Fighting是什么意思啊 ?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 04:17:58
Fighting是什么意思啊 ?
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Fighting是什么意思啊 ?
Fighting是什么意思啊 ?

Fighting是什么意思啊 ?
fighting [fight·ing || 'fat] adj.好战的; 战斗的 n.战斗; 搏斗; 战争 fight [fat] n.打架; 斗志; 战斗 v.打仗; 打架; 搏斗; 奋斗; 与...打仗; 反对...提案; 指挥战斗 防油护手液生产厂家 专利持有者 优质护手蜡-老牌蜡业公司誉桓海词在线词典 fighting ['faiti] vbl.对抗,打架 例句:I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win.我希望她能很快明白过来,别再打这场打不赢的仗了.The fighting around the airport continued for a week before the enemy was defeated.机场附近的战斗持续了一个星期,敌军才被击溃.They're fighting for the world title tonight.他们今晚争夺世界冠军.海词广告:足不出户英语学习之旅 学外语,交外国真朋友 Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句 fighting Most of the fighting is against myself.这些斗争主要是针对我自己的.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Everyone has someone worth fighting for.人人都有值得为其效力的人.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 A war zone is a district where fighting is going on.战区就是进行战争的地方.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 African people are fighting for the freedom and independence of their countries.非洲人民为争取自由和国家的独立而战斗.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 After a brief peace,fighting broke out again.经暂短的和平时期,战事又起.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 At last the fighting ceases,giving Fleming time to contemplate his experiences.战争终于停息,弗莱明有了时间回顾他的经历.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting and winning.召之即来,来之能战,战之能胜.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Even if they were uninjured,their fighting spirit was shattered for days.即使没有受伤的人,他们也好几天都丧失了斗志.