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Lesson3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片
Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!

New words and expressions 生词和短语

send v. 寄,送
postcard n. 明信片
spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏
museum n. 博物馆
public adj. 公共的
friendly adj. 友好的
waiter n. 服务员,招待员
lend v. 借给
decision n. 决定
whole adj. 整个的
single adj. 唯一的,单一的


A The simple past: Regular verbs
These regular past forms end with the sounds/d/, /t/or/id/. Put them in the correct columns.根据读音将经下规则动词的过去式排入表中.
B Irregular verbs
Put in the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.用括号中动词的一般过去时形式填空.
Last week my sister lent(1lend) me her new cookery book. Yesterday I sat(2sit)in my kitchen and read(3read)it. Then went(4go)to the shops and buy(5buy)some eggs, flour and other things. I came(6come)home again andbegan(7begin) to make a cake. I put(8put) it in the oven.
Then minutes later the telephone rang (9ring). It was (10be)my sister.
We talked and talked. I forgot (11forget)about the cake. At last I said (12say)goodbye. ‘Something’s burning!’ I thought (13think),and I ran(14run)to the kitchen. My beautiful cake was spoiled(15spoil).
C Special difficulties
Rewrite these sentences like the examples.按照例句改写以下句子.
Ep:1 He lent a book to me last week. He lent me a book last week.
2 She sent them a letter. She sent a letter to them.
3 His mother bought a tie for him. His mother bought him a tie.
4 Can you bring a present for me? Can you bring me a present?
5 He has given some advice to us. He has given us some advice.
6 She passed the salt to me. She passed me the salt.
7 Can you do a favour for me? Can you do me a favour?
8 I owe $100 to that man. I owe that man $100.
D A short story
Read this short story. Then answer the questions with short answer- Yes, he did. No, he didn’t, etc. If you answer with No, he didn’t, write a correction.阅读故事,然后用简略答语来回答以下问题.如果答语是否定的,则要用另一个句子写出事实.
A mouth ago Joe White got a job in a zoo. The first day passed very slowly. He watched the elephants the whole day. The zoo keeper gave him a book about elephants, but he didn’t read it. Instead, he drew pictures of the animals all day. ’they’re very good,’ said the zoo keeper when he saw them. ‘Do you really want to look after animals? You should draw them.’ At the end of the day Joe made a big decision. He decided to become an animal artist. Now he sells hi pictures to visitor to the zoo.
1 Did Joe spend the whole day at the zoo? Yes, he did.
2 Did the day pass quickly? No it didn’t. The day passed slowly.
3 Did he watch the elephants the whole day? Yes, he did
4 Did he read the book about elephants? No he didn’t. He drew pictures of animals.
5 Did the zoo keeper give Joe some advice? Yes he did
6 Did Joe make a big decision? Yes he did
7 Did he decide to become a zoo keeper? No, he didn’t. He decides to become an animal artist.
E A postcard
Situation: It’s the fourth day of your holiday in a big city abroad. Write a postcard to a friend. Make sentences with these words.情景:这是你在国外一大城市度假的第4天用所给的词为你的朋友写一张明信片
Arrived- Wednesday
Staying-Magna Hotel-centre
of town
visited two museums-Thursday
people here-very friendly
made a lot of new friends
enjoying myself very much
Answer: I arrived here in [Rome] on Wednesday. I am staying in Magna Hotel in centre of town I visited two museums on Thursday. I went to zoo on Friday. The people here are very friendly. I have made a lot of new friends I am enjoying myself very much.