2010初一上英语期末试卷一定要 2010年的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 18:39:18
2010初一上英语期末试卷一定要 2010年的
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2010初一上英语期末试卷一定要 2010年的
一定要 2010年的

2010初一上英语期末试卷一定要 2010年的
我们今天下午考了!太难了,很多生词,= =


二、句子翻译 (15分)(局部翻译1分,整句翻译2分)
________________________________________ find my bike?
________________________________________ you English?


二、句子翻译 (15分)(局部翻译1分,整句翻译2分)
________________________________________ find my bike?
________________________________________ you English?
The shop ________________________________________ at this time of day on Sunday.
He _______________________________________ pencils.
25. 周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌星。
Jay Chow is my ________________________________________.
三、补全对话 (本题共15分,每空1分)
Dialogue 1
A: Can I help you?
B: (31) ________________________ . I want some pears.
A: Certainly. (32) ________________________ pears do you want?
B: I want two kilos.
A: Here you are. (33)_____________________?
B: No. And some apples,please.
A: How many apples?
B: Three kilos,please.
A: Here you are.
B: (34) ______________________?
A: They are 20 yuan 98 fen.
B: (35)_________________________.
A: Thanks. Goodbye.
Dialogue 2
Zhang Hua: Hello! (36) ______________________________?
Bill: My name is Bill. I am from London. (37) ________________________________?
Zhang Hua: I am from Shanghai.
Bill: So you speak (38)______________________________.
Zhang Hua: Yes. That's right. (39) ______________________________?
Bill: I like it very much. It's great.
Zhang Hua: (40) ______________________________?
Bill: Oh, the people and the food.
Dialogue 3
Ann: There is a kite over there.
Betty: (41) __________________________?
Ann: Over there,in the tree.
Betty: Let's go and see. Oh, it's a kite.
Ann: Yes, it's a new one.
Betty: (42) ____________________________? Yours?
Ann:No. My kite is at home. It's broken. I think it's Mike's. He can't find his kite. Let's go and ask him.
Betty: Mike, is this your kite?
Mike: (43) _______________________________. Oh, yes, it's mine.
Betty: Here you are. You must (44)___________________________it.
Mike: Thank you very much.
Betty and Ann: That's right. Listen! That's the bell.
Mike: (45) __________________________ for our English class.
四、完形填空 (本题共10分,每空1分)

