
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:05:14
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Jane eyre by 1847 is an autobiography composition is very thick novels,though the story is fictional books,but the heroine and many other character of life,the environment,even many of life's details,are taken from the author and the surrounding people true experience.The author,charlotte Bronte 1816 was born in northern England a family pastor.Mother,age eight premature death was sent to charlotte a boarding school.There is bad living conditions,two of her sister died because of infected with lung disease and successively.So charlotte and sister Emily returned home to,in the desolate Yorkshire mountain spent his childhood.15 years old when she entered the miss WuLe do school,a few years later when teachers in this school.Then she was a teacher,but because family cannot bear to a lady miss,broadly tutor discrimination and mean and give up the family teacher living way.She was going to school,so she self-governance in the support of your mother go to Italy with Emily study French and German.However,since no one came to attend school can't be done.But she is in Italian learning experience inspired her strong desire to express themselves in the literary creation,prompted her into the road.
"Jane eyre" write in 1846,is charlotte second novel.She borrowed a risen from poverty young woman struggles,to express his bosom,integrated su deeply touched when readers.Novels in 1847 autumn to the pseudonym of kohler bell,published in the next year they have immediately twice reprint.The author of an unknown technocrat,charlotte Bronte,thus enter the famous British novelist ranks.
Jane eyre by unique not only lies in the novel of authenticity and strong artistic appeal,lies in the novel in shaping a unyielding secular pressure,independent,the positive enterprising female image.Novels in Jane eyre love story for rochester,vividily as the fire was the enthusiasm and sincere heart,strongly reveals her love.She wont convergence of the stupid and mocked them rdominating self-improvement and self-reliance,shows the personality and good ideal.She loved boldly love,but when she found herself loved ones and wife,and resolutely left her and places of reluctance.Novel expressed thought that women unwilling designated their status and social requirements at work that marriage equality,independent was extraordinary,England's literary is big to vibrate.The fictional novel describing the ending,legacy,obtained eyre back alone and helpless rochester side.This action although worth deliberate,but it show the author's ideal -- women in economic,social status and the independent family to the love of equality and faithful move.

The tone of Jane Eyre is direct, perhaps even blunt. There is no prissy little-girl sensibility, but a startlingly independent, even skeptical perspective. At the age of 10, the orphan Jane already se...


The tone of Jane Eyre is direct, perhaps even blunt. There is no prissy little-girl sensibility, but a startlingly independent, even skeptical perspective. At the age of 10, the orphan Jane already sees through the hypocrisy of her self-righteous Christian elders. She tells her bullying Aunt Reed, "People think you a good woman, but you are bad; hard-hearted. You are deceitful!" and "I am glad you are no relative of mine; I will never call you aunt again so long as I live. I will never come to see you when I am grown up; and if any one asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say that the very thought of you makes me sick." (In fact, when her aunt is elderly and dying, Jane does return to visit her, and forgives her. But that's far in the future.) With the logic of a mature philosopher, in fact rather like Friedrich Nietzsche to come, Jane protests the basic admonitions of Christianity as a schoolgirl: "I must resist those who ... persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly. It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection, or submit to punishment when I feel that it is deserved." And this bold declaration, which would have struck readers of 1847 (in fact, of 1947) as radical and "infeminine":
