号出海了.I must beaway.
我必须走了.I would have come to see you if I hadn't beenawayvisiting the exhibition.
假如我没去参观展览会,我早就来看你了.Selection Day is only 10 daysaway.
离选举日只有10天了.He said that the sun is 92 million milesaway.
他说太阳远离9200万英里.The bridge is three milesaway.
桥在三英里远处.The station is about 11 milesawayfrom here.
车站离这儿大约有11英里.The park is one kilometerawayfrom here.
公园离这里一公里.The post office is five minutes' walkaway.
去邮局要走五分钟.We discovered too that the conference will start at 5:00 p.m. Washington
time or five hoursaway.
我们还发现,会议将于华盛顿时间下午5点开始,即五小时以后.查看更多用作宾语补足语Don't turn meaway.I've got something to say to you.
别撵我走,我有话跟你说.The police drove the crowdaway.
警察把人群驱散了.They ordered the guardaway.
他们命令警卫离开.She impatiently waved himawayand went on with her work.
她不耐烦地挥手叫他走开,继续干她的活.The doctor was calledawaya moment ago.
医生刚才被人请走了.He has been summonedawayfor some job.
他被人叫去做事了.I had never liked the speaker much, but soon I found myself carriedawayby his eloquence.
我从来不喜欢这个讲演人,但不久就被他的口才折服了.The surgeon cutawayhis tumour with expert skill.
那位外科医生以精湛的医术切除了他的肿瘤.When you boiled the cabbage, strainawaythe water
through a colander.
你把白菜煮沸之后,用滤锅把水滤掉.I'll clear these dishesaway; then we'll be able to work
at the table.
我来把这些盘碟收走,这样我们就可以在桌上工作了.Who has taken my dictionaryaway?
谁把我的词典拿走了?Please clear your papersawayso I can serve dinner.
请把报纸拿开,我好开饭.The boy threw a few old booksaway.
那个男孩扔掉了一些旧书.Why don't you throw itaway?
你为什么不把它扔掉?He gives his hopesaway.
他放弃了自己的希望.They rolled the barrelaway.
他们把木桶滚走了.She gave the answerawayaccidentally.
她无意中泄露了答案.The barking of the dog frightened the childrenaway.
狗吠声把孩子们吓跑了.Mountain torrents washed everythingaway.
山洪把一切都冲走了.The fire has burnedawaythe paint on the wood.
火把木头上的油漆烧掉了.Your explanation will clearawaytheir misunderstanding.
你的解释可以消除他们的误会.He took his basketballawayfrom me.
他从我这儿把他的篮球拿走了.They carriedawayfrom the palace 100 cases of paintings
and other works of art.
他们从宫内掠走了100箱绘画和其他艺术品.The medicine should be keptawayfrom children.
这药应该放在孩子们拿不到的地方.He gave all his booksawayto his friends.
他把书都送给朋友了.The firemen rushed the wounded menawayto the hospital.
消防队员把受伤者送到医院去了.He sent his sonawayto school in Japan.


用作副词 (adv.)away there在那儿 over there

I can see young people playing tennis away there in the park.

far and away最最,远远,…得多 by far

This is far and away the best example. 这是最最好的例子.

The fish was far and away the biggest ever caught on the lake.

Of all the men whom she had ever seen, he was far and away the nicest and
best. 在她所见过的人中,他是最最正派、最最好的.

This is far and away the best. 这个比其他的要好得多.

far away遥远,久远 to or at a very long distance

He lives far away from us. 他住的地方离我们很远.

How far away is your school from here? 你们学校离这儿多远?

You may have had the experience of watching somebody who is far away from you
chopping wood with an axe. 你也许看见过有人在离你很远的地方用斧子劈柴的情景.

The sun is not near at the earth; it is far away. 太阳离地球不近,很遥远.

He seemed to be looking far away, beyond the walls. 他的眼睛像是透过墙壁,望着远方.

The noise of the battle was heard far away.

right〔straight〕 away立刻,马上 immediately; at once; without delay

I will be there right away. 我马上就到.

I'll do it right away. 我立即去办.

We'll have to operate right away. 我们不得不马上动手术.

The car started right away. 汽车马上就开走了.

Did you get dressed right away? 你马上就穿衣服了吗?

Do you think you'll be able to sleep right away? 你认为你能够马上就入睡吗?

The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between
fifteen and twenty years, for it is then most ready to undertake heavy work and
can begin to earn its keep straight away.


