
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:16:29
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他们需要培养正确的习惯,这些习惯帮助他们做到有条不紊.这里10条不可或缺的习惯保证生活过得井井有条: 1. Write Things Down 把事情写下来 We all know someone that remembers every birthday and sends cards for every holiday. It's not magic and they don't use memorization. Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized. You should try writing things down. 我们都知道有人能记得每一个生日,在每一个节日里都会送出贺卡.这不是魔法,他们不靠记忆.试图记住并不会帮助你做到有条不紊,你应该试着把它们写下来. A pen and some paper is our way of remembering things externally, and it's much more permanent. You can also use a computer or a smart phone. You will only further complicate your life by trying to contain important dates and reminders in your head. Write down everything: shopping lists for groceries, holiday gifts, home decor, and important dates like meetings and birthdays. 除了大脑记忆以外,我们要记忆靠的是钢笔和纸,而且它更为持久.你还可以使用电脑或智能手机.如果你想靠大脑来记忆重要的数据和备忘,只会让你的生活变得更为杂乱.写下一切:购物清单、节日礼品、家居装饰,以及如会议和生日这样重要的日子. As an experiment, try writing down people's names shortly after you meet them (when they're not looking). I'll bet you remember a lot more names that way. 实验练习:在你见到人们后不久,试着写下他们的名字(当他们没看见的时候).我敢打赌那样做你能记住更多的名字. 2. Make Schedules and Deadlines 注意时间表和最后期限 Organized people don't waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand-in-hand with staying productive. They make and keep schedules for the day and week. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they stick to them! Similarly, by living a cluttered lifestyle, you will not have the time or space to make your deadlines or achieve your goals. 有条理的人不会浪费时间.他们认识到保持事情井井有条就有生产动力.他们为每一天、每一星期都做了时间表.他们给出了最后期限,设定了目标.最重要的是,他们坚持实践!同样地,以混乱的生活方式活着,你没有时间和空间去制订任务的最后期限或实现你的目标. As an experiment, look at your bucket list or make one. Write down the things you want to achieve this year or in your life. Then write down what you need to do to achieve them. 实验练习:看看你的清单或是做一张列表.写下你想在今年或在你的生命中要完成的事.然后写下要实现它们你所需要做的. 3. Don't Procrastinate 不要拖延 The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done. If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then organize as soon as you can. Putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible will lift the weight off of you from doing it later. 等待得越久,你要做的那件事就变得越难做到.如果你希望你的生活压力小些,要求少些,那就尽快有序安排.付出努力尽快完成会缓解在将来完成它们时所带给你的压力. As an experiment, think of one thing that you should organize in your life. Write it down. Then write down when you can do it and what you need to get it done. If you can get it done right now, then go do it! 实验练习:想一件你应该在生活中安排起来的事.把这件事写下来.然后写下什么时候你能做,以及完成它你需要做什么.如果现在你能够完成,那就动手做! 4. Give Everything a Home 让一切都有一个着落 It's easy to get lost if you don't have a home. Keeping your life organized means keeping your things in their proper places. Organized people keep order by storing things properly and by labeling storage spaces. 如果你没有家,你很容易迷失.保持生活井井有条意味着你把它们安排在了合理的地方.有条理的人恰当地安排事物,并给存储空间贴了标签. Make easy-to-access storage spaces for things you use all the time, and don't let your storage spaces get cluttered. Be creative about finding places for things. In addition, as a BIG NO: never label a storage space as “miscellaneous!” 把你总是要用的东西放在随手可得的地方,不要混乱了你的存储空间.创造性地为事物寻找存储地方.此外,有一条大禁忌:不要为存储空间贴上“其他”的标签! As an experiment, choose one place in your home that you can re-organize. If there are scattered items, then group them together. Once you've sorted everything, find or make a “home” for similar items, label the “homes,” and put them in the proper places. For example, a cup holder for your pens and pencils should go in an easily accessible place, but the rarely used craft materials can be stored out of sight. 实验练习:在家里选一处你可以重新整理的地方.如果有杂七杂八的东西,那么把它们归类到一起.假如你对一切都分好类了,为类似的物品找一处或腾出一处地方给它们安个“家”,贴上标签,并把它们放在恰当的地方.比如说,装了钢笔和铅笔的杯子应该放在一个触手可及的地方,很少使用到的工艺材料可以放进储物间里藏着. 5. Declutter Regularly 定期整理 Find time each week to organize. Highly organized people make sure they find time every week, or more, to organize there things. Stuff does not stay organized on its own; it needs to be reorganized continuously and consistently. 每个星期花点时间去整理.条理性很强的人一定是每周找出一点或是更多的时间来整理这些物品.物品自己不会有序排列好,它们需要不停地重组.