网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?你们想知道在聚光灯下会发生什么吗?分析下为啥这样翻译.The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 18:32:55
网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?你们想知道在聚光灯下会发生什么吗?分析下为啥这样翻译.The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中
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网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?你们想知道在聚光灯下会发生什么吗?分析下为啥这样翻译.The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中
网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳
Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?
The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中Whitby啥意思

网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?你们想知道在聚光灯下会发生什么吗?分析下为啥这样翻译.The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中
原句是You have what it takes to share the spotlight?打错了哦,罚一个~
share the spotlight较为普遍的意思有“展示个人风采”、“抢出风头”、“平分秋色”等义项,而You have what it takes to……是典型的口语化用法,要借助语感去理解,可译为"你知道……吗“.个人理解此句的语气是警告,告诫对方不要轻易张扬,聚光灯下(娱乐圈政治圈之类)内幕很深.
下一个句子我没有查到whitby,这个词是个地名,但找到了题目The Anglo-Saxons created the Witan to advise the king,the basis of the ____ council.哇,你在修英国史啊,Witan是盎格鲁萨克逊时代的议会制,Privy Council枢密院的前身.




网友帮下忙 答的通顺的采纳Your have what it takes to share the spotlight?你们想知道在聚光灯下会发生什么吗?分析下为啥这样翻译.The Anglo-Saxons created the Whitby to advise the king,the basis of the Privy Council.中 采纳数是如何计算的?提问者采纳+网友采纳是大于采纳数的. 你的回答已受到网友们的采纳是什么意思? 想知道,那些忙着回答别人问题并期望采纳的(知道网友),是什么心理? 怎样可以第一时间收到“提问有新回答”“回答被采纳”“网友求助”的通知. Which is the coldest season in your hometown?通顺的 这遍习作的词语和句子很通顺. 修改病句 必采纳 ha的中文是什么, 百度知道自己的回答被提问者采纳我知道是什么意思,可是被网友是什么意思啊我不懂不好意思*^_^*落了两个字,是被网友采纳,不是被网友 假如你叫Peter请给你的网友Tom写一封e语句通顺连贯,40词左右. is your father's son your uncle翻译要通顺的 交通便利的好处,交通便利的好处,至少五项,语句通顺,有错别字的不采纳! 请问yahoo answer怎样采纳最佳答案?有三个外国网友回答了我的问题,我却找不到采纳按钮,汗, ke$ha的歌词意思? 读’ha:dli的单词 以ha结尾的词汇 他 ha 我 这里面的ha是什么意思(哈) 英语翻译这是AQUA唱的一首个.麻烦各位会翻译的帮我翻译一下这首个啦.歌词是Hello?Remember me?Who's there?I've got your number Oh no,no I'm back to haunt you No,stay away Ha ha ha ha ha It's Friday night So creepy outside It