
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:23:44
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Last year,the party central committee,the state council in the fourth quarter to expand domestic demand,promoting fast yet steady economic growth decision to deploy./ /
After that,the national development and reform commission,ministry of finance quickly established new central investment work plan./ /
According to the central determined to jointly with relevant departments,the national development and reform commission has arranged for lots of central investment plan./ /
Now,I just this lots of central investment brief introduction to everybody be arranged.First,the central investment arrangements / /
Arrange the first batch of central last year invested 10 million yuan,mainly used for affordable housing,rural minsheng engineering and rural infrastructure,health education and other social services,environmental protection projects,etc construction./ /
Earlier this year the second batch of central investment arrangement,used further 1,300 billion yuan above respects./ /
According to the state council analysis quarter economic situation [7] the work after the 3rd batch deployment,700 billion yuan in the central investment was used in the above aspects arrange continue to stimulate economic growth,especially the most direct,the most powerful field./ /
Secondly,the central investment project progress.By the end of April,the first two batches of central investment project construction progressing smoothly.Basically completed the low-cost 2.14 million sets,solve about 146 million rural people drinking water safety problems.
Meanwhile,built around 2 million kilometers of rural highways,rural power grid lines 4 million kilometers; Build highway 445 kilometers,civil aviation terminal 10 million square meters.In addition,the third batch of central investment plan has also issued 560 million yuan./ /

in the fourth quarter of last year,the party central committee along with the state council make a disposition to expand domestic demand and facilitate a stable and relatively fast ecnomic growth.


in the fourth quarter of last year,the party central committee along with the state council make a disposition to expand domestic demand and facilitate a stable and relatively fast ecnomic growth.
afterwards,the national development and reform committee,the ministry of finance promptly formulated the plan to inrease central investment.
acorrding to the investment plan made by the central committee ,the national development and reform committee along with other concerned department arrenged three investment package one after another.
now i'm going to make a brief introduction of the three investment pakage to you .
first,the distribution of the central investment.the first central investment ,100 billion in all ,last year,mainly used in the construction of low-income housing ,people's livelihood project and infrastructure in rural areas,healthcare and education,and enviroment protection.
at the begining of this year,we infused another 130 billion yuan to the above-mentioned areas,as the second investment package
acorrding to the work disposition made by the state council after analysing the economic situation of the first quarter this year,we will continue put the third investment package ,70 billion,into the above-mentioned areas ,especially to the areas which most directly and strongly drives the economy growth
second,the the progress of the central investment .till the end of april,the central investment has made smooth progress,we have almost built 214 thousand low-rent houses ,made 14.6 million people have access to safe drinking water.
at the same time ,we have built about 20 thousand KM of rural road,and over 40 thousand km of rural power system,445 km of expressway,100 million square metter of civil avation terminal.besides,we have delivered over 56 billion of the third investment plan.


Last year, the party central committee, the state council in the fourth quarter to expand domestic demand, promoting fast yet steady economic growth decision to deploy. / /
After that, the nationa...


Last year, the party central committee, the state council in the fourth quarter to expand domestic demand, promoting fast yet steady economic growth decision to deploy. / /
After that, the national development and reform commission, ministry of finance quickly established new central investment work plan. / /
According to the central determined to jointly with relevant departments, the national development and reform commission has arranged for lots of central investment plan. / /
Now, I just this lots of central investment brief introduction to everybody be arranged. First, the central investment arrangements / /
Arrange the first batch of central last year invested 10 million yuan, mainly used for affordable housing, rural minsheng engineering and rural infrastructure, health education and other social services, environmental protection projects, etc construction. / /
Earlier this year the second batch of central investment arrangement, used further 1,300 billion yuan above respects. / /
According to the state council analysis quarter economic situation [7] the work after the 3rd batch deployment, 700 billion yuan in the central investment was used in the above aspects arrange continue to stimulate economic growth, especially the most direct, the most powerful field. / /
Secondly, the central investment project progress. By the end of April, the first two batches of central investment project construction progressing smoothly. Basically completed the low-cost 2.14 million sets, solve about 146 million rural people drinking water safety problems.
Meanwhile, built around 2 million kilometers of rural highways, rural power grid lines 4 million kilometers; Build highway 445 kilometers, civil aviation terminal 10 million square meters. In addition, the third batch of central investment plan has also issued 560 million yuan. / /


The last fourth quarter,the central government and the State Coucil set a strategy to expand the domistic demand and promote the economy in a rapid speed steadily.
Later on ,the NDRC and Financial...


