
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:41:28
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The basic umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago.We have seen evidence of umbrellas in the ancient art and artifacts of Egypt,Assyria,Greece,and China.
These ancient umbrellas or parasols,were first designed to provide shade from the sun.The Chinese were the first to waterproof their umbrellas for use as rain protection.They waxed and lacquered their paper parasols in order to use them for rain.
The word "umbrella" comes from the Latin root word "umbra",meaning shade or shadow.Starting in the 16th century umbrella became popular to the western world,especially in the rainy weather of northern Europe.At first it was considered only an accessory suitable for women.Then the Persian traveler and writer,Jonas Hanway (1712-86),carried and used an umbrella publicly in England for thirty years,and he popularized umbrella use among men.English gentleman often referred to their umbrellas as a "Hanway."
The first all umbrella shop was called "James Smith and Sons".The shop opened in 1830,and is still located at 53 New Oxford St.,in London,England.
The early European umbrellas were made of wood or whalebone and covered with alpaca or oiled canvas.The artisans made the curved handles for the umbrellas out of hard woods like ebony,and were well paid for their efforts.
In 1852,Samuel Fox invented the steel ribbed umbrella design.Fox also founded the "English Steels Company",and claimed to have invented the steel ribbed umbrella as a way of using up stocks of farthingale stays,steel stays used in women's corsets.African-American,inventor,William C.Carter patented an umbrella stand (U.S.patent#323,397 - see image left) on August the 8th,1885.
After that,compact collapsible umbrellas were the next major technical innovation in umbrella manufacture,over a century later.

Legend ruban wife cloud's also a work.
The jade dust "on, she is the inventor of the umbrella, the first umbrella is her husba...


Legend ruban wife cloud's also a work.
The jade dust "on, she is the inventor of the umbrella, the first umbrella is her husband to go out to somebody else's cover houses with.
"伞"字早有出现,她大概是造出了能撑合的伞. 是谁发明的雨伞?
"Umbrella" word appears early, she is probably created can stay close umbrella. Who invented an umbrella?

To this problem has been kiom da hedos, tiom da opinios.
Some said, the men of Egypt, the first to use an umbrella, as early as 1200 BC, Egypt (Egypt) gentry when you travel often to slave (slave) for they sun umbrella (parasol).
The Romans used the umbrella keep out the Mediterranean sun.
In China, an umbrella is 1000 BC by ruban wife invention, umbrella is called "can move house".
In the UK, in the 18th century began to use an umbrella.
佰纳斯 伞一度是女性的专用品,表示女人对爱情的态度。
Hundred's umbrella, was once a female designed products, said the woman to love attitude.
An umbrella to stand up, said to the love remote undying devotion;
Left hand open umbrella, said: "I have no spare time now".
Umbrella move slowly, said no faith or distrust;
An umbrella on the right shoulder, does not want to see you again.
