根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 06:09:38
根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music
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根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music
7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music

根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music
On last Saturday,Kate got up at 7:00 am.And she played football at 10:00am.She had lunch at 11:30 am.She did her homework at 2.00pm.And she went to the cinema at 4.00pm.At 6.00pm,she ate out her friends ,she had a good time.She watched TV at 7.00 pm .Kate had a great time on last Saturday.

根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00get up 10:00play footboll 11:30 have lunch 2:00do homework 4:00go to the cinema 6:00eat out with friends 7:00watch TV 9:00listen to music 根据所给的时间和动词短语,用过去式时态写出Kate上周六的一日生活7:00 get up 8:00 have breakfast 10:00 play football 11:30 have lunch 2:00 do homework 4:00 go to the cinema 6:00 eat out withfriends 7:00 watch TV 50个单词 什么时候用过去时态,和动词过去时态的构成 用所给动词的正确时态和语态填空 请写出所给动词的过去式和过去分词动词 过去式 过去分词be cookknowswimgetteachleave feelsmell driverunthinkkeepbuybegindocostfindthrowstandspeakcomegivehearsendhurtseestealtakesleepsitmeet bringflywakechooselosereadrisewear 什么时候用过去时态,动词过去时态的构成 找一些特殊时间短语可以表示固定时态例如the other day,谓语动词用过去时 初中英语动词短语,初中所需掌握的所有动词短语,越全越好,写出意思和用法 查一下动词的过去时把所有的动词不定时写出,和过去分词. 写英语作文《last week》根据所给的短语及提示,写一小段话.1、文题:Last week 2、我和Mary到农场去参观.3、我们做了很多农活:栽树、浇水、拔胡萝卜等等.用过去时态:参考词汇:planted and wate 英语,用所给的动词的适当时态填空 用所给动词和副词短语造句. 根据所给的动词正确时态填空拍的不好,将就将就 根据所给的动词正确时态填空.拍的不是狠好,将就将就 按所给时间标志和句子,用下列时态将句子写出,并改为其相应时态的被动语态写出~原句 Tom ( listen to) the music.1.every day.句子:------------------------------- 被动形式:------------------------------------2. 和过去有关的时间短语 英语动词过去时 给我a打头的动词和过去时、过去分词.要所有的 高中英语动词短语归类高中英语动词短语,高中所需掌握的所有动词短语,越全越好,写出意思和用法如:turn down 关小,调低 拒绝