
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 18:08:29
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Blue,the color of quiet and far-reaching; green,the color of friendship and peace,when the two colors mixed together,they outline a Zheng He's magnificent picture.
Zheng He,a name 600 years ago,it represents a danger,to conquer the natural values,open a door,open-minded to the world,one be tolerant to diversity,tolerance is a large broad bearing.Zheng is a brilliant and glorious achievements,he belongs to China,also to the world.His first in the world the spirit of exploration advocated by the West,but I think it is more worthy of our study and attention is his awareness of the advanced navigation,a green,embodied the progressive opening of the Chinese nation,exchanges and cooperation,peace and friendship national spirit,and hard work,pioneering,truth-seeking,innovative profound cultural background.As was the world's largest and most powerful combined fleet,they do not aggression,slavery and plunder,not to establish a colony and replaced throughout the course of their voyage of the "good neighbor" policy and "appeasement far" and "cis IMC "," shared peace and harmony,"the people of this ideology.Their advanced navigation concepts,the concept of maritime rights and interests of the first of its kind to open the world sailing,sea power structure of the modern concept of shape.However,such a fine view of the outstanding maritime rights and interests of China in the 15th century was short-lived,How sad indeed!
Ocean and the Western world thanks to the prosperity,relying on sea power and prosperity.History shows that Asian countries have dominated the world's sea power was,so if China wants to become strong,must have a strong sea power.From the founding to the present,the leaders attach great importance to the modern sea power,sea power of New China,is built on the basis of the marine defense,in specific historical circumstances,forming a concept of sea power with Chinese characteristics.
As we all know,China is a maritime country,with 18,000 km of coastline and over 6500 area of ​​500 square meters the size of the island,according to "United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea" and our ideas,our country there are about 300 million square kilometers of jurisdiction area equivalent to one-third of the land area,considerable amount of data ah!However,because China and neighboring countries,announced their 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zone and continental shelf systems,our presence across China and other countries will be the continental shelf and exclusive economic zones overlap,resulting in a multi-national maritime rights and interests with China on the existing controversy.Therefore,we must uphold the principle of leadership to properly handle the existing maritime disputes,curb the invasion of neighboring territorial waters to me reasonable to negotiate the delimitation of maritime jurisdiction limits.In addition,the Navy must accelerate the modernization of our country,making maintenance of security and maritime rights and interests,to defend the backbone of world peace.Improve the nation's ocean awareness,so that universal concept of establishing territorial waters,marine economic outlook.Establish a sound,with the international marine laws and regulations,and strive to achieve in the latter part of this century the great cause of China's maritime revival!
Let me say to us.Historically,China has been the continent with a strong feature of the "yellow civilized" country.Ocean in the hearts of the continent has not deeply rooted concept more attractive.However,even the Chinese people always attach importance to agriculture,too,harbor to the sea,the world of dreams.World,the great country already has a large fleet of sailing in the Pacific,Atlantic,Indian Ocean,more than 60 countries and regions,among the more than 1,200 ports; has begun around the world shipping market with a strong maritime economic strength.Gradually the international routes criss-crossing not only reproduce its former glory,but also for contemporary China to the sea,the world and made the best interpretation.
Zheng He's great not only with his green spread of marine culture of the Chinese nation "yellow culture",but that he opened a new era for the West "Blue Civilization," the rise of experience and technical support provided.He changed the world!As future generations and we will certainly change the world!
When the revitalization of the national marine business,the historical mission of rejuvenating the Chinese nation fell on our shoulders when quietly:Please believe us,the 21st century,China will be the development of the world's oceans to write a more splendid chapter in the history!

Blue, quiet and far-reaching colours; Green, friendly and color, when two colors blend together, he lays out a picture of zheng he's expeditions to the grand picture scroll.
Zheng he, a 600 years...


