同盟国与轴心国把那些将军的话都翻译过来要中英文对应 算你厉害 ..

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 08:02:40
同盟国与轴心国把那些将军的话都翻译过来要中英文对应 算你厉害 ..
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同盟国与轴心国把那些将军的话都翻译过来要中英文对应 算你厉害 ..
算你厉害 ..

同盟国与轴心国把那些将军的话都翻译过来要中英文对应 算你厉害 ..
I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses. ----希特勒
士兵们,多年的战争使你们踏遍了整个欧洲.现在……,前面就是莫斯科红场,到莫斯科,去洗刷你们战争的躯体吧!在这场战争中总是有许多国家会灭亡的,但是灭亡的,便是灭亡的,永远不会是我们德国,日尔曼战车是永远打不垮的!” ——阿道夫·希特勒
Great stamina is great purpose but comes into being .

People of Stalin with lofty ideals, life is always fervent. --- Stalin
One fine day , I need to let those bodies live in the high position people giving me Mussolini to vacate a piece of open space. -- Mussolini I need to let Italy listen to me command after grow up.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of
today . ----Franklin Roosevelt 实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑. ---罗斯福

Yesterday, December 7th 1941, a date which will live infamy. The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire Japan. It is obvious that planning the attack began many weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American military forces. I regret to tell you, that over 3,000 American lives have been lost. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
Because of this unprovoked dastardly attack by Japan, I ask that the Congress declare a state of war.


Gentlemen, most of you did not know me when I had the use of my legs. I was strong and proud and arrogant. Now I wonder every hour of my life, why God put me into this chair. But when I see defeat in the eyes of my countrymen in your eyes, right now, I start to think that maybe he brought me down for times like these when we all need to be reminded who we truly are that we will not give up or give in.


From Berlin, Rome, Tokyo, we have been described as a nation of weaklings and playboys who hire British, Russian, or Chinese soldiers to do our fighting for us. Let them repeat that now. Let them tell that to General MacArthur and his men. Let them tell that to the soldiers who today are fighting hard in the far waters of the Pacific. Let them tell that to the boys in the flying fortresses. Let them tell that to the Marines.

That the so-called public and the war nothing concern a lesson , China and our Japan all is the same. But as command of Chinese regime person, mistake commanding a public to resist Japan unexpectedly and insulting Japan, to such an extent even cruel killing , this are Chinese command person come the move! Follow our independence "!
Mo goes ahead vexed , suddenly straight.
----Hideki Tojo
这些是丘吉尔说的: "Never, never, never, never give up."
The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong."
"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals."
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril"
"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope"
"Believe me, gentlemen, the first 24 hours of the invasion will be decisive. ”
----Erwin Rommel
我要让美国人在身经百战的非洲军面前有一种自卑感. ——隆美尔元帅
I need to let American have one kind of inferiority complex before the battle-seasoned Africa army. ---Erwin Rommel
War is able to bring up heroes , may wash away all the sludge and filth. Somebody all is afraid of war. But, coward however those have let self fear defeat the sense of responsibility people. The sense of responsibility is real man the lofty quality cream. ----Patton
战争是人类最壮观的竞赛!战斗中强者胜,弱者亡 . ——巴顿
War is human being most the grand sight contest! Strong person wins , the weak is gone in battle. --- Patton
战争中没有民主可言,只有绝对的独裁,要使用武力达到目的 .
Do not have democracy but the word , only do not have absolute dictatorship in war, need to use armed might to achieve purpose .
--- Patton
I have escaped danger, but I will go back .
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away老兵不曾死亡,他只会淡然而去” ---麦克阿瑟
我担心我们正唤醒了一个沉睡的巨人.(I am worried that we are awakening a sleeping giant.")
聪明的人会避免战争(The clever people is able to avoid war )
不是列宁格勒惧怕死亡,而是死亡惧怕列宁格勒(Be not Lenigrad fearing to die, but be to die to be fear of Lenigrad)!
!假如我知道前进的路上有雷区,我也会让部队直接开过去(Suppose I know having mine field , our make one's way on the way also may make armed force direct come untied over) ---朱可夫
我不能容忍那些把一切与他们见解不同得人都称作共产党的极右分子,我也不能容忍那些高呼我们其余的人都是残酷的贪财牟利之徒的极左分子(I can not put those up with with everything getting person different from their view being called Communist ultra-Rightist , I can put up with those disciple's ultra-Leftist of shouting loudly that our others person all is that cruel being greedy for money makes a profit neither).
第二次世界大战并不是美国和他的盟国的人民挑起的,他们并不是愚蠢的战争狂.那些在战争中报效国家而幸存下来的人们还清清楚楚地记得,他们浴血沙场是为了免遭敌人的蹂躏.为了这个目的,无数英雄豪杰为国捐躯,他们在我们心上留下了深深的印迹(Second World War is really not that USA and his people of allied country raises , they are really not foolish war hysterias. Those dedicate to the country during the war but the people who survives down returns back to a field being absolutely clear to keep in memory, their battlefield bathed in blood be in order to dispense with trampling on meeting with an enemy. Die for one's country for this purpose , uncounted heroes, they have stayed in the heart in us deeply print.) ------艾森豪威尔
(No matter who should be humble forever during the period of he accepts cheering coming using blood affiliated to ministry , friend's sacrifice to earn, remembering. ) -----艾森豪威尔
别放手,我带你们出去(Do not let go, I take you to go out )

同盟国与轴心国把那些将军的话都翻译过来要中英文对应 算你厉害 .. 轴心国与同盟国全部音乐 轴心国与同盟国怎么增加建筑数量 轴心国 协约国 同盟国 还有什么分类分别都是什么意思 轴心国与同盟国那个能打像红警一样的遭遇战吗?然后左上角的那些特殊标志用起来都有什么效果?各个国家有什么优势特点?世界大战2怎么玩? 第二次世界大战中同盟国与轴心国各主要指哪几个国家,急用啊 轴心国与同盟国创造兵时的单位数量受限制是什么意思? 轴心国与同盟国中我建造的基地一闪一闪是什么意思啊 二战时期同盟国那么多,为什么要那么长时间才战胜轴心国?斯大林,丘吉尔和罗斯福呢? 同盟国与轴心国任务中如果德国故意不打莫斯科 日本能单独打下莫斯科吗 第二次世界大战的轴心国和同盟国分别是哪几个国家? 同盟国与轴心国问题哪家的坦克最实用?哪家步兵最实用?哪家的装甲车最实用? 轴心国与同盟国操作怎样攻击?每次我打别人,自己的兵好像也在攻击,为什么别人的兵总是不死? 法西斯轴心国指那些国家 轴心国与同盟国同盟国与轴心国(号称红警3的)怎么建分基地?我玩遭遇战的时候只有一个基地。而且房子到20的时候就完了。是不是基地多了就可以多建房子? 英语翻译把他说的话的意思翻译过来 风吹草低见牛羊的意思是什么?千万不能把那些复制过来,要自己的理解,如果复制的话,就把这一句的意思复制过来,不能把它全部复制过来 如何理解下面这句描述二战意军和德军的话..“如果意大利保持中立,那么我们相当于增加了五个德械师,如果意大利加入同盟国,我们就相当于增加了十个德械师.如果意大利加入轴心国,老天,