
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 09:21:58
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Good morning.
I went to ChangZhou, another city not far away from SuZhou, for business.
Sorry i can not inform you in time, dont be upset about this.
I will be home early on Friday, wondering if you have time at that time.
I am serious about the relationship between you and me.
Trust me!

Good morning. Because yesterday morning I will go to another city of jiangsu changzhou.
So, before Friday night earlier than I go home.
Because the language in the relationship, I cannot say w...


Good morning. Because yesterday morning I will go to another city of jiangsu changzhou.
So, before Friday night earlier than I go home.
Because the language in the relationship, I cannot say with you understand.
If because this makes you feel unhappy, I feel very sorry.
I will be back in this afternoon of suzhou, do not know whether you happy to see me.
Don't think I have other lover. If you always think so, I will feel very frustrated.
Or, you always think I had lied to you, I will also frustrated.


Good morning. Because yesterday morning I'm going to another city of Changzhou in Jiangsu Province.
So Friday night I came home earlier than before.
Because of the language barrier, I can no...


Good morning. Because yesterday morning I'm going to another city of Changzhou in Jiangsu Province.
So Friday night I came home earlier than before.
Because of the language barrier, I can not tell you in time to understand.
If you do not because it makes you feel happy, I'm sorry.
I will be back this afternoon, Suzhou, do not know if you want to see me.
Do not think I had other lovers. If you have been so that I would feel very lost.
Or, you always think that I deceive you, I also will be lost.


Good morning. Because yesterday morning I'm going to another city of Changzhou in Jiangsu Province.
So Friday night I came home earlier than before.
Because of the language barrier, I can no...


Good morning. Because yesterday morning I'm going to another city of Changzhou in Jiangsu Province.
So Friday night I came home earlier than before.
Because of the language barrier, I can not tell you in time to understand.
If you do not because it makes you feel happy, I'm sorry.
I will be back this afternoon, Suzhou, do not know if you want to see me.
Do not think I had other lovers. If you have been so that I would feel very lost.
Or, you always think that I deceive you, I also will be lost.


英语翻译早上好.因为昨天早上我要去江苏的另外一个城市常州.所以,星期五晚上我回家比之前要早.因为语言不通的关系,我无法及时跟你说明白.如果因为这个让你感到不开心,我感到很抱歉. 求帮我翻泽下面的汉语到英语.不要软件翻泽的.先在这里谢谢你们了早上好.你昨天给我发的信息早上才看到了.我现在要和张静出发去欢乐谷了.希望你今天过的开心.很想你.想我的时候打电话 英语翻译早上好!我给大家读一篇文章,就是这句啊!要是口语话的啊!因为就要轮到我去讲台上朗读英语啊! 英语翻译今天,我早上起来就帮妈妈去超市买东西,因为今天是我奶奶的生日,家里要来许多人. 因为昨天的雨,我感冒了!怎么用英语翻译 昨天我和我的朋友去放风筝. 英语翻译 昨天早上,我向父母打电话告别 用英语翻译 英语翻译我家的规矩我家一周只允许我玩4个小时的电脑.早上6点要起床因为我要去上学.我父母不允许我去网吧因为那里一点也不好.周末还要我去补课.一补就是一天.我很郁闷. 英语翻译:我昨天去了动物园 昨天我去了动物园 英语翻译 (英语翻译)他昨天早上7点钟起来的. 英语翻译1我昨天没去开会,因为我母亲病了.2---上礼拜谁没来?---吉米没来. 江苏版六年级语文练习册的桃花心木我忘了这篇文章,因为我要达到空间里去.帮忙求求你们了!期待 用英语翻译我昨天在街上看见了我的朋友.去年,我去了北京.他们昨天高兴. 英语翻译2013年3月9日 晴今天早上,我做了一件“坏事”.早上我是最早起床的,那时候家人还在睡觉.我去妈妈的房间找我昨天放在她房间的手机.结果吵醒了她,看到是我就要求我为全家人煮一锅 英语翻译你们想知道我昨天的遭遇么?昨天早上我骑车去公园游玩,到了海边,我把自行车停在了树丛后面,就去看大海,那儿的景色真迷人.五分钟后当我回来发现车子不见了,我急忙跑到电话亭报 英语翻译早上好,看你还在睡觉没有叫醒你.我早上临时有事要出去一下,早餐已为你准备好放在餐桌上叻.你起来之后可以自己在小区里散散步,呼吸下新鲜空气,家里的钥匙给伱留在床头柜的抽 我早上要去北京的一家西餐厅.英语怎么说