
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 06:21:43
"经营部"用英语怎么说部门要挂牌子,让我把经营部的英语教上去,最权威的说法是什么? 从下列中选择单词或词组并用其正确形式填空,每次限用一次.how much;few;something;good;think about;for;plan;keep;try;illnessEating healthy food is important.One important thing of 86.__ a healthy diet isn't the kind of diet you e 用下列短语的正确形式填空,每个限用一次 短语(1.fall sleep 2.favourite hobby 3.at breakfast 4.in pieces 5.reply to 6.divide...be 7.take a ferry 8.in tens 9.happen to 10.work as 11.hold out 12.dress up)1.my mother’s________is playin love means never having to say you're sorry 及物动词能用在被动语态中吗? 为什么有些及物动词不能用于被动语态,或者用主动表被动怎么记忆? 及物动词什么时候不用被动语态还有the door opened为什么不用被动语态?the door open有这样说的么?the door opened为什么是不及物动词呢? 关于英语被动语态的句子词组短语1.驾照 2.放假休息 3.对.严肃 4.同意 句子翻译1.更长的假期能给我们做不少事情的时间,比如志愿活动Longer vacations would give us time ( )( )( )like volunteering2.做一名 如有可能将句子变为被动语态,有必要加上by短语 1.people grow corn in many countries2.peter came here two months ago3.someone made this antique table in 19004.great changes have taken place in beijing these years5.an accident happened 什么英语词组无被动语态 让我们都不再孤单 用英语怎么说? 分析句子(英语初中水平) 哪个句子是被动语态,短语、时态等我都要知道(好的“逐情”加分喔)A:my name's rebecca.my brother's five years younger than me.ny parents didn't make me look after him but i enjoyed it love means never having to say you're sorry 请按218-5490给Tom打电话用英文怎么说 软件测试中 check in test 是什么 美德好比是荣誉的种子,播种谦让的美德,必然会收获人格的荣誉.的理解. 急啊! 第二题阅读下面的短文,从方框中选择单词,并适当形式填空 英语翻译要地道的 不要中式英语 两个词组是否合词伙 ④阅读下面的短文,从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空八下 “治理交通”用英文怎么说?(交通是traffic) traffic is bad___ ___ ___ ___(在交通高峰期) 英语翻译 一个玻璃瓶里一共装有44个弹珠,其中:白色的2个,红色的3个,绿色的4个,蓝色的5个,黄色的6个,棕色的7个,黑色的8个,紫色的9个.如果要求每次从中取出1个弹珠,从而得到2个相同颜色的弹珠,请问 为什么弹珠放进玻璃瓶里摇几下瓶子就碎了? 哥哥在玻璃瓶里放了红,黄,蓝,绿四种颜色的弹珠,共70颗.如把红,黄,绿三种弹珠的数量相乘,结果刚好与玻璃瓶里弹珠的总数相等.玻璃瓶里最少有蓝色弹珠多少? 四、从方框中选择适当的单词填空,完成短文.bigger,most,healthier,nearest,great,best,worst,relaxed,time,crowdedDear Tom,I’ve found the best place to be!One months ago,I joined a sports club.Now I feel fitter and __________ and more _ 根据短文内容,选择方框中所给单词的适当形式填空A man wanted to buy a horse.He went to the m--------(1),and saw one.But he wanted to t-------(2)him first.So he took the horse home,and put him into the stable with the o-------(3)hor 用英语怎么说企业中的各种职位称呼? I like ____.____ like to ____ ____China.我喜欢旅行,我想游览中国. 英语翻译She secretly had communicated with her friends once they drove up to get ready for the big surprise. Many foreigners like to learn Chinese culture.culture 为什么不加s. 英语选择提