
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:00:30
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翻译的很累哦 .
This is the third day I went to Luzhou.In the evening,I and my family to walk the edge of the Yangtze River.Admittedly,the Yangtze River at night is beautiful.Breathe in the cool river air,there is a feeling of being in the vast sky.Cool breeze for us to wipe out the day's fatigue,feeling exceptionally refreshing.Down the steps slowly into the river,the cool earth from the bottom of an atmosphere to disperse the silence in the summer of boredom.Slight smile,as I called my father with a photograph as a souvenir.Horizon glow gradually bury that last one off the trail.On children quietly climbed the sky,hung the sky,like urging people in the night,and go home.

This is the third day I went to Luzhou. In the evening, I and my family to walk the edge of the Yangtze River.
Admittedly, the Yangtze River at night is beautiful. Breathe in the cool river a...


This is the third day I went to Luzhou. In the evening, I and my family to walk the edge of the Yangtze River.
Admittedly, the Yangtze River at night is beautiful. Breathe in the cool river air, there is a feeling of being in the vast sky. Cool breeze for us to wipe out the day's fatigue, feeling exceptionally refreshing.
Down the steps slowly into the river, the cool earth from the bottom of an atmosphere to disperse the silence in the summer of boredom. Slight smile, as I called my father with a photograph as a souvenir.
Horizon glow gradually bury that last one off the trail. On children quietly climbed the sky, hung the sky, like urging people in the night, and go home.


This is my third day to luzhou. In the evening, my family and I go to Yangtze river for a walk.
Admittedly, the night view of Yangtze river is very beautiful. Breathing the river cool air, have a...


This is my third day to luzhou. In the evening, my family and I go to Yangtze river for a walk.
Admittedly, the night view of Yangtze river is very beautiful. Breathing the river cool air, have a kind of place oneself YuHaoHan sky feeling. Cool and refreshing breeze for we eliminate the exhaustion of a day, the feeling of all the bright.
Walked down the steps into the water, slowly, bottom-up a small cool breath, dispels the silence in the summer boredom. Smiling slightly, that father for I took a photograph as a souvenir.
You can't have them that a final Yin trace out glow gradually. The moon has quietly climbed up the sky, the sky and in a looming urged people, night, this home.
Well... You greatly... Please... (好吧。。。。。各位大大。。。。。拜托了。。。。。)


This is my third day to luzhou. In the evening, my family and I go to Yangtze river for a walk.
Admittedly, the night view of Yangtze river is very beautiful. Breathing the river cool air, have a ...


This is my third day to luzhou. In the evening, my family and I go to Yangtze river for a walk.
Admittedly, the night view of Yangtze river is very beautiful. Breathing the river cool air, have a kind of place oneself YuHaoHan sky feeling. Cool and refreshing breeze for we eliminate the exhaustion of a day, the feeling of all the bright.
Walked down the steps into the water, slowly, bottom-up a small cool breath, dispels the silence in the summer boredom. Smiling slightly, that father for I took a photograph as a souvenir.
You can't have them that a final Yin trace out glow gradually. The moon has quietly climbed up the sky, the sky and in a looming urged people, night, this home.


英语翻译这是我到泸州的第三天.傍晚,我和我的家人一起到长江边上散步.不可否认,长江边上的夜景很美.呼吸着江面清凉的空气,有一种置身于浩瀚天空的感觉.清凉的微风为我们扫除了一天的 四川省泸州高级中学的邮政编码是多少?我要寄包裹到四川省泸州高级中学,不知道邮政编码,为什么不一样的答案、到底是哪一个呀?我迷茫了! 用英语翻译下面的句子《我家乡是泸州的,这里环境优美,是著名的旅游城市,其 我到那的第三天 用英语怎么说 英语翻译今天是5月8日,星期二,今天阳光灿烂.五一大假的第一天,我和家人去古镇游玩,十分开心,第二天,我在家做作业,第三天,和朋友一起去逛春熙路,晚上独自去图书馆看书,、.但这三天我的 一根电线,第一天用去2分之一,第二天用去余下的三分之一,第三天用去余下的四分之一,、、、到第十天后,我听老师说结果是11分之1,这是正确答案,但我不知打过程, 英语翻译假如世界只剩三天,我能做些什么呢?在这个世界即将到终点的倒数第三天,我要到我最想去但又没去过的地方看看,可以说是满足我多年的心愿;在倒数第二天,我会把所有的积蓄都花 我爱乡村的傍晚 我爱乡村的傍晚 昨天傍晚,我花了一夜的功夫完成了这幅作品.怎么修改病句?是把傍晚删除还是把傍晚改成晚上?老师讲师 傍晚改成晚上.我们同学都认为应该是 删除 《假如给我三天光明》第一天、第二天和第三天的所有启发 《假如给我三天光明》第一天:()第二天:(第三天:书上的一二三天分别写的什么 英语翻译以下是我在国庆节假期的计划,放假第一天,就是国庆节,我和朋友们去逛了一天街,第二天,我去沙滩玩和去了博物馆,里面的东西真的好漂亮哟,第三天,在家呆着,然后,晚上就和朋友去游 我的 生日是一年中第三个大月的倒数第三天.我的生日是几月几日? 这种天气是地震的预兆吗?四川泸州已经连续3天38度高温了,天气预报说这种温度还将持续一个周以上,我看天气预报整个四川都是暴雨 就泸州这一块是高温干旱.这是地震的预兆?不是? 有什么 傍晚的反义词是什么我不知道傍晚的反义词! 汉语译成英文今天是我回东北老家的第三天 柳州连续三天傍晚出现了很奇怪的云,是不是地震云?我家住广西柳州这三天每天傍晚的时候都会出现很奇怪的云黑色.有条状的,排列得很整齐...就象格子一样也有像人的皱纹那样的我原以为只