
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:23:00
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CIS is in the investigation and study and in the analysis foundation,through plans and designs CIS to manifest some enterprise to distinguish between other enterprise's characteristic and the sign,the mold enterprise in the social public mind the specific position and the image strategy.Simultaneously the CIS design also is in the information transmission design one brand-new idea design.It is the enterprise management and operation and in a marketing competition strategy part,is one of series projects which the enterprise plans.
CIS will propagandize the media which the enterprise will exist to obtain the visual transmission the unification,and will use the registered trademark effectively,enterprise standard character and essential factors and so on enterprise standard color,from advertisements propaganda,product,swathe and product instruction booklet and so on,until enterprise's building,the vehicles,the letter bamboo slip will gain ground with the bill and so on all perform to unify the design,from this will obtain the unified image which the enterprise will have,thus will cause the people to realize some enterprise explicitly the existence.
This article first to the object of study,the research significance and so on carries on the elaboration,then proposed this article studies the frame,afterwards carries on the CIS theory and the literature summarizes in,then to sprouts the mui element animation shop to carry on the outer ring region investigation and the analysis,analyzes according to the above to sprouts the mui element to carry on the image localization,revolves this localization to carry on the CIS plan,separately to its idea recognition system,the behavior recognition system,the visual recognition system carries on the plan,and reorganizes these three parts of contents "Sprouts mui Element CIS Application Handbook",causes to sprout the mui element animation shop from inside to outside to maintain the integrity and the uniformity.Finally,from sprouted mui the element in the CIS plan process to obtain inducted CIS to the retail shop the suggestion.
Key word:Sprouts the mui element,the enterprise image recognition system,the idea recognition system,the behavior recognition system,the visual recognition system