英语翻译Public i As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Command2.Caption = "停止" ThenLabel3.ForeColor = &HFF&Timer1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Caption = "继续"Lis

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:43:57
英语翻译Public i As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Command2.Caption =
xX[OG+#W[q_H (Rdo&*' $!(Q(\K=3W{6m՗̹Ϲ|@vH]=Tk墡֞ݙIXF䦹ܝ?949@B:$CgoOsP`$O$DSNg |yy4s#$Q/o ๒\\f49;j:!aL/ÁȥfE5B\Z QYֶY!F3"i*~x?mAD#^v+ K}!RM?cL۰?ZJH= ȣATeHJ,,7H a{3(t\z;~i[#vH|]>b壭vU>fYAYY8¶+>t'qt[Bـ k.PX~I:qta7EDoՐ/68r_#ak\؃x'QY#Xu\PL;UY.ԽKmljE^-ap{ٳ̃0Y>Oה|4&G+]T*(_.Fs.ArV߁/%j7tgEU^?c#`AˎxaWO[<ͨpQ'Ƨ}©xB:ez ˡxiC-AvqL";ʓZ7&,_/MkP:UO+#̂3rڎZ~L H+ŁЂYSk \|+ ri(sKa-H) |ěڶ\^˛ʻ:[r3+m'` K[=|Z{[{Ì5aV l<_|=?BؕCDr#|¨C"":R?}+',i̦Q &$`*@lB&APJO͍5\wJуK;do!Z:xRSnOS59)H:uuHa "*x. MjxVOJՏx (Gvn6?~zӏh1?GՏZb1޵e 3tޒ s jː?_x :>Hh4T6Nmuuyt Rq}]*g0@j@ |OlS+0yU\/\g!d q

英语翻译Public i As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Command2.Caption = "停止" ThenLabel3.ForeColor = &HFF&Timer1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Caption = "继续"Lis
Public i As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Timer1.Enabled = True
Command1.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
If Command2.Caption = "停止" Then
Label3.ForeColor = &HFF&
Timer1.Enabled = False
Command2.Caption = "继续"
List2.AddItem Label3.Caption
List1.RemoveItem Label3.Tag
If List2.ListCount = 5 Then
For i = 0 To 4
msg = msg & "☆" & String(10," ") & List2.List(i) & String(10," ") & "☆" & vbCrLf
Next i
MsgBox msg,vbOKOnly,"中奖的号码为"
End If
Timer1.Enabled = True
Command2.Caption = "停止"
Label3.ForeColor = &H0&
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = False
fileno = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\电话号码.txt" For Input As #fileno
Do While Not EOF(fileno)
Input #fileno,b
List1.AddItem b
Close #fileno
List1.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
i = i + 1
If i >= List1.ListCount Then i = 0
Label1.Caption = Label2.Caption
Label1.Tag = Label2.Tag
Label2.Caption = Label3.Caption
Label2.Tag = Label3.Tag
Label3.Caption = Label4.Caption
Label3.Tag = Label4.Tag
Label4.Caption = Label5.Caption
Label4.Tag = Label5.Tag
Label5.Caption = List1.List(i)
Label5.Tag = i
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
Static i As Single
i = i + 1
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then
Label6.ForeColor = &HFF&
Label6.ForeColor = RGB(0,250,0)
End If
End Sub

