初三的几道英语习题1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?2.What do you think they are talking about?这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:37:41
初三的几道英语习题1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?2.What do you think they are talking about?这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句
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初三的几道英语习题1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?2.What do you think they are talking about?这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句
1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?
2.What do you think they are talking about?
这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句不都是加陈述语序的吗?有哪位高手可以指点一下?拜托了哦~~~

初三的几道英语习题1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?2.What do you think they are talking about?这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句
第一句的what do you think 是作为主语,即主语从句;
第二句是宾语从句,即they are talking about 作为think 的宾语;其实句子省略了that;标准句为:
waht do you think that (they are talking about)



初三的几道英语习题1.What do you think is the most helpful invention?2.What do you think they are talking about?这两句都是课本上的,他们都有what do you think?但是为什么一句后面加陈述语序,一句则没有?宾语从句 初三英语关于介词的习题 初三英语习题 几道简单的初三英语首字母填空1.What book did you read r______?2.What do you d_____ about this band?-----it's too noisy.3.Have you seen the l______ cars?They came out yesterday.4.A_______,some types of oil are really bad for people.5.Who 几道初三英语习题根据要求转换句子,每空一词1、This is Robert's watch (对划线部分提问,划线的为 Robert's )____ ____ is this 2、Do you know who the computer belongs to (改为同义句)Do you know ____ the computer ____ 几道初三的二次根式题.1.已知x、y都是实数,且满足y 初三英语作文what do i think of english 几道初三英语,快!一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.what about _____(go)there on Sunday.2.It's very_____(help)to do a lot of reading.3.the students answered the teacher's questions____(different).4.It's very easy to 【【【【【高等数学的几道习题】】】】】 初三英语的几道关于时态的选择题 请帮忙讲解几道英语被动语态的习题You___ more beautiful in the light blue shirt.A.see B.watch C.look D.look at-What do you think of the TV play?-Wonderful.It is worth___ a second time.A.watching B.watched C.seen D.seeingHow dirty the ta 六年级的2道英语题1.What's AIDS?2.What should you do? 帮忙写一篇初三的英语作文,题目是what would you do if i were a boss 我今年初三了 想快速提升我的英语成绩 What should I do?3Q【thank you】 初三的英语作文 What would you do if you had a million?谢谢...给篇吧 初三的二元一次方程习题 初三英语作文what do you do after you get up in the moring? 英语作文 英语作文 假如你是初三学生林方,Mr Brown你班的新外籍英语教师.为啦尽快了解班级学生学习情况1.when do you usually get to school?2.what do you do at school?3.what do you think of your school life开头给