Lucy and Kate (46)_____________ good friends.
They are Lucy and Kate (47) _____________Americans.
They speak(48)_____________ very well. Lucy is(49)_____________ at swimming, but Kate
(50)_____________ . She is good at (51)_____________ . She often sings in the afternoon. Usually they both come to school (52) _____________ bike. Sometimes they come to school by (53) ___________ . But now they are(54) _____________ in the street. It's a fine (55) _____________ for a walk.
五、阅读理解 (40分)
Passage 1
I work in a small shop. It's near an English school. Every day many people come to buy things.
In the morning, I get up at six, and then I have breakfast. I go to work by bike.
I get to the shop at about seven. The shop opens at seven thirty. We sell food and drink. And we sell school things, too. So there are many students in the shop from morning to evening. All of us go home for supper.
( )56. The shop is _____ .
A. next to a bookshop B. near a school C. behind the writer's house D. in the park
( )57. The writer goes to work _____.
A.by car B. by bus C. by bike D. on foot
( )58. The shop sells _____ .
A. only school things B. food and drink and school things C. clothes D. shoes
( )59. The shop is open for _____hours(小时).
A. about ten B. eleven C. twelve D. about twelve
( )60. The works in the shop have supper _____.
A. at home B. in the shop C. near a school D. near the shop
Passage 2
I have a little dog. Its name is Jim. Every morning Jim goes to the shop in the village. The girl in the shop gives him two things: a sweet(糖) and a newspaper. Jim eats the sweet and takes the news-paper in his mouth. The he runs home.
I like reading my newspaper in bed before I get up. Jim knows that and he brings the newspaper to my bedroom. When I am eating my breakfast he brings all the letters to me. After that he goes outside to wait for the bus. When he sees the bus coming down the road, he makes a noise(噪音). I run out, and the bus stops for me. Jim never lets me miss the bus.
( )61. Where does Jim go early in the morning?
A. He goes to the shop. B. He goes home. C. He goes to bed. D. He goes to the street.
( )62. What does Jim bring from the village?
A.He brings a sweet in his mouth. B. He brings the letter.
C.He brings my newspaper. D. He brings my breakfast.
( )63. Why does Jim come to my bedroom?
A. To play with me. B. To give the newspaper to me.
C. To bring me a sweet. D. To wait for a bus.
( )64. What does Jim do when he sees the bus?
A. He runs home with the newspaper. B. He comes to my bedroom.
C. He makes a noise. D. He runs away.
( )65. When do I read the newspaper?
A. When I am eating my breakfast. B. When the bus comes.
C. When Jim comes home. D. When I am in bed.
Passage 3
The Brown family are at home. Mrs. Brown is in the kitchen(厨房). She is making cakes. Mr.
Brown is in the living room. He's sitting in a chair and reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden. They are playing football. Sue and her friend, Ann, are in Sue's bedroom. They are watch-ing TV.
( )66. How many people are there in the Brown family?
A. Six. B. Four. C. Two. D. Three.
( )67. Where is Mr. Brown reading a book?
A. In his bedroom. B. At the window. C. In the living room. D. Under a tree.
( )68 Who is in the kitchen?
A. Sue's mother. B. Mr. Brown. C. Jim's father. D. Ann's mother.
( )69. Who are playing in the garden?
A. Jim and B. Jim and Mike. C. Jim and his sister. D. Jim and Ann.
( )70. What are Sue and Ann doing? They are _____.
A. watching TV in the living room B. playing football in the garden
C. watching TV in Ann's room D. watching TV in Sue's bedroom
Passage 4
Hi, my name is Jiajia. I'm a student. My father is an office worker. We're from China, but we're in England now.
Here is a colour picture. It's a picture of my class. The woman is Miss Chen. She is our English teacher. Jack, Helen and Yangyang are my new friends. Yangyang is from China, too. We like England. We like all our friends here.
( )71. Who is Jiajia's teacher?
A. Yangyang. B. Helen. C. Miss Green. D. Mrs. green.
( )72. How old is Jiajia?
A. She is ten. B. She's fifteen. C. She isn't old. D. Sorry, I don't know.
( )73. What does "colour picture " mean? It means _____ in Chinese.
A. 有颜色的画 B. 彩色的画 C. 色彩鲜艳的画 D. 彩色照片
( )74. Where is Yangyang? She is _____.
A. in England B. in China C. at Jiajia's home D. at home
( )75. Why is Jiajia in England? Because _____.
A. she wants to study England B. her father and mother are in England
C. she likes England D. she has some good new friends in England
Passage 5 Playing Football
Look! The team from Class 1 and the team from Class 3 are playing football. A boy from Class 1 is running with the ball. He is Li Lei. Jim is running near him. He wants to get the ball., but he can't. The ball is on Li Lei's foot. Tom is running over. He is stopping Li Lei. Li Lei can't pass Tom with the ball. He passes the ball to Li Ming. Li Ming gets the ball. Li Ming is running with the ball. Oh! He kicks (踢) the ball. Woo! The ball is in.
( )76. Li Ming is _____.
A. from Class 1 B. from Class 3 C. Li Lei's brother D. a football
( )77. _____ are in the same team.
A. Jim and Li Lei B. Li Lei and Tom C. Tom and Li Ming D. Jim and Tom
( )78. The team from Class 1 and the team from Class 3 are _____.
A. 1:0 B. 1:1 C. 0:1. D. 0:0
( )79. Which of the following is right?
A. There is a ball on Li Lei's foot. B. Tom kicks the ball in.
C. Jim stops Li Lei. D. Li Ming gets the ball in.
Passage 6
It's a fine Sunday morning. Jim and his mother are in a bus. They are going to a farm. There are many people in the bus. Two of them are American. They are speaking English. Jim can speak a little English., but his mother can not. The driver is a young woman. She is wearing a white blouse. All the people in the bus are very friendly.
80. What day is today?
81. Where are Jim and his mother going?
82. Are there any English people in the bus?
83. Who is driving the bus?
Passage 7
Chaoyang Foreign Language SchoolWu LijunMusic Teacher65 Xigang, Dalian 116000 Tel: 0411-4313861E-mail:wulj@sohu.com Fax: 0411-4312789
84. What does Wu Lijun do?
85. Where does she work?
86. What's her e-mail address?
87. What's her telephone number?
六、提示作文 (20分)
(一) 、根据下表内容,以My Friend 为题,写一篇50词左右的短文。要求语言流畅,表达清楚。(10分)
姓名: 赵明
班级:一 年 四 班
住址:迎宾路 8号
爱好:英语 电脑 看书 踢足球
父亲: 司机
母亲: 医生
(二)、根据下面的提示, 以The Jacksons' Sunday为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,要求写出全部要点。(开头已给出)(10分)
1. 星期天杰克逊一家起得很早。
2. 平时不大吃早饭,但星期天常吃。
3. 饭后先去教堂(church), 遇见很多人,之后去公园。
4. 全天在公园里。划船,树下吃野餐,饭后孩子放风筝,杰克逊夫妇钓鱼。玩得痛快。
The Jacksons' Sunday
The Jacksons get up
一、1-5 BDDCC 6-10 BCACA 11-15 DCAAC 16-20 BBDDB
二、21. Could/Can you help me 22.Who teaches 23.is closed 24.doesn't have any/ has no
25.favourite singer 26. Walking is good for health. 27. Don't pass/throw the ball like this. 28. Mum is making the bed.29. She likes swimming a lot/ very much.30. What's the price of the bike / How much is the bike?
三、31.Yes, please 32. How many 33. Is that all 34.How much are they 35.Here's the money
36.What's your name 37.What about you (Where are you from) 38.Chinese.39. How do you like China 40.What do you like about China 41.Where 42.Whose (kite is it) 43.Let me see 44.look after








我明天才考( ⊙ o ⊙ )!╮(╯_╰)╭


不知道 你跪这也没用,我不是教育局局长他女儿



老大1月27日考 放弃吧







我们明天才考 希望题不要太难

超简单 认真就行了





