这个短语在这个句子中是定语还是状语?The "cultural revolution",lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢如果是后置定语,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 22:53:27
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这个短语在这个句子中是定语还是状语?The "cultural revolution",lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢如果是后置定语,
The "cultural revolution",lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.
“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢

这个短语在这个句子中是定语还是状语?The "cultural revolution",lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢如果是后置定语,
The "cultural revolution",lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.
“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢
答:是非限制性定语,也可以说是分词短语作状语,作用一样:补充说明“Cultrual Revolution”的.
这句话,如改为which lasted ...则为非限制性定语从句.
如放句首,则Lasting ...,则为状语.



这个也没太严格的说法 我们老师说这样的前后逗号隔开的 是后置定语或者叫插入语


The "cultural revolution", which lasts from May 1966 to October 1976, is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.
which lasts from May 1966 to October 1976,这个句子是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前文的"cu...


The "cultural revolution", which lasts from May 1966 to October 1976, is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.
which lasts from May 1966 to October 1976,这个句子是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前文的"cultural revolution,可以省略为 lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,。


是后置定语,它是修饰前面的名词The "cultural revolution" ,你只要记住状语是修饰动词的就好区分了。有时不十分严谨的情况下可以加逗号。

这个短语在这个句子中是定语还是状语?The cultural revolution,lasting from May 1966 to October 1976,is initiated and led by Mao Zedon.“lasting from May 1966 to October 1976” 是后置定语,还是作状语呢如果是后置定语, 如何区分介词短语在句子中是做定语还是状语? 在这个句子中介词短语是定语还是状语?I saw a cat in the house.这个句子可以翻译成两种 一.我看到一只猫在房子里 二.我在房子里看到一只猫 第一种可能是我在房子外边看到一只猫在房子里 所 英语中状语和后置定语的区分i visited my tercher in beijing yesterday.这个句子中介词短语in beijing是做后置定语修饰my teacher,还是做状语修饰visit呢?it kills many people every year worldwide.这个句子中every year 这个with的短语是在句子中做什么成分,宾补还是定语?Every room has a computer with a special screen. 一般我如何去判断一个分词短语是修饰的名词做,定语还是整个句子,也就是分词做状语?这个应该是做定语的There are a number of stores selling bikes there.麻烦给个做状语的句子.另外,好像做状语的句 怎么区分现在分词和过去分词在句子中充当什么成分?如题.老师讲这个语法的时候.听得我头晕晕~老是分不清他们充当什么成分.状语还是定语?又或者是... He lives far away from the floor.darken the skies a continent away.这两个句子中far away from the floor和a continent away的短语各作什么成分?是后置定语吗?还是状语?或者解释下修饰什么?有这样的短语表达吗——th give sth to sb.这个句子中的to sb是作sth的定语呢?还是作give的状语或句子的状语?为什么? 在英语中定语,状语,补语的概念是什么?介词短语作定语后置的句子找8个. 定语和状语是什么 求举例比如说 木头房子 这个木头是状语还是定语 求用定语和状语造句 You don't get much exercise sitting at a desk all day like this.sitting ...like this.这个短语在句子中充当甚么成分?sitting...like this 是现在分词短语还是动名词短语?不可能是动名词,因为动名词没有做状语的 【关于动词不定式在句子中做什么成分】the book is interesting to read.这里的to read 是做什么成分啊,是不是表语补足语(有这个东东么?)还是定语?还是状语?如果是的话,是什么状语(方式,原因)?P I go to school 句子成分?请问这个句子是 主谓宾(to school 介词短语作宾语) 还是 主谓状(to school 介词短语作状语) 这是定语从句还是状语从句?use the words to complete the sentences which follow.这个是定语从句还是状语从句?follow修饰的是哪个词语,做什么成分?句子是不是有省略成分? ______(像计划那样),the two friends living in diffierent cities met on May 10th.这个完成句子应该是As scheduled(方式状语)还是as was scheduled(定语从句)请解释, I am in a shop这个句子中in a shop是表语还是地点状语? 这个句子是时间状语从句还是定语从句?It was midnight when he got here yesterday.书上说是时间状语从句,但我觉得也可以是定语从句啊,为什么不是呢?应该怎样区分呢?