英语翻译But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/27 20:42:31
英语翻译But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group.
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英语翻译But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group.
But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group.

英语翻译But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group.

英语翻译It isreasonabletosaythateverytee nagercanbeaffectedbypeer press ure (从众心理) at some point.Eve ryday,in any high school,peer pr essure has a major influence ove r the behavior of teenagers.Itcan beas subtle (微妙的) as being per 英语翻译But the major problem of many elderly couples is not economic.They feel useless and lonely with neither occupation nor a close family group. 英语翻译PR dissemination of the report 是否准确 英语翻译1、The article is written from the context of traditional design-bid-build projects.2、This is possible if variances are identified and informed actions are taken at major design milestones.3、Check budget/scope alignment to get the pr 英语翻译pr ice 英语翻译A major turning point in the history of early philosophical science was the controversial but successful attempt by Socrates to apply philosophy to the study of human things,including human nature,the nature of political communities,and h 英语翻译I'm dknyprgirl,bringing you behind-the-scenes scoop from inside Donna Karan New York & DKNY and my life as a PR girl living in NYC!This shoe is MAYJOR.When something's really major,I add a Y.#DKNY# Spring 2013(10月24日 22:50) 英语翻译But across religious groups or denominations,church attendance declines with education.In the most educated Christian denomination,Episcopalianism,the median person attends church ”several times per year“.In the least educated major d 英语翻译翻译为中文,不要机器,要准确,1、To promote and foster cooperation among all development stakeholders,including NGOs,has always been a major mandate of our world.But today,the urgency of the current global economic and financial 英语翻译As a major player in the energy market,we have a special responsibility not only to our direct stakeholders,but to the public at large,who will ultimately benefit from our products and services. 英语翻译.Which of the following most logically completes the argument?Utrania was formerly a major petroleum exporter,but in recent decades economic stagnation and restrictive regulations inhibited investment in new oil fields.In consequence,Utra 英语翻译ABSTRACT.Food safety is a preoccupation of the European Commission,but there are major shortcomings in its governance.Reviewing legislation and practice,this paper explores the background of EU food safety institutions,and develops recomm 英语翻译These services receive scarce attention in the design of policies aimed at reducing emissions,but are notably responsible for the major increase in emissions experienced in recent years并分析一下句子成分,哪个修饰哪个 英语翻译That alone would be enough to qualify it as a major utility,but the accuracy of GPS and the creativity of its users is pushing it into some surprising realms. 英语翻译large quantities of new breakthrough technology have been created by the internal R&D personnel of major transnational enterprises,but they have yet to be assessed properly owing to their failure either to be recognized for their potentia 英语翻译原文:Today's managers understand that the success of any effort made to improve quality and productivity must include their employees.These employees not only will be a major force in carrying out changes but increasingly will activel 英语翻译each major laguer,like his childhood,always wanted to became a major leaguer,whenever there was trouble at home,in school,or with a girl,there was a sure escape of baseball;not the stumbling ,ungainly escape of an ordinary ballplayer,but 英语翻译and is one of the major forms within the visual arts