小弟第一次写雅思作文,希望大虾们可以提下意见!Orz.Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:57:09
小弟第一次写雅思作文,希望大虾们可以提下意见!Orz.Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no
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小弟第一次写雅思作文,希望大虾们可以提下意见!Orz.Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no
Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?
It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no matter they willing or not,despite various reasons.There are advantages and disadvantages.
To begin with,we can see many students graduate from colleges and start planning their development of career in big cities like Beijing,Guangzhou,which is ,however,far away from their family,because it is accepted that these international cities not only can provide the unvaluable opportunities to seek a decent job,but also there are scopes for them to promote and enhance their abilities.Besides,undoubltfully,the infrastructures and facilities which can't be appeared in some small towns offer the convenience and make the life better and more comfortable.
Yet,the other sides have always been hidden and ignored by general public.The first thing confronting people is how to conquer the loneliness.Obivously,one would lose his confidence if he can not get the way to deal with the loneliness successfully,and he might not be able to concentrate on his work.What's more,the cost living and working far away from family in developed area is relatively highter than the other places and thus,as well as the mounting pressure as the house or work would creep up on people who is in a hope of making a great fortune.
Although working away from family sounds perfect for many people,but it should be noticed that not every one adjust to this way and it should also be remembered that ,the working place is not a key point but the platform ,depends on how you take advantage.

小弟第一次写雅思作文,希望大虾们可以提下意见!Orz.Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no
Although working away from family sounds perfect for many people,but it should be noticed that not every one adjust to this way and it should also be remembered that ,the working place is not a key point but the platform ,depends on how you take advantage.
although和but不能连用."a" platform非特指."depending on"你这句话要不就断开写,太长了,自己写到最后语法都乱了.
To begin with,we can see many students graduate from colleges and start planning their development of career in big cities like Beijing,Guangzhou,which is ,however,far away from their family,because it is accepted that these international cities not only can provide the unvaluable opportunities to seek a decent job,but also there are scopes for them to promote and enhance their abilities
第二段作为主要段落就只有两句话,上面摘的这一句太长了,语法也乱了,"but also"后面怎么能加there be呢,前面已经有cities这个主语了.there be后面的那个enhance their abilities主语在哪?
the infrastructures and facilities which can't be appeared
第三段也是一样的问题,句子太长容易造成语法错误,作为主要段落的2,3段起码应该各有4,5个句子,段首明义,篇末总结,最好有个让步的成分在里面.语法要多加强,词汇也是,整篇有4,5个亮点词汇就足够提分了.那个《10天突破雅思作文》挺管用的,我当时复习就用的那个,不是托儿^ ^

小弟第一次写雅思作文,希望大虾们可以提下意见!Orz.Today some people have to work away from their family.What are the advantages and disadvantages?It is becoming common that a growing number of people work away from their family no 以“生活在...下”为题的作文 30分钟之内 希望大虾们帮帮小弟...重金. 求评雅思小作文,初次尝试,呼唤牛人,跪谢.第一次写雅思小作文,完全不知道怎么写,就参照了范文尝试写了下,但心里一点底都没有,希望有大牛给我指点迷津,感激之情不胜言表.(第一次写,写 如何才能写好英语六级写作小弟特别希望可以提高自身的英语六级写作水平,所以希望各位英语高手可以帮小弟一把.感激涕零~以下便是小弟写的一篇作文,希望各位大侠都够帮我“挑挑毛病” 高中作文“跬步与千里”作文素材,麻烦大虾们帮助小弟找找,急用,我要的是现代文的作文素材,不是古文素材啊,希望大虾们搞清楚哈 ,关于学习方面的 雅思作文怎么写可以拿高分? 以静夜思为题,写一篇600作文,初中生水平各位大虾帮帮小弟吧,感激不尽 有没有雅思考官写的作文,请各位大虾上传下, 关于雅思考试作文我想请问一下各位大虾,雅思作文除了做剑桥雅思,有没有什么好点的雅思作文书推荐一下给小弟,万分感谢! 哪位大虾可以给我提.新颖的写人.些事.写景,想象作文 描写爱国的古诗词希望各位大虾帮忙小弟 怎样理解机械守恒定律?希望大虾指教小弟! 知足常足,终生不辱;知止常止,终生不耻,麻烦大虾们给小弟解释下, 大虾们!速来!化学`帮帮小弟 大虾们!速来!化学`帮帮小弟 关于同时受洛仑兹力和重力大虾们 可以帮小弟证明下 为啥同时受洛仑兹力和重力的情况下 不能做变速圆周运动 不可以变速圆周吗? 有为才有位辩论材料!进决赛了,急需有为才有位的辩论材料.希望大虾们帮帮小弟! 以how to develop good living habits 为题,写一篇英语作文,大概80字小弟请求网上各位大虾的帮忙,,不好意思,小弟的分不多!!!