这句实在读不懂,翻译不同,求高手The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:11:21
这句实在读不懂,翻译不同,求高手The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology.
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这句实在读不懂,翻译不同,求高手The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology.
The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology.

这句实在读不懂,翻译不同,求高手The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology.



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这句实在读不懂,翻译不同,求高手The governance, whichever the level and the enforcement of institutions, it is the most important investor and in the same time a user of information technology. 求高手翻译这句怪怪的话...请帮我翻译这句话:But that's not the way of it with the tales that really mattered. 重点是the way of it with... 这儿有点不懂 法国大革命历届政府名称?the National Convention and the Directory,一句,后面这个“Directory”实在不懂怎么翻译, 英语翻译求大神帮忙翻译莎士比亚的一句话,最好注明出处!这句“The fault is not in the star but in ourselves .”最好不要直接用翻译软件翻译,那翻译的我实在不懂.诚心求答案,献上微薄赏金. 求翻译……实在不懂Au revoir……C`set finie这句法语的意思是什么?谢了 求极限?实在不懂! 帮帮忙,高手解决英文实在不懂. 哪位知道法国大革命历届政府名称?the National Convention and the Directory,一句,后面这个“Directory”实在不懂怎么翻译, 实在读不懂 求翻译(gossip girls) the lattest 411 on all the in peoplegossip girl 的片头 有这么一句话 实在不懂 有哪位强人可拔刀相助? 求翻译啊RESEARCH IDEAS FROM THE GLOBAL VALUE CHAIN PERSPECTIVE上面那个是个小标题,我需要翻译这篇图片上的正文,实在是读不懂==,需要通顺流畅的翻译,这篇东西是和价值链相关的 英语翻译不懂西班牙语,在线翻译五花八门.求西班牙语高手翻译. 求英语高手翻译一句英语:I got the short end of the stick. 哪位高手帮帮忙,翻译一下下面的文字.我实在不懂商业英语!急!NOTICE OF CONSOLIDATIONAs contemplated in the Notice of Meeting and other material mailed to all registered and beneficial shareholders of Jite Technologies Inc.for the 求高手翻译这句:overtone of the C–H stretch of CH2 group 在线等,急! 求解释这图的意思实在是不懂 英语翻译最好全部翻译,实在很多不懂, you were able to contribute meaningfully towards the achievement of the task.求详解.还有思考这句话翻译的思路.另外,这句为什么词我都懂但是读不懂?是否是特殊句式?