求一篇关于现在私家车讨论的英语作文四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:58:04
求一篇关于现在私家车讨论的英语作文四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试
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求一篇关于现在私家车讨论的英语作文四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试
四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试

求一篇关于现在私家车讨论的英语作文四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试
Nowdays,thanks to the benefit caused by the policy of reform and openning up,we can see more and more private cars running outside as the people's livelyhood has improve dramatically,Then,what exactly does the possession of personal cars bring? In my opnion,everything has two sides about which I'm going to clarify my point of view.
On the one hand,I cannot deny the fact that becoming the owner of cars actually has advantage in many ways.The drivers owning their cars don't have to squeeze round in public transportation like buses and subway and to a certain extent ,can keep themselves off storm,heavy snow,strong wind and other awful weather.In addition,they are free from waiting for buses with less time to be wasted.What is more,they can drive their own cars to wherever they want and whenever they like.
On the other hand,there also have disadvantages in owning personal cars.The basic expense for maintaining cars the owners have to afford is oil,insurance service,annual car check-up and the essential cost for a plate which represet the leagal approval for cars to be driven on roads.In addition to these expenditure a car owner have to pay,however, the emission given off out of the increasing cars have greatly contributed to the air polution.
All conditions memtioned above, we should have an objective measurement towards private cars and keep optimism in polution control,hoping the rapid development of clean energy consumed vehicles.

求一篇关于现在私家车讨论的英语作文四六级的水平就可以的 应付期末考试 关于私家车的英语作文 求一篇初中关于环保的英语作文比较现在于以前私家车,空气,环境的作文 要适合初中的 英语四六级论文关于讨论英语四六级的英语论文,急...看清楚了!关于”讨论英语四六级“的论文! 英语作文 关于私家车好坏 急求一篇私家车对雾霾天气影响的英语作文,120词左右,谢谢 关于“私家车的利与弊”的英语作文 私家车的好处英语作文 私家车的好处英语作文 求一篇英语作文.私家车 要求:1.私家车越来越多的原因 2.求一篇英语作文.私家车要求:1.私家车越来越多的原因2.车多给社会带来了什么问题3.你认为该怎样解决这些问题 求高手写一篇关于大学生价值观的英语作文,要求字数400~500,不要太简单,也不要太复杂,四六级的水平就行 求一篇旅游景点门票涨价的英语讨论作文,急! 关于私家车与公交车的英语作文还有关于活到老学到老的英语作文 拥有私家车的好处英语作文 求一篇关于讨论人生的英语作文,大二学生的水平,100~150词,不要太难的. 请写一篇关于私家车的好处与坏处的英语作文要求:有conventient,go almost anywehere,save time ,difficult to park,air pollution 求一个关于私家车的英文文章 关于英语四六级的改过英语四六级的老师们,你们改一篇四级英语作文要多长时间,基础不好作文又想拿高分,应注意什么?