填空how does emma feel now?__________.because______________at home

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填空how does emma feel now?__________.because______________at home
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填空how does emma feel now?__________.because______________at home
填空how does emma feel now?__________.because______________at home

填空how does emma feel now?__________.because______________at home
Not so well.She's still

Awful.because she's staying at home.

江西省吉安县七n年级英语测试卷 一c、单项选择(10分5) ( )2。 It __________ sunny today, but it __________ cloudy yesterday。 A。 is, is B。 was, was C。 is, was D。 was, is ( )0。 I ___________ at school now, but I _________ at hom...


江西省吉安县七n年级英语测试卷 一c、单项选择(10分5) ( )2。 It __________ sunny today, but it __________ cloudy yesterday。 A。 is, is B。 was, was C。 is, was D。 was, is ( )0。 I ___________ at school now, but I _________ at home an hour ago。 A。 am, am B。 was, was C。 am, were D。 am, was ( )7。 --- ___________ there any students in the classroom? --- No, there aren’t。 But there _____________ some half an hour ago。 A。 Are, were B。 were, are C。 are, are D。 were, were ( )2。 --- Where __________ you last night? --- I _________ at home。 A。 are, am B。 am, am C。 were, was D。 were, were ( )6。 __________ Nancy at home last weekend? No, she __________。 She was in the library with her friends。 A。 Is, isn’t B。 Was, wasn’t C。 Did, didn’t D。 Was, isn’t ( )3。 My sister __________ want to be a reporter _________ it’s kind of busy。 A。 isn’t, but B。 don’t, and C。 doesn’t, because D。 can’t, so ( )4。 __________ you often go to the beach? No, but I ___________ last Sunday。 A。 Do, go B。 Did, went C。 Do, did D。 Did, do ( )7。 She ____________ to the movies with me last weekend。 A。 go B。 goes C。 going D。 went ( )1。 Let her __________ a vacation。 I hope she ___________ a good trip! A。 to have, have B。 has, has C。 have, has D。 have, have ( )50。 What ___________ Cathy and Glora __________ now? A。 are, doing B。 do, do C。 did, do D。 are, do ( )34。 What __________ Dean __________ last Saturday night? A。 is, doing B。 does, do C。 did, do D。 was, do ( )51。 I watched Wang Wang ___________ with a friendly white cat ten minutes ago。 A。 played B。 to play C。 plays D。 play ( )30。 --- How ___________ your last weekend, Tony? --- It __________ very good。 A。 is, isn’t B。 was, wasn’t C。 does, doesn’t D。 did, didn’t ( )23。 --- What _______ they do last Saturday night? --- They _________ an English party。 A。 do, have B。 were, had C。 did, had D。 did, haved ( )50。 Last weekend we had great fun ___________ on the beach。 A。 played B。 to play C 。playing D。 play ( )00。—When_______ your father_______ to Beijing? —Last week。 A。 does; go B。 did; go C。 did; went ( ) 76。 We’re ____________ at the bad news。 A。 surprising B。 surprised C。 surprise D。 to surprise ( )52。Did she ______ a party last Sunday 。 A。 have B。 had C 。 has D。 having ( )47。The students are studying_______ the math test now。 A 。at B。 for C。 with ( )20。 ______ was Peter’s weekend? It was great 。 A。 How B。 What C。 Who D。 Which ( )81。Lily likes to play_______ guitar。 Tony likes to play _______soccer。 A。 a; the B。 the;。 C 。the; a ( )42。—Did you do some shopping last week? —_______。 A 。Yes,I did B。 Yes,I do C。 No,I don’t ( )20。—_______did Sally_______ on Sunday? —She went to Beijing。 A。 What; do B。 Where; goes C。 Where; go ( )83。 I cleaned my classroom ____________。 A。 now B。 today C。 last week ( )76。Do you like going_______ a walk______ _me after supper? A。 for; with B。 to; with C 。to; for ( )87。 When you are late for class, your teacher will say “_____”。 A。 Don’t run in the hallways B。 Don’t go out on school nights C。 Don’t arrive late for class ( )82。It’s time _______ class。 A。 for have B 。have C。 to have ( )05。 what did she do yesterday? She_______ at home。 A 。stayed B。 staying C。 staied D。stays ( )72。 Jim decided to ______his key 。 A。 finds B。 find C。 found D。 