The last fourth quarter,the central government and the State Coucil set a strategy to expand the domistic demand and promote the economy in a rapid speed steadily.
Later on ,the NDRC and Financial Department formulate a woking plan about newly increasing
the central investment.
Based on the investment areas identified and set forth by the Central Government , we drew up plans for three successive Central Government investment programs.
Now,let me give you a brief introduction for these programs.First of all,the arrangement for the Central Government investment.
Last year,it is invested in 100 billion RMB mainly for the socail events such as subsidized housing ,projects designed to improve the lives of rural people and rural infrastructure,medical education and so on and construction of the enviroment project. etc.
At the beginning of this year, the second part of money is invested in 130 billion RMB in dong this.
According to the working strategy from the analyzing the first quarter's economic situation by the State Council, the third part of money,70 billion RMB has been distributed for doing this,especially in such fields which are most powful and direct in stimulating economic growth.
Secondly,the progress of the programmes invested by Central Government.By the end of April,the former two groups are going well.It has been built 214 thousand low-cost houses, and made 14 million 600 thousand rural resident drink the safe water .
At the same time,it is Built around 2 million kilometers rural highways, 4 million kilometers rural power grid lines ; 445 kilometers highway.Otherwise,more than 56 biliilion RMB included in the third group has been in use.





英语翻译去年四季度,党中央、国务院做出扩大内需,促进经济平稳较快增长的决策部署.//之后,国家发改委、财政部迅速制定了新增中央投资工作方案.//按照中央确定的投向,国家发改委会同有 党中央 全国人大 国务院的关系 党中央国务院高度重视,是什么意思 汉译英 中南海是党中央、国务院办公地. 党中央、国务院为什么高度重视人民群众生命? 党中央国务院为什么高度重视食品安全问题 党中央国务院为什么要厉行节约反对浪费 去年一季度的用电量比二季度多4分之1,比四季度少23%,四季度用电4600度,求二季度多少度? 党中央,国务院为什么高度重视抗击“非典”的工作? 2010年7月,党中央、国务院颁布了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》(以下简称《纲要》),对未来十年我国教育改革发展做出了总体部署.《纲要》强调指出,教育改革发 党中央提出四风是什么? 英语翻译近年以来,面对国际金融危机带来的严峻挑战,党中央、国务院提出了关于扩内需、保增长、调结构重大决策.借此契机,大连经济的发展也呈现出向好的趋势.然后问题还是存在的,在金 英语翻译地震发生后,党中央、国务院高度重视.主席闻讯后立即作出重要指示,要求科学施救,最大限度减少伤亡,妥善做好受灾群众安置工作,维护灾区社会稳定. 英语翻译网上在线翻译的别来了,我是论文用的请高手手工翻译 内容如下:改革开放以来,交通运输作为我国国民经济的重要行业受到党中央、国务院和各级政府的高度重视,各个地区也加快了 英语翻译在新世纪新阶段,党中央、国务院把扩大内需、促进消费确立为促进国民经济发展的长期战略方针和基本立足点.旅游业是第三产业的重要组成部分,是世界上发展最快的新兴产业之一, 运用《经济生活》的知识回答:党中央、国务院为什么高度重视食品安全 运用政治生活知识,分析党中央、国务院高度重视我国航天科技事业发展的理由 运用《政治生活》的有关知识回答:党中央、国务院为什么高度重视甲型H1N1流感疫情