用作副词 (adv.)动词+~attract away吸引走back away为了让出地方而后退,由于害怕而后退; 不愿考虑bang away不断射击bargain away不停地讨价还价;
将(某物)廉价出售,交换出去; 轻易放弃batter away接连不断地打〔砸〕be away离开,不在blast away炸掉〔炸毁〕某物blaze away继续燃烧blink away眨眼以除去blow away(使)吹掉boil away煮干bound away跳跃着离开break away突然离开; 突然挣脱; 与…决裂; 从…退出;
改掉; 放弃bring away带着…离开bundle away(使)匆匆离去burn away不断地燃烧call away叫走,叫到别处; 转移(某人的注意力等)carry away拿走,带走,搬走; 使激动,使着迷chase away赶走,驱逐chat away闲谈chew away继续吃; 咬坏chip away拆掉,削掉,铲除; 凿〔敲〕下碎片chop away砍倒civilize away教育使其改掉clean away除去come away离开consume away毁掉,毁灭crawl away爬开cut away切,剪; 去掉; 切成,剪成; 迅速离开dance away用跳舞驱除; 蹦跳着跑开dart away飞奔而逃dash away匆忙离开; 匆忙抹去…die away(尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失,停止; 昏厥dig away连续挖; 挖开,挖松,挖走dissolve away消失; 消散drag away将…拉走; 将…硬拖走drain away(使)流走〔去〕; (使)吸引走draw away(使)离开,移开; (在竞争中)领先于他人〔物〕dream away在梦幻〔胡思乱想〕中虚度光阴drink away连续地喝酒; 饮酒消愁drive away驱车离开; 把…驱开,赶走drop away陡峭; 减少,下降eat away连续不断地吃; 侵蚀,腐蚀,锈蚀; 咬坏,蛀坏edge away悄悄离开(尤指侧着身子); 慢慢启航explain away为…辩解〔搪塞〕face away把脸转到一边fade away消失; 衰弱faint away昏过去; 消失fall away离开; 消瘦file away存档(备查); 锉掉fill away顺风行驶fine away(使)更好; (使)渐渐消失fire away连续射击; 〈非正〉开始; 热烈地谈; 发问flap away(使)移动flee away逃离fling away扔掉,丢弃; 错过(机会等);
荒废,浪费(某物)flow away流逝flush away冲掉fly away离开,飞离fog away开始射击fold away折叠起来收藏fool away浪费frighten away吓跑,吓走gamble away赌下去; 赌博输掉钱get away离开,脱身; 逃掉give away赠送; 赠予; 颁发; 泄露; 告发go away离开; 私奔grab away抢过某物grind away把…碾成粉末; 磨损,用坏…haul away拖走; 用力拉hide away隐藏howl away连续嚎叫huddle away挤在一起hurl away用力地把(某物)扔出去; 浪费掉(某物)hurry away匆匆离去idle away虚度时光; 空转jump away跳开keep away(使)不接近; (使)缺席kick away连续踢; 踢倒; 踢开kiss away不停地吻; 吻掉; 由于放荡而挥霍掉knock away连续敲击; 打掉,敲掉laugh away连续地笑; 一笑置之; 以笑来驱除〔消除〕lay away储蓄,贮存; 埋葬leak away漏出; 逐渐失去linger away虚度(时间)loaf away虚度lock away把…锁起来look away不再看(某人或某物)lounge away虚度lower away放艘下小船,降下帆篷make away逃跑melt away融化; 逐渐消失motion away示意…离开move away离开mutter away喃喃而语,咕哝地抱怨pass away(时间等)消磨掉,过去; 去世; 终止; 停止pine away消瘦; 憔悴pipe away不断地吹奏post away把…派往它处promise away答应送掉pull away(尤指车辆)开始移动push away继续推; 推开put away收起来,放好refine away取去remain away缺席ride away骑马〔坐车〕离去roll away消散run away逃跑,走掉; 逃脱sail away坐船离开saw away不断地锯; 锯去scrape away用利物刮,擦掉scratch away抓,刮send away遣走,解雇shift away搬走shine away连续照耀; 向一旁照shoot away连续射击; 打掉,打落; 打光,射完;
迅速逃离sigh away连声悲叹sign away签字让出〔放弃〕sing away连续唱; 通过歌唱消除掉skim away把…撇去; 掠过; 轻轻滑开sleep away继续睡,连续睡; 以睡觉度过(时间);
以睡眠摆脱(烦恼)smooth away消除,弄平square away整理好,处理好stand away站开stay away离开,缺席steal away偷偷离去; 偷走(某物)stop away停在远处不过来store away储存某物,收起某物; 把…记在心里strip away掉表面的薄覆盖物; 〈非正〉揭开(伪装)sweep away扫除,刮走,冲走; 清除swim away游走take away拿开,拿走; 把…带走; 使离开; 使停止;
转移; 减去; 剥夺; 夺取; 抢夺talk away不断地谈tear away勉强使离开; 硬行拉走throw away扔掉; 浪费; 错过thrust away把…推开turn away转过脸去; 拒绝(某人)进入walk away走开wash away冲走,清洗; 消除waste away变得衰弱〔消瘦〕wave away挥手示意…离开wear away磨损,磨掉,侵蚀; 消逝; 衰退weather away风化,因风吹雨打而褪色weep away不停地哭泣whip away突然,猛地移开wipe away擦掉,清除wish away继续表达个人的愿望; 希望…离开〔消失〕work away不断地工作write away写信(索要); 连续写作