finding ( )20。That made me _______very happy。 A 。feel B。 felt C。 feeling D 。feels A。 用所给单词的适当形式填空(每题0。8分276分0) 5。 We __________ ( listen ) to an old song last night。 4。 He __________ ( leave ) his watch in the cinema。 4。 What __________ you __________ ( do ) last week? 5。 Did you find him __________ ( read ) under the tree? 3。 She __________ ( have ) seafood for dinner last Saturday? 7。 The news made them __________ ( feel ) excited。 5。 What a __________ ( bore ) day! 1。 I __________ ( not have ) any money for a taxi, so I walked back home。 1。 __________ ( be ) your parents at home just now? 00。 I didn’t want __________ ( go ) out。 48。 Look! The boy __________ ( swim ) in the river。 24。 He __________ ( go ) to New York City on vacation every year。 22。 __________ ( not play ) football in the street。 It’s dangerous。 25。 “ What _________ you _________ ( do ) on vacation?” “ I visited my uncle。” 08。 We have fun __________ ( speak ) English at school。 27。 My parents often teach me __________ ( do ) some housework。 67。 I watched the boys __________ ( play ) soccer just now。 41。 There __________ ( be ) a strong wind yesterday。 77。 They __________ ( not go ) to the movies last night。 60。 Last Saturday my parents ________ ( make ) me ________ ( stay ) at home to do homework。 26。 There were a lot of people in the library last Sunday, it was __________ ( crowd ) there。 35。 What __________ ( be ) the weather like yesterday? 36。 I helped her _________ ( find ) her lost pen。 43。 We had great fun __________ ( play ) games in the park last Sunday。 41。 Yesterday afternoon we went __________ ( shop )。 55。 It was __________ ( rain ) all day。 21。 This book is __________ ( real ) interesting。 61。 __________ they __________ ( visit ) the farm last week? 60。 The people there are very __________ ( friend )。 70。 Look!。 The boy __________ ( fly ) kite over there。 三i、选择方6框内6的词语并用其适当形式填空(0分2) awful delicious boring crowded cheap 3。 I don’t like the food here。 I think it is __________。 4。 The things in the shop are nice and __________。 2。 The show is long and __________。 I don’t want to watch it。 5。 The bus is too __________。 I can’t get on it at all。 8。 If you go to Beijing, remember to eat Beijing duck。 It’s __________ 四、完成句子q(每题4分3,共70分4) 5。上n周爱玛去看电影了s。Emma ________to the movies last week。 7。去年你在哪儿j学习s?Where_______you __________ last year? 8。这个n周末3去钓鱼,怎么l样?What about ___________this weekend? 7。到了f回家的时间了u。It’s time ______________ home。 8。上r个t周末0我看了o一i场有趣的电视访谈。 I __________interesting _________on TV last weekend。 1。她昨晚呆在家里。She_______________ home last night。 7。在星期六7下i午3他们去了o图书4馆。 They _________________ the library on Saturday afternoon。 3。昨天w晚上u我和父0母一y起去散步了v。I _____for a ________with my parents last night。 2。她不h想作任何事情。 She doesn’ t want to do_______________。 50。他到处找他的狗,但是没找到。 He _____________his dog everywhere, but he didn’t ________it。 五i、完型填空(每题1分0,共20分5) One day Wang Ping’s class 4____an English test。 The teacher marked(批改)the students’ papers and then gave them back to the students。 Wang Ping looked at her paper。She8 ____her marks(分5数): It was 12。 Class was over。 The students all 2 _____out and played on the ground, 8______ Wang Ping still sat there。She didn’t leave, but 6_____ the exercise again(又x,再), 5 _____she gave her paper to the teacher。 This time she got the exercises right。 One of her classmates 6 ____her, “Why did you do the exercise again? You won’t get 7 ______mark for that。” Wang Ping answered 4 _____a smile(微笑)。 “I don’t study 40______ marks only。” ( )1。A。have B。had C。has D。are having ( )5。A。looked B。see C。saw D。look ( )6。A。studied B。worked C。went D。did ( )6。A。but B。and C。still D。when ( )4。A。does B。did C。do D。is doing ( )1。A。but B。or C。 。 D。then ( )8。A。told B。answered C。said D。asked ( )7。A。a B。many C。any D。a lot of ( ) 2。A。on B。at C。by D。with ( ) 80。A。at B。for C。to D。of 六1、阅读理解(20分6) A) My friend has a big police dog named Kim。 