1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)2、"Unusual Saturday" is one of my mother's favourate p______(填以p开头的单词)3、在电影中,我们经常看到追赶歹徒的英雄

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:01:07
1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)2、
xVO"WWnmB0۾7l5A!n۰2 ]`TX0Ne{ދ,Z6MlӇqw;FH,jq] a}GK+du1L՗D[Y x'5=Yo1Ya sЀh"ُ+k5-B~Vm9:Y"U^Gtm5Lb*9W*MVQϳKXeR]-mnݞ_ gd oQc^nn-{_{nl,o_{v3`jo]3 6[ee h#s  "4}qdP 1EזJ"0#O# + =++H$yiAhm@+.u]^zWGpKj4sl28C >4&+SIdCJ'QH@%Fg6@۰x\<̏}7H-ZX"Y-"cF8IT~2NJZ&d A섦 O=G4{TPbrT (̪3{RͧcGL̙Ѕ*׼d6n(4Qd,= m-󆕯&XxW~'X &-vBYD§=$O=1" nAǜCu| @5>:dqݞ l砻JHGg00XhTx;mHn{'GgLA2 jܣ#%ٞ[7ZM"MI ~%CG_DE.jKMI]&l3U+B"}{+Io03U1Z|;E,<=k%-$*OQB{̰$S(:7"2SzUq7Z"]P=Y# `pBlMqJ}Q_7"{ęճi.L7gp`LPxӧ5U0jS{48ɕ8=|gg'q٘Z'

1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)2、"Unusual Saturday" is one of my mother's favourate p______(填以p开头的单词)3、在电影中,我们经常看到追赶歹徒的英雄
1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)
2、"Unusual Saturday" is one of my mother's favourate p______(填以p开头的单词)

1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)2、"Unusual Saturday" is one of my mother's favourate p______(填以p开头的单词)3、在电影中,我们经常看到追赶歹徒的英雄
3.相同,因为车是高速行驶的 英雄在车上与车共同运动着 根据牛顿第一定律 即惯性定律 可以知道 英雄跳下后会往车开的方向运动 因此按照与车相同的方向跳下 ,可以使人体重心前移,不至于跌倒

我只会第三个 我也英语不好
相同 因为英雄具有惯性还会向前匀速运动所以向前不会摔到



2、programs(电视节目的意思,one of 后面要用复数哦)


1 record. record holder:纪录保持者。
2 这道题答案太不明确了吧···
3 相同。在车上有与车方向相同的相对于地面的初速度,由于惯性,跳下时,上身仍保持与原车速,方向相同,脚却突然停止运动。为防止跌倒,则必须使脚与上半身保持相对静止,即要向着与车行驶方向相同的方向前进一段。...


1 record. record holder:纪录保持者。
2 这道题答案太不明确了吧···
3 相同。在车上有与车方向相同的相对于地面的初速度,由于惯性,跳下时,上身仍保持与原车速,方向相同,脚却突然停止运动。为防止跌倒,则必须使脚与上半身保持相对静止,即要向着与车行驶方向相同的方向前进一段。


3.相反 因为从车上跳下来由于惯性会有和车有同样的速度,往相反的方向跳总速度作为叠加后的速度会变小,这样就会防止速度过快而跌倒。


Bill has 1、Bill has done very well in the match and he is surely the r______holder.(填以r开头的单词)2、Unusual Saturday is one of my mother's favourate p______(填以p开头的单词)3、在电影中,我们经常看到追赶歹徒的英雄 Bill Gates has only done what he can to stop other competitors. he seems very w---about what he has done Bill Gates is a computer millionaire,He has got a very modern house n________to lake washington 造句:has done has done something 造句 he has (much) work (to be done),(so)he was very busy.括号里那儿错了 my teacher of english is really very kind ill never forget the favor he has done me翻译汉语 can be done has been Everything that can be done has been done 中can be done has been done Has all_can be done Awhat,done Bthat,been done Cthat,be done Dwhat,already done He has not yet done 根据首字母提示写单词1、Before you enter the teacher's office ,you should k_____ on the door first.2、Bill Gates is a very r____ man in the world.He has billions of dollar3、Mr.Gao is eighty years old,but he has some m_____ ideas.4、Yan (1)I'm looking forward to your_______ partyA:birthday's B:birthdays' C:birthday D:birthdays(2)Much______to fight against pollutionA:have been done B:has been done C:had done D:has done 句型转换题目1what he had done made me very happy?____ _____what he had done make you ___?2 Do you know the girl?she has got long hair?Do you know the girl ___ ____ long hair?3 You musn not watch TV all day转成同意祈使句______ ______ Tv a 提单收货人不是 to order ,是不是也可以背书么?T/T 客人要求“* 2 original bill of loading . at least 1 bill of loading has to be signed + company-stamp on backside of bill of loading” what done has been done has been done?在说说他的结构是什么时态? sb have/has done have/has not done have/has sb done What have/has sb done?done指什么能用物体名称吗比如apple等