英语作文演讲(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河 这里是中国开发最早的海滨度假区北戴河海滩沙质比较好,坡度也比较平缓,是一个优良的天然海水浴场。清光绪二十四年(1898

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:36:20
英语作文演讲(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河 这里是中国开发最早的海滨度假区北戴河海滩沙质比较好,坡度也比较平缓,是一个优良的天然海水浴场。清光绪二十四年(1898
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英语作文演讲(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河 这里是中国开发最早的海滨度假区北戴河海滩沙质比较好,坡度也比较平缓,是一个优良的天然海水浴场。清光绪二十四年(1898
(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河

英语作文演讲(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河 这里是中国开发最早的海滨度假区北戴河海滩沙质比较好,坡度也比较平缓,是一个优良的天然海水浴场。清光绪二十四年(1898
Beidaihe is one of my favorite places on earth. i went there last summer with my parents. it was a cool place to spend the summer. we swam in the sea with a life savor, not because that i can't swim, just for safty. i played more on the beach, making castles out of sand. it was great fun. i also liked the sea food there, it was great. i hope that the next time i would go there again

1 One Sunday afternoon,the wind is gentle,we took a trip to a Qinhuangdao from my city.On the way,we talked and laughed,too excited to feel tired.since travelling to Beidaihe is aiways a dream ...


1 One Sunday afternoon,the wind is gentle,we took a trip to a Qinhuangdao from my city.On the way,we talked and laughed,too excited to feel tired.since travelling to Beidaihe is aiways a dream in my heart,i treat it as a chance for me to broaden my horizons.i saw the beautiful and rested on the banches of the sea.you can't imagine how happy i was! time flies,when the sun was going down, we saw at a distance a few little boys on the beach ,singing and laughing happily . we enjoyed sight of the sun which is going dowh so much that we decideed to come backagain some days!
2 Beidaihe is one of my favorite places on earth. i went there last summer with my parents. it was a cool place to spend the summer. we swam in the sea with a life savor, not because that i can't swim, just for safty. i played more on the beach, making castles out of sand. it was great fun. i also liked the sea food there, it was great. i hope that the next time i would go there again


英语作文演讲(对你去过的地方的风土人情简单介绍) -北戴河 这里是中国开发最早的海滨度假区北戴河海滩沙质比较好,坡度也比较平缓,是一个优良的天然海水浴场。清光绪二十四年(1898 英语作文 我曾经去过的地方 写一篇英语作文介绍你去过的地方,以及感受. 用现在完成时写一篇英语作文—介绍你去过的地方 用英语短文描述你曾去过的地方 我们祖国地大物博,有许多美丽景观你去过的地方中你喜欢那里介绍一下英语作文 英语作文 写一个国家或一个地方的地理,风土人情.120字, 英语作文 景观你去过的地方.在哪里看到了什么.那里最美丽的景观是什么? 暑假里去过美丽的地方 作文 你去过旅游的最难忘的地点英语作文 旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有想去但没去过的地方.写个英语作文 80字左右提示:你曾经去过的一个令你难忘的地方,在那里你做了些什么, 英语作文旅游描述你曾经去过的1个地方(用过去式)要求:1.乘坐的交通工具2.这个地方的特点3.你的体会 英语作文:急旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有想去但没去过旅游既能开阔视野,又能陶冶情操.你一定去过很多令你难忘的地方,并且你也一定有 介绍一下你曾经去过的地方,在那里你看到了什么风景,有什么特色食品,做了哪些有趣的事?英语作文 `你去过哪些风景优美的地方?(我是要作文100字左右) 作文 你去过最美或最有特色的地方是哪里 300字 写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍你曾经去过的地方 你去过哪些好玩的地方?用英语写下来5句话就行