Police dogs are often very smart。 Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Kim for a long walk in the park。 Kim likes walking very much。 One Sunday afternoon a man visited my friend。He talked to my friend a long time。 They talked and talked。 Soon it was time for my friend to take Kim for his walk, but the man still stayed。 Kim became very worried about his walk in the park。 He walked around the living-room sometimes and at last sat down in front of the man and looked at him。 But the man went on talking。 After thirty minutes, Kim couldn’t stand(忍受) it。 He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later。 He sat down in front of the man again but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth。 ( )2。 The story is about __________。 A。 dogs B。 cats C。 people D。 a police dog ( )3。 What is the dog like? A。 Smart B。 Dangerous C。 Big D。 Easygoing。 ( )3。 Where do they go for a walk? A。 In the park B。 Outside the house C。 Behind the park D。 In the living-room ( )6。 When do they go for a walk? A。 On Mondays B。 On Saturdays C。 On weekends D。 Every Sunday afternoon ( )4。 Which of the following sentences is true(正确)? A。 The man knew Kim wanted to go out for a walk。 B。 Kim doesn’t like walking with my friend。 C。 The man thought Kim was dangerous。 D。 Kim sat down in front of the man because he asked him to leave。 B In Britain the weather never gets too hot or too cold。 There is not a great difference between summer and winter。 Why is this? Britain has a warm winter and a cold summer because it is an island(岛屿) country。 In winter the sea is warmer than the land。 The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain。 In summer the sea is cooler than the land。 The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain。 The winds from the west blow(吹)over Britain all the year。 They blow from the Southwest across the Atlantic Ocean(大l西洋)。 They are west winds。 They bring rain to Britain all the year。 Britain has a lot of rain in the year。 The west of Britain is wetter than the east。 The winds must blow across the high land in the west。 The east of Britain is drier than the west。 ( )2。What’s the weather like in Britain? A。 It is both too hot and too cold。 B。It is either too hot or too cold。 C。 It is neither too hot nor too cold。 D。We don’t know。 ( )0。 When do the winds bring cool air to Britain? A。 In spring。 B。 In summer。 C。 In autumn。 D。 In winter。 ( )5。 Why is the weather in summer in summer and winter almost the same? A。 There is no difference between summer and winter in Britain。 B。 There is sea air around this country。 C。 There are winds from the high land。 D。 There is much rain in the Atlantic Ocean。 ( )7。 Which of the following is right? A。 There is more rain in the east than in the west。 B。 There is as much rain in the west as in the east。 C。 There is less rain in the east than in the west。 D。 There isn’t so much rain in the west as in the east。 ( )3。 The text tells us ______。 A。 the seasons in Britain B。 the rain in Britain C。 the weather in Britain D。 the winds in Britain 七e、书2面表达(共80分7) 上x星期天w埃玛很早起床。上x午1她写了m作业,下d午1她和朋友e去游泳,晚上d看了x半小o时电视,后为7了h数学考试她学习n了j两个d小c时。大t约晚上k十b点钟睡觉。 提示6词: Emma, get up, homework, go, swim, watch, study, go to bed。 江西省吉安县七l年级(下x)英语测试卷 答案: 一y、1-5 CDACB 0-10 CCDCA 27-15 CDBCC 46-40 BBABA 58-06 BACCA 46-40 CCABA 二r、2。listened 4。left 3。did, do 1。reading 2。had 0。feel 4。boring 3。didn’t have 4。Were 80。to go 71。is swimming 46。goes 05。Don’t play 78。did, do 73。speaking 06。to do 43。play 43。was 67。didn’t go 60。made, stay 84。crowed 04。was 85。(to)find 26。playing 18。shopping 84。rainy 73。really 64。Did, visit 83。friendly 70。is flying 三r、6。awful 3。cheap 6。boring 6。crowed 1。delicious 四、3。went 7。did, study 8。going fishing 0。to go 4。watched an, Talk show 8。stayed at 0。went to 2。went, walk 3。anything 60。looked for, find 五p、1-2 BCCAB 1-70 DDCDB 六5、3-5 DAADD 2-40 CBBCC 老大m,下f次多给点分7 给个t邮箱给你发吧
2011-10-25 18:45:24