Blue, quiet and far-reaching colours; Green, friendly and color, when two colors blend together, he lays out a picture of zheng he's expeditions to the grand picture scroll.
Zheng he, a 600 years ago, it represents the names of the is a kind of any difficulty, conquering nature value orientation, a kind of open doors, toward the world open thought, an empty sea, tolerance is a great similarity of tolerance. Zheng's feat was glorious and brilliant, he belongs to China, also belongs to the world. He to the spirit of adventure for westerners too bothered, but I think the more worthy of our study and the attention is he advanced navigation consciousness, a green, condensing the Chinese nation open enterprising, exchange and cooperation, peace friendly national spirit, and diligence, pioneering, realistic and innovative deep cultural connotations. As was the world's largest, most powerful combined fleet, they have no aggression, slavery and pillage, did not establish a colony, to be replaced by the process of "throughout the sailing Nathan kiss good-neighborly" policy and "huairou far people", "and all," "sharing the world peace" humanistic thoughts. They advanced navigation concept, Marine rights open world sailing concept, glittering framework of modern sea right idea embryo. But, so excellent outstanding maritime rights in the 15th century view but how Chinese a flash in the pan, sorrow zai!
The western world due to benefit from the oceans and prosperity, rely on sea power and strong. History shows that the pride of the world countries were once when maritime power, so China wants to become strong, must have strong sea power. Until now, the leadership from the founding of people are seriously modern sea power, new China sea power is based on Marine defense foundation, in the specific historical environment with Chinese characteristics, forming the right idea of the sea.
As is known to all, China is a maritime power, with 1.8 million kilometers of coastline and 65 multiple area of 500 square meters above the island, according to the size of the United Nations convention on the claim, our country and our country have approximately 300 million square kilometers of the equivalent of land area of sea areas under the jurisdiction of the third, how considerable data! But, as our country and neighboring respective announced 200 nautical miles eez and continental shelf system, China with other countries have a journey and exclusive economic zone continental and the overlap, caused the allied with China's existing Marine rights controversy. So, we should adhere to the guidelines, and to properly deal with leaders of the maritime dispute already exists for my neighbors, stem the journey on reasonable consultation delineate Marine jurisdictional boundaries. In addition, we must speed up the modernization of the Chinese navy, make it become protect our security and its maritime rights and interests defend the backbone of the world peace. Enhance the whole nation's Marine consciousness, the land and sea view and set Marine economic view. Establishing perfect, and international Marine regulations system, strive for China to realize the middle in this century the revival of the Marine career!
Say again we. Historically, China is always with strong mainland characteristic "yellow civilization" country. Marine in people's mind always not deep-rooted continental view more attractive. However, even if has always attached importance to the Chinese agriculture, also have toward the ocean, facing the world dream. Around the world, and the great motherland already has a huge fleet sailing in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean in more than 60 countries and regions between the about 1,200 port; Has initially have left and right sides of the world shipping market economic strength powerful shipping. Criss-cross international routes that not only gradually reproduced in the brilliant, but also for contemporary China towards Marine, facing the world made the best explanation.
Zheng's greatness is not only in his green sailing culture dissemination of the Chinese nation "yellow civilization", and that he ushered in a new era for western "blue, the rise of civilization" provides experience and technical support. He changed the world! As later generations of we will change the world!
When developing national Marine programs, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's historical mission of our shoulders when quietly fall please believe that we, in the 21st century China will in the world's oceans more splendid history compose in the future.



Blue, quiet and far-reaching colours; Green, friendly and color, when two colors blend together, he lays out a picture of zheng he's expeditions to the grand picture scroll.
Zheng he, a 600 years...


Blue, quiet and far-reaching colours; Green, friendly and color, when two colors blend together, he lays out a picture of zheng he's expeditions to the grand picture scroll.
Zheng he, a 600 years ago, it represents the names of the is a kind of any difficulty, conquering nature value orientation, a kind of open doors, toward the world open thought, an empty sea, tolerance is a great similarity of tolerance. Zheng's feat was glorious and brilliant, he belongs to China, also belongs to the world. He to the spirit of adventure for westerners too bothered, but I think the more worthy of our study and the attention is he advanced navigation consciousness, a green, condensing the Chinese nation open enterprising, exchange and cooperation, peace friendly national spirit, and diligence, pioneering, realistic and innovative deep cultural connotations. As was the world's largest, most powerful combined fleet, they have no aggression, slavery and pillage, did not establish a colony, to be replaced by the process of "throughout the sailing Nathan kiss good-neighborly" policy and "huairou far people", "and all," "sharing the world peace" humanistic thoughts. They advanced navigation concept, Marine rights open world sailing concept, glittering framework of modern sea right idea embryo. But, so excellent outstanding maritime rights in the 15th century view but how Chinese a flash in the pan, sorrow zai!
The western world due to benefit from the oceans and prosperity, rely on sea power and strong. History shows that the pride of the world countries were once when maritime power, so China wants to become strong, must have strong sea power. Until now, the leadership from the founding of people are seriously modern sea power, new China sea power is based on Marine defense foundation, in the specific historical environment with Chinese characteristics, forming the right idea of the sea.
As is known to all, China is a maritime power, with 1.8 million kilometers of coastline and 65 multiple area of 500 square meters above the island, according to the size of the United Nations convention on the claim, our country and our country have approximately 300 million square kilometers of the equivalent of land area of sea areas under the jurisdiction of the third, how considerable data! But, as our country and neighboring respective announced 200 nautical miles eez and continental shelf system, China with other countries have a journey and exclusive economic zone continental and the overlap, caused the allied with China's existing Marine rights controversy. So, we should adhere to the guidelines, and to properly deal with leaders of the maritime dispute already exists for my neighbors, stem the journey on reasonable consultation delineate Marine jurisdictional boundaries. In addition, we must speed up the modernization of the Chinese navy, make it become protect our security and its maritime rights and interests defend the backbone of the world peace. Enhance the whole nation's Marine consciousness, the land and sea view and set Marine economic view. Establishing perfect, and international Marine regulations system, strive for China to realize the middle in this century the revival of the Marine career!
Say again we. Historically, China is always with strong mainland characteristic "yellow civilization" country. Marine in people's mind always not deep-rooted continental view more attractive. However, even if has always attached importance to the Chinese agriculture, also have toward the ocean, facing the world dream. Around the world, and the great motherland already has a huge fleet sailing in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic ocean, the Indian Ocean in more than 60 countries and regions between the about 1,200 port; Has initially have left and right sides of the world shipping market economic strength powerful shipping. Criss-cross international routes that not only gradually reproduced in the brilliant, but also for contemporary China towards Marine, facing the world made the best explanation.
Zheng's greatness is not only in his green sailing culture dissemination of the Chinese nation "yellow civilization", and that he ushered in a new era for western "blue, the rise of civilization" provides experience and technical support. He changed the world! As later generations of we will change the world!
When developing national Marine programs, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation's historical mission of our shoulders when quietly fall please believe that we, in the 21st century China will in the world's oceans more splendid history compose in the future.


