
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:48:35
已知中心在原点,左、右顶点A1、A2在x轴上,离心率为e1=根号21/3的双曲线C1经过点P(6,6)(1)求双曲线C1的标准方程.(2)若椭圆C2以A1、A2为左、右焦点,离心率为e2,且e1、e2为方程x^2+mx+√21/5=0的两实根, 方程式计算 3x+5y=70 10x+7y=185怎么算出x和y .奔4的人了.这些东西已经都忘了怎么算了. 求2011国内和国际新闻各10条! 学国际新闻(西班牙语)怎么样? 读后感50字到八十字今天之内5篇 若函数y=—x+m²与y=4x—1的图像交于x轴,则m的值为 初三英语完成句子及词汇填空,怎么写?1.男孩儿说了一个字,面带紧张的笑容,其他人饶有兴趣地看着他.The boy said a word _______ ______ ______ ______ and the other people watched him with interest.2.Last Sunday I took 初三英语句子填空晚上她害怕独自一人 She is afraid of —— ——at night你仍然害怕站在高处吗?Are you——afraid of ——in high places?我的同伴对狗和蛇很恐惧 My partner—— —— ——dogs and snakes杰克 初三英语句子填空,1.She said,"Many students have taken part in the 11th National Games as volunteers"(改同义句)She said many students _ _ part in the 11th National Games as volunteers.2.He provided much help for us.(改同义句 1.Jack has gone to school.(用by the time改写)Jack _______ ________ to school by the time I called him.2.The story was very interesting.I could never forget it.The story was ________ _________ ________ I could never forget it.3.I was late for s 1 They talked on and on until eleven o'clock at night.(同义句)They didn't ----- ----- until eleven o'clock at night.2 We found that he is a clever boy.(同义句)We ----- ----- to be very clever.动词填空1 After a day's hard work,her flat - 若函数y=-x+m²;与y=4x-1的图象交于X轴上的一点,则m为?若函数y=-x+m²与y=4x-1的图象交于X轴上的一点,则m为? 4x2;+y2;-5x-4y+5=0,则x÷y—y÷x= 物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,5s后改为匀速直线运动,又过25s改作匀减速直线运动,再过10s停止,一共物体从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,5s后改为匀速直线运动,又过25s改作匀减速直线运 初三英语填空1.I _____(know) her since she___(be) a girl.2.My head h___ when I heard the news.3.Could you please r____ me of the time when you leave?4.Mrs Clark was very a____ that her daughter still didn't go home.5.This is a ____(peace) period 求填空 初三英语填空 急 已知x=2007,y=2008,求x^2+2xy+y^2/5x^2-4xy除以x+y/5x-4y再+x^2-y/x的值 已知x=2007,y=2008,求x²-2xy+y²/5x²-4xy÷x+y/5x-4y+x²-y/x 啊若函数y=-x+m²与y=4x-1的图象交于X轴上的一点,则m的值为? 填空 三个不相等的实数a,b,c成等差数列,且abc成等比数列,则a/b等于?(过程哦,谢谢)额,不好意思哦,是我太马虎了,题目应改为且a、c、b成等比数列 道可道, “道可道,非常道”什么意思啊? y=丨x²-4x+3丨函数图象怎么画,求高人指点 y=-x²+2lxl+3的函数图象 初三英语填空(都要 已知函数f(x)=e^x-kx(x属于R)(1)若k=e,试确定函数f(x)的单调区间(2)若k>O且对任意x属干R,f(|x|)>O恒成立,求k的范围 高中数学题已知函数F(X)=log9(9^x+1)+kx(k属于R是偶函数 第一题求实数K 第二题设函数g(X)=二分之一x加m已知函数F(X)=log9(9^x+1)+kx(k属于R是偶函数 第一题求实数K 第二题设函数g(X)=二分之一x M-MN=21;MN-NN=-15,求MM-2MN+NN (题目没得错)麻烦帮下我, 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名.谁能具体解释下? 若m,n满足m+n=-2005 mn=7,求(mm+2004m+6)(nn+2006n+8)