
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 21:48:57
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1.As one of "Lake Poets",William Wordsworth was born and grew up in the Lake District,the beautiful area oF mountains,lakes,and streams near the Scottish border in northwest England.
2.Wordsworth has secured the reputation of being one of the great Romantic poets.
3.Although often viewed as a 'nature poet' (and a poet of nature) his poetry is not simply concerned with scenic and descriptive evocations of nature,but rather with the issues of Man,Human Nature and Man's relationship with the natural (and supernatural) world.
4 In 1791 he graduated from Cambridge and traveled abroad.While in France he fell in love with Annette Vallon,who bore him a daughter,Caroline,in 1792
5 The spirit of the French Revolution had strongly influenced Wordsworth,and he returned (1792) to England imbued with the principles of Rousseau and republicanism.

Wordsworth- - 华兹华斯(1770-1850),英国诗人。
William (1770-1850), English poet, one of the most accomplished and influential of England's romantic poets.
Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumberland...


Wordsworth- - 华兹华斯(1770-1850),英国诗人。
William (1770-1850), English poet, one of the most accomplished and influential of England's romantic poets.
Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumberland, and educated at Saint John's College, University of Cambridge. In 1791 he traveled to France, where he became an enthusiastic convert to the ideals of the French Revolution (1789-1799). Wordsworth's first published poems appeared in 1793 but received little notice. In 1797 Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy Wordsworth moved to Somersetshire, near the home of poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The two men collaborated on a book of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads (1798). This work is generally considered the beginning of the romantic movement in English poetry. Lyrical Ballads represented a revolt against the artificial classicism of contemporary English verse. It was greeted with hostility by most critics of the day. Wordsworth wrote a defense of his poetry for the second edition of Lyrical Ballads, which appeared in 1800. He rejected the contemporary emphasis on the intellectual approach to poetry, maintaining that the scenes and events of everyday life and the speech of ordinary people were the raw material of which poetry could and should be made.


用5句话来评价英国诗华兹华斯,最好人是英文,对Wordsworth的评价,需要长篇大论,只要5句话就OK, 、英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯说:“诗是( ).它起源于在平静中回忆起来的情感.” 急!以 以下材料为题 可写什么作文?华兹华斯是英国知名诗人和自然主义作家. 有一位华兹华斯迷,怀着朝圣的心情专程去拜访他.华兹华斯刚好不在,来开门的是一个女仆. 那人怅然若失,但随 急!作文 以 书房 为题华兹华斯是英国知名诗人和自然主义作家. 有一位华兹华斯迷,怀着朝圣的心情专程去拜访他.华兹华斯刚好不在,来开门的是一个女仆. 那人怅然若失,但随即恳求:“我 谁帮我找一下英国湖畔派的诗,特别是华兹华斯的 有两句话是什么来了.意思是.跟着好人做好人.跟着坏人当坏人.对了给评 请你用几句话来评价一下詹天佑 这句话如果用英语来表达比较好如下:从另一个侧面也反映了你是好人.【如何翻译 不要翻译机】 走一步再走一步 对于“我”爬悬崖的事件用最简洁的评价这句话是? 请问有谁知道诗歌是强烈情感的自然溢出,它源于平静中聚焦饿情感这句话是华兹华斯什么时候在哪说的,具体 父母的爱是人间最伟大,最无私的爱.请你用几个成语来评价一下父母对你的爱. 我们主要通过他人的评价认识自己,因为他人的评价最全面,最客观.这句话是对的吗? 求华兹华斯《不朽颂》(ode:intimations of immortality)的中文版全文!求英国诗人华兹华斯《不朽颂》(ode:intimations of immortality)的中文版全文! 好人不能当领导,但是当领导的必须是好人这句话是不是逻辑矛盾? 英国浪漫主义的前后分期我只知道前期主要的代表人有华兹华斯和柯勒律治,后期则主要是拜伦、雪莱、济慈、司各特等.摆脱各位知道的话,能尽量详尽的给我说一下, 如何评价英国资产阶级革命 用几句话评价居里夫人 现在对英国戴安娜王妃是如何评价的?