Blue, quiet and far-reaching color green, the color of friendship and peace, when the two colors mixed together, he sketched out a picture of the Zheng xiongwei pictures.
Zheng He, a name of more ...


Blue, quiet and far-reaching color green, the color of friendship and peace, when the two colors mixed together, he sketched out a picture of the Zheng xiongwei pictures.
Zheng He, a name of more than 600 years ago, it represents a defy difficulties, conquering natural values, opened its doors, opening towards the world thought, a sea-rivers, tolerance is a large scale the character. Zheng He's achievements are brilliant and brilliant, he belongs to China, but also to the world. He dared for the first spirit is respected by Western adventure in the world, I think that is more worthy of our study and consciousness of note is his State of the art of navigation, a green, represents open ahead of the Chinese nation, exchanges and cooperation, the national spirit of peace and friendship, and diligence, pioneering, realistic, innovative deep cultural tradition. As the world's largest, the most powerful of the combined fleet, they have no aggression, slavery and plundering, not to establish a colony, instead of throughout the navigation process of "Nathan Good Neighborliness" policies and "Huairou, far people", "heshun wanbang", "shared harmony" thought of humanism. They advanced navigation concept, open world navigation of the first maritime rights concepts, framework prototype of the modern concept of sea power. However, such a distinguished excellence in maritime interests but in the 15th century the Chinese Pan, how sad, there isn't!
Because thanks to the ocean and the Western world prosperity, depend on sea power and prosperity. History has proved that King in all the countries of the world was a naval power at the time, became so China wants, there must be a strong sea power. From the founding to the present, leaders attach great importance to the modern sea power, sea power was the establishment of new China in defence on the basis of the sea, in the specific historical context, forming a concept of sea power with Chinese characteristics.
As we all know, is a marine power in China, with more than 18,000 km of coastline and more than 6,500 area of 500 square meters more than the size of the island, according to the United Nations Convention on the law and China's claims, China still has nearly 3 million square kilometers of sea areas under the jurisdiction of the equivalent land area of one-third, what substantial data it! However, because each declared 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone and continental shelf system with neighbouring countries, coastal areas in China and other countries of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone overlapped, resulting in a number of countries and there are disputes on maritime rights in China. Therefore, we must uphold the principle of the leader, proper handling of the existing maritime disputes, deter invasion of the neighbouring coastal areas and territorial seas to me reasonably consultations to designate marine jurisdiction boundaries. In addition, you must speed up the modernization of the Chinese Navy, making this the maintenance of security and maritime rights in our country, backbone of safeguarding world peace. Increase oceanic consciousness of the whole nation, make the concept of establishing the maritime territory of the whole people, economic view of the sea. Establish a sound, and the international maritime regulatory system, and strive to achieve China's marine industry in the late in this century on the great rejuvenation!
Talk to us. Review the past, mainland China has been with a strong characteristic o