请高手赐教一道数值流体力学的计算题Find the steady state distribution of the following problems:For Re=1,10,100,1000Use central difference,upwind difference and hybrid difference schemes.The flov is hydrodynamically fully developed Pr

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 13:45:54
请高手赐教一道数值流体力学的计算题Find the steady state distribution of the following problems:For Re=1,10,100,1000Use central difference,upwind difference and hybrid difference schemes.The flov is hydrodynamically fully developed Pr
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请高手赐教一道数值流体力学的计算题Find the steady state distribution of the following problems:For Re=1,10,100,1000Use central difference,upwind difference and hybrid difference schemes.The flov is hydrodynamically fully developed Pr
Find the steady state distribution of the following problems:
For Re=1,10,100,1000
Use central difference,upwind difference and hybrid difference schemes.
The flov is hydrodynamically fully developed Pr is 0.7.

请高手赐教一道数值流体力学的计算题Find the steady state distribution of the following problems:For Re=1,10,100,1000Use central difference,upwind difference and hybrid difference schemes.The flov is hydrodynamically fully developed Pr
Pr 是普朗特数吧 ,flov可能就是flow吧,流动是充分发展的,但如果只是充纯流动问题,提供这样一个传热参数是什么意思?
