So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:20:56
So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同?
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So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同?
So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?
So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同?

So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同?
“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”这一倒装结构用来表达前面所陈述的情况也适用于另外一人,意为“某某也一样”.例如:Jennifer likes to listen to music.So do I.詹妮佛喜欢听音乐,我也喜欢.I have been to the Great Wall,and so has she.我去过长城,她也去过.使用这一结构应注意以下几点:一、 注意结构中and与标点符号的使用.这一结构是一个完整的倒装句,因此,若前一句用句号,则so应大写第一个字母;若前一句用逗号,则so前须加and,构成并列分句;若前一句用分号,则so不用大写第一个字母,而且so前也无须加and,同样构成并列句;若前一句为if条件句,则so前用逗号,不加and,so也不大写第一个字母,此时,这一结构作句子的主句.例如:I will go there tomorrow.So will she.=I will go there tomorrow,and so will she.=I will go there tomorrow; so will she.=If I go there tomorrow,so will she.二、 注意结构中的“be动词 / 助动词 / 情态动词”须与上句所使用的词性相同.若前一句中只有行为动词,该结构应视人称与时态选用助动词do / does / did; 若前一句是用了一般现在时的if条件句,则该结构中应用助动词shall / will.例如:Jessica is fond of watching TV,and so am I.杰西卡喜欢看电视,我也喜欢.I can play the piano,and so can he.我会弹钢琴,他也会.If they take part in the school sports,so shall we.如果他们参加学校运动会,我们也参加.三、当前一句是否定句时,so须改用neither或nor.“neither / nor+be动词 / 助动词 / 情态动词+主语”表示前一否定的情况也适用于后者,该结构中的“be动词 / 助动词 / 情态动词”仍然用肯定式.例如:He has never been to Beijing.Nor / Neither has she.他从未去过北京,她也一样.She seldom goes to the cinema; neither do I.她很少去看电影,我也一样.注意:若前一句含有fail或一些加前缀或后缀构成的含有否定意义的词(如dislike,disagree,careless,dishonest,unfit等),这些词虽然具有否定意义,但仍然是肯定形式的词,结构中仍使用so.例如:Tom failed to work out the problem,and so did I.汤姆没能解决这个问题,我也没能.Mike dislikes playing football.So does Jack.迈克不喜欢踢足球,杰克也不喜欢.四、 当前面的句子是两个分句,或前一句含有两个或两个以上不同类别的谓语动词,或者当前面的句子既含有肯定句又含有否定句时,用“It is / was the same with sb.”或“So it is/was with sb.”来表达前述的多种情况也适用于后者.例如:I like to play the violin but I can't play it well.It is the same with Lucy.我喜欢拉小提琴,可是拉得不好,露西也一样.五、 注意“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”与其易混结构的区别.1.与“so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词”的区别:“so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词”用来表示赞成前一说话者所说的内容,可译为“是的”、“对”或“的确如此”.例如:①It was very cold yesterday.昨天很冷.So it was.的确如此.②You've left the light on.你忘了关灯了.Oh,so I have.I'll go and turn it off.哦,是的,我就去关.2.与“主语+do/does/did+so”的区别:“主语+do/does/did+so”结构中的do/does/did是行为动词,表示“做”,不可换用其他be动词或情态动词,这一结构可译为“某某就这样做了”.例如:The doctor asked him to take a deep breath,and he did so.医生叫他做深呼吸,他就这样做了.

so do I的前面必须是动词 比如he likes swimmimg,so do i 如果前面既有be动词 又有助动词,就用so it is with 比如he is a boy and likes swimming,so it is with me

So it is/was with sb和so it is the same with sb意思一样,表示和...一样,而So+助动词+主语的意思是,...也是,表示与前面所述相同,属于一种简化说法

So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别?So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么不同? So it is/was with sb 与 So+助动词+主语有什么区别? So it is with sb.和It is the same with sb.的区别 so it is the same with sb,和so it is with sb和 it is the same with sb有啥关系so it is with sb 和so it is with the same with sb还是it is the same with sb可以互换 so it is with 有so it is with sb,那么so it is with sth.行么?比如说:His car is broken,so it is with his bike.The sales of the cars has decreased,so it is with the sales of the bikes. it is the same with和so did sb在用法有区别吗? 如果一个并列句中含有两个性质不同的谓语,另一个省略的倒装结构要用“So it is/was with sb./sth.”或 “It is/was the same with sb./sth.”来表示.能举几个例子吗? so sb was 与 so was sb so it is the same with sb与so it is with sb一样的吧第一个so 能不能省详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 Jack is a student and studise at the No.2 Middle School.( ) It was the same with MikeSo it is with Mike So is Mike So dose Mike argue with/about造句在倒装结构中,so do I ,neither do I和so it is with sb怎么用啊,举例说明一下`~ 用英语说 某人也 这个句型怎样说有好几种说法呢 我都要好像有 SO it is with sb ,It is true of sb the same is true of sb 还有甚么 so it is with sb的用法?so it is (the same)with sb我知道是“和……一样”的意思 问下不是有几种特殊情况必须要用so it is (the same)with sb 是哪几种特殊情况? Mother was born in shanxi ,but now she lives in heibei.( )my father这题A so does B so did C so it was with D so it is with Mother was born in shanxi ,but now she lives in heibei.( )my father这题A so does B so did C so it was with D so it is with He was born in Germany .German is his mother tongueHe was born in Germany .German is his mother tongue ---A.SO it was with was it with JohnC.neither it was with JOhn Dso was it with John 为什么? So it is with me的用法