
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:41:36
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Dear xxx,
We are undergoing business negotiation with one of our biggest customer and the CEOs of the two companies has met and discussed.The customer emphasized a lot on delivery time and they require to deliver the goods within 2 months.If this requirement is agreed,then the deal is 99% sure.The customer is using our products on trial basis and if they are satisfied,there would be huge amount of orders to follow.For this reason,both the customer and we need your support.In case the delivery time could not be met,we (I mean both you and us) will lose this big customer.
We look forward to the good news from you.
Yours truly,

Dear XXX,
We are currently under the negotiation stage. Our CEO and CEO from client's company has officially meet. What the client consider mostly is delivery time. They require that the delivery...


Dear XXX,
We are currently under the negotiation stage. Our CEO and CEO from client's company has officially meet. What the client consider mostly is delivery time. They require that the delivery should not be over 2 months. If we could meet this delivery requirement, we had 99% possiblity to get this order.
This time the purpose of this client is to trial our product, which means we can reasonable expected further orders with significant amount. Therefore, our company and also our client are hoping to get your support. In the worse case, we (not only our company but you) could lose this important client if we could not make the delivery on time.
Thank you and we are looking forward receiving good news from you.


Now in the stage of business negotiation, our CEO and CEO customers have met, the customer value is the date of delivery, they are demanding the delivery of 2 months, if can meet customer requirements...


Now in the stage of business negotiation, our CEO and CEO customers have met, the customer value is the date of delivery, they are demanding the delivery of 2 months, if can meet customer requirements, the order is a 99% into a single rate. The customer is the use of our products, the number of many later. So my companyand clients hope to get your support! If you cannot meet the delivery date, we (my company and the foreign supplier ) will lose a big customer, want to wait for your good news!


要给我的供货商老外写邮件,内容如下:现在处于商务谈判阶段,我司CEO与客户CEO已经会面,客户很看重的就是交货期,他们要求是2个月交付,如果能满足客户要求,这个订单有99%的成单率.这次客 求助英文邮件的正式格式我要给老外写一份英文邮件,内容要包括我是xx供应商,来自xx有限公司,xxx.附件的xx需要向贵司订购,请查收.邮件给我.最好能用范文, 英文商务邮件,怎么寒暄?上次跟老外的商务邮件的是在去年12月底,中间再没联系过,现在要给老外写邮件了,开头要怎样寒暄一下呢? 怎么给老外写感恩节邮件 谁能帮我写英文感谢信,内容如下我看到了M的邮件,非常感谢你给我这个机会.让我获得这个奖励. 关于给老外发邮件给一个老外(英国人)发邮件,他回复时是这样和我打招呼的:hello there!还有,给老外发邮件交流,有哪些问题不能问?或者有哪些礼节必须注意? 外企新入职的自我介绍的英文邮件怎么写?我刚刚进了一家外企,但是我的英文很差,但是现在需要用英文给所有的同事发个自我介绍,请大家帮我看看应该怎么写,内容大概如下:我是XXX,很高兴 我明天会回邮件给你 英语怎么说1 我明天会 回邮件给你2 我明天要出去旅行,等我回来后 我会回邮件给你3 近期我比较忙,所以 现在才回复你的邮件,还请谅解.4 她说 给我发了邮件,/ 给我写了 怎么用英文回复老外?写了一封开发信,老外有兴趣咨询,我给他回复后忘记与他联系,.现在再跟他联系了,他却回了这样的邮件.请问该怎么回复比较得体,我是想说以后有机会可以跟我买,我会一 帮忙用英文写一份加薪申请领导是老外,需要写邮件大概内容就写:我有18个月没有调整工资了,最近国内的物价飞涨,生活成本大幅提高,女儿还要交学费,现在的工资很难维持家庭的开销了,希 帮忙用英文写一份加薪申请领导是老外,需要写邮件,大概内容就写:我有18个月没有调整工资了,最近国内的物价飞涨,CPI高位运行,生活成本大幅提高,女儿还要交学费,现在的工资很难维持家庭 英语翻译给老外邮件的回复。地道点的。 供货合同书我公司现在要给对方公司供货1000只箱子,要求做货前先交付30%定金,尾款于交货时付清,这个合同怎么拟? 麻烦帮我中译英一份邮件,这是一封营销的邮件,希望能够认真的翻译,内容如下:// 给老外写邮件的精髓问候语,结构,结尾语等.需要注意什么,越详细越好,Thanks 给美国写邮件申请经费,老外总是用the wire be processed,这里的wire是什么意思? 请帮忙写一封英文邮件内容是我公司为XX公司的供货商,现需要向贵公司采购一批玻璃包装纸,请告知具体价格与最小起定量,对于此类纸张的要求请见附件.还请尽快回复此邮件. 商务英语,询价邮件.大概内容是这样的,跪求高人给写个英文版的,我们是德国某某公司在上海的分公司,现德国总部有XX产品的需求.烦请,按以下不同的采购量进行报价,并提供货期.