英语翻译Public i As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Command2.Caption = "停止" ThenLabel3.ForeColor = &HFF&Timer1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Caption = "继续"Lis
Public i As Integer '定义全局变量i
Private Sub Command1_Click() '按钮1点击事件
Timer1.Enabled = True '计时器Timer1的Enabled属性为真(即计时器生效)
Command1.Visible = False '按钮1Visible属性为假,即按钮1设置为不可见
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() '按扭2事件
If Command2.Caption = "停止" Then '当按钮2的名称为"停止"时
Label3.ForeColor = &HFF& 'Label3(标签3)的文字颜色为红色
Timer1.Enabled = False '计时器停止
Command2.Caption = "继续" '按钮2的名称修改为 "继续"
List2.AddItem Label3.Caption '将标签3(Label3)的内容加入到List2中
List1.RemoveItem Label3.Tag '将标签3(Label3)的tag属性值从List1中移除
If List2.ListCount = 5 Then '当List2列表中的对象数量为5时
For i = 0 To 4 '循环0-4(5次循环)
msg = msg & "☆" & String(10," ") & List2.List(i) & String(10," ") & "☆" & vbCrLf
Next i ‘msg = msg + "☆" + 10个" " + List2中的一个对象 + 10个" " + "☆" + 换行
MsgBox msg,vbOKOnly,"中奖的号码为" '弹出消息对话框,显示msg这段文字
End If
Else '否则
Timer1.Enabled = True '计时器开始
Command2.Caption = "停止" '按钮2的名称设为 "停止"
Label3.ForeColor = &H0& '标签3的文字颜色为黑色
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = False '计时器停止
fileno = FreeFile
Open App.Path & "\电话号码.txt" For Input As #fileno ‘读取文本文件 电话号码.txt
Do While Not EOF(fileno) ’读到最后一行时结束
Input #fileno,b ‘读取txt文件中的一行内容
List1.AddItem b ’将这行内容加入到List1中
Close #fileno ‘关闭文本文件
List1.Visible = False ’List1设置为不可见
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() '计时器1
i = i + 1
If i >= List1.ListCount Then i = 0 '当i的值大于List1中对象的数量时
Label1.Caption = Label2.Caption '标签1的内容 = 标签2的内容
Label1.Tag = Label2.Tag ‘标签1的tag值=标签2的tag值
Label2.Caption = Label3.Caption ’标签2的内容=标签3的内容
Label2.Tag = Label3.Tag '标签2的tag值=标签3的tag值
Label3.Caption = Label4.Caption ‘标签3的内容=标签4的内容
Label3.Tag = Label4.Tag '标签3的tag值=标签4的tag值
Label4.Caption = Label5.Caption ‘标签4的内容=标签5的内容
Label4.Tag = Label5.Tag '标签4的tag值=标签5的tag值
Label5.Caption = List1.List(i) ’标签5的内容 = List1中的一行
Label5.Tag = i '标签5的tag值=i
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Timer() '计时器2
Static i As Single '定义静态变量 i
i = i + 1
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then '如果i为偶数
Label6.ForeColor = &HFF& '标签6的字体颜色为红色
Else '否则
Label6.ForeColor = RGB(0,250,0) '标签6的字体颜色为 RGB(0,250,0)
End If
End Sub

英语翻译Jag bryr mig inte,inte uppmärksammar mig 英语翻译2.Something we may do when we meetI can do a lot of things with my friends when we get together.And as time goes by,our friendship is growing.For example,I can play computer games and go jogging with them.Playing computer games is so inte 英语翻译jag har inte tid göra allt.jag klara inte av det.vill dör SAT语法题高手入1.Many communities in my state are forming neighborhood watch program () criminals.为什么是programs that will deter而是不programs for the deterrence of?2.Few issues of public policy are as likely to provoke widespread inte 英语翻译public concertschool orchestra 英语翻译All of these methods use RSA public key cryptography.In the EMV environment,the payment system acts as a certification authority and creates issuer public key certificates by signing each issuer’s public keys.Issuers act as certificatio 英语翻译All of these methods use RSA public key cryptography.In the EMV environment,the payment system acts as a certification authority and creates issuer public key certificates by signing each issuer’s public keys.Issuers act as certificatio 英语翻译Public i As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Timer1.Enabled = TrueCommand1.Visible = FalseEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()If Command2.Caption = 停止 ThenLabel3.ForeColor = &HFF&Timer1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Caption = 继续Lis 英语翻译Another common feature of advertising to children is the use of product disclosures and disclaimers such as “batteries not included” or “each part sold separately.” Studies make clear that young children do not comprehend the inte 英语翻译i was employed as a bartender in 10 public houses in lreland for 8 years,in 3 out 10 pubs i worked as a genanal manager.perfect english spesking,perfect personality.good knowledge about hotel management,marketing.during those 8years,i als 英语翻译and I fully understand the fears and hesitations the american public may have about the mutants helping rebuild this great nation...but I can only ask that you trust them as I do.as your president does.it is only by granting certain mutan 英语翻译Access to Institutions and Public Goods.Investments made by government or other public institutions - such as public spending for specialized infrastructure or educational programs-can enhance a company's productivity.The ability to recru 英语翻译I can tell you with the public.怎么翻译I can tell you work with the public.work怎么解释?怎么翻译句子 感觉上下文不通 英语翻译翻译 a public course 英语翻译public limitations on land 英语翻译Arturo Toscanini,who conducted the first public performance of many world-famous operas (such as Othello and La Boheme),is regarded as the greatest conductor of the first part of the twentieth century.At the age of nineteen,he joined an I 英语翻译it‘s all very well to say that,but it's quite new to our buying public.anyway,since we are in urgent need of the items,we’ll take 200 cases this time,and give item No.9 a try .but i hope we can come back to No.6 as soon as your next s 英语翻译I do not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals.It is about ideas,the public good,and doing what is best for the state of New York.…… ……I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might have been but I a