
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:45:48
some和son的发音相同么 英语翻译 in this age of internet chat,videogames and reality television,there is no shortage od mindless activities to keep a child occupied 英语翻译any other 后面不应该接名词单数么?为什么是any other ideas? 求英译中,There is no more reality in the dollarThere is no more reality in the dollar than there is in a virtual island,than there is in the color of a car.Value is what society makes of it. 去美国上高中是要考小托福还是托福?顺便有好点的课外班推荐吗? I read many English books.改错 改错I have too much books to read Make and Jane have many English books.对books进行改错 单句改错 I like read English books on weekends. 改错:I have many homework to do and Julie has many books to read. there is another major contributor that can no longer be ignored: 英语翻译 请问 有人说 read books on literature 是错的?应该是 read litteratures 到底是哪个? There is on such thing as darkness .only a failure to see There is no such thing as a bad time to go to Vietnam.翻译成汉语 翻译:It is just that sometimes they don't have the opportunity to do so 孔子有后代吗? 孔子后代 孔子的后代是谁? 六级英语作文用词在这种作文中能用点熟词辟意吗? 六级高频词878 阅读时逗号和句号分别停顿多少秒? stop thinking too girl you have to know how much I loved you Still just can't stop thinking of you请翻译这句话 孔子认为自己学习和教导别人时应采取的态度是什么句子 英语翻译殷因于夏礼,所损益,可知也;周因于殷礼,所损益,可知也.谁可以帮我翻译还有没有能让我更透彻理解这句话的解释 九年级英语1~5单元单词不知道用的哪一版,总之是九年级英语,上下册合成一本,橘色的封面,只要一到五单元的单词,谢谢~~ 概率统计在博彩中的应用 用英语怎么说 英语基础特差的同学咋样提高词汇量最轻松? 本人英语基础不是很好,想大量增加词汇量,请问一下大家什么书籍最好? 英语基础差想提高词汇量我需要买那写书 当别人不了解甚至误解自己时,孔子认为采取“ ”的态度,才是君子之风.论语的话!