
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 05:49:23
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  Jump for the sun,at least you land on the moon.目标定的高一点有好处.
  我喜欢这里:I like here.Right:I like it here.
  I can succeed.Right:I can do it.I can make it.
  注意生活中的英语:Nike胜利女神.Just do it.
  生活中的英语:Did you have a pleasant journey?(这时要用降调)
  I am very much frightened because a girl named Monika stands beside me.Oh,thank god!He’s not the president now.(我很害怕)
  I was just screwed up.(我一团糟)
  I 押韵题型(押头韵、押尾韵);
  54.The rain was heavy and _A_ the land was flooded.
  A consequently B continuously C constantly D consistently
  continue v.继续,连续; continually adv.时断时续地; continuously adv.连续不断地.
  consequently adv.因此,所以;(heavy rain大雨,light rain小雨)
  constantly adv.始终如一地,连续发生地;constant temperature 恒温
  consistently adv.一贯地,一致地; consistent adj.consistent policy 一贯的政策.
  36.I hate people who _C_ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.
  A revise B rewrite C reveal D reverse
  rewrite v.重写,改写; revise vt.修改,修正; reveal vt.揭示,揭露;
  reverse vt.颠倒,使反转,使反向.(vers是词根,表示转动;re是前缀,表示向相反方向)
  42.There were no tickets _D_ for Friday’s performance.
  A preferable B considerable C possible D available
  performance n.表演,演出,演奏; perform vt.possible adj.可能的
  动词后加able构成形容词通常表示“可…的” read -》 readable accept -》 acceptable
  consider vt.考虑; considerable adj.(数量或尺寸)相当大(或多)的.
  preferable adj.更好的,更可取的;
  available* adj.可获得的,可利用的,可支配的.(重点词)
  33.In general,the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _D_ for living expenses.
  A acceptable B applicable C advisable D available
  living expenses 生活费; acceptable adj.可接受的;
  apply vt.申请,应用; applicable adj.可应用的,适当的,合适的;
  advise vt.建议; advice n.建议; advisable adj.明智的,可取的.
  54.It is our _A_ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
  A consistent B continuous C considerate D continual
  achieve unity through peaceful means 通过和平手段取得统一; consistent policy 一贯政策
  44.There were some _A_ flowers on the table.
  A artificial B unnatural C false D unreal
  unreal adj.不真实的(不是真实世界所拥有的,虚幻的); Ends justify means 不择手段;
  false adj.具有欺骗性的,假的,伪造的; false coin/passport/hair,a false tooth/false teeth
  unnatural adj.不自然的,经常用来修饰人的行为举止,表示做作的,矫揉造作的.
  artificial adj.人造人为的 artificial leg 假肢artificial leather 人造皮 genuine leather 真皮
  54.When people become unemployed,it is _C_ which is often worse than lack of wages.
  A laziness B poverty C idleness D inability
  laziness n.懒惰; poverty n.贫穷; poor adj.贫穷的;
  idleness n.无事可做(中性,有时也有贬义含义); inability n.没有能力,没有办法.
  69.A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen.They are a thorough _A_.
  A nuisance B trouble C worry D anxiety
  invade 进攻,侵略; nuisance n.(具体的)令人讨厌的东西; trouble n.烦恼,麻烦,问题;
  worry n.担心,发愁; anxiety n.焦虑.What a nuisance